Private Practice
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Goal Setting

January, 2011
In This Issue
From the Positive Perspective...Goal Setting
Quote of the month:
"We will open the book.  It's pages are blank.  We are going to put words on them ourselves.  The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."
Quote by: Edith Lovejoy Pierce, poet b. 1904



My Philosophy 

 My therapeutic philosophy is a combination of believing that discussions of the past can help you to understand where you have come from, which allows you to be able to define where you are today, which further aids in the creating of goals needed to help you reach your full potential. 

 I will treat you with compassion, understanding and respect, knowing that asking for help is not an easy thing to do.

Life is not always easy.  It doesn't come with a manual.  But it usually does come with an instinct to seek help when it is needed.


I welcome the opportunity to help you work through current issues and to look at your future with a sense of hope and purpose.



Hope the New Year finds you well.  I am very excited about the many challenges that lie ahead and look forward with hope and determination.  May this year bring you good health, a satisfying family life and a prosperous working life.


Please read my article in the January issue of Southlake Style Magazine if you live in the Southlake area.  If you do not receive the magazine, please visit their website at and click on the January, 2011 issue. The article is on pg.36 and references some helpful hints if you or someone you know is going through the process of divorce.


Enjoy the article below as well as the one in Southlake Style.......





Maryellen Dabal, MA, LMFTA

420 North Carroll Ave Suite 140

Southlake, TX 76092



From The Positive Perspective.......

It's January.  Those New Year's resolutions are being formed and promises to make a fresh start in various areas of your life are being made.  Whether you are vowing to get back to the gym, eat right, get more involved in your community, clean out that garage or plan to write that book that is stored somewhere in your brain, remember to take time out to celebrate the smaller milestones along the way to the grand goal. This could lead you to being more successful in that larger goal and making it more of a long term accomplishment.

For example, if your goal is relating to the gym, might I suggest starting out with a goal of going 1 or 2 more days per week than you are now, which for many, including me, means starting to go again.  Celebrate accomplishing that goal after a few weeks. Reward yourself for sticking with that commitment, even if it is a short time, it's more than you were doing before and should be recognized.  Then look forward another month or two and add one day a week for that month; add another day the following month until you reach the desired ultimate goal of attending that spin class or yoga class four to five times per week.  Making smaller goals along the way, or as I like to call it...the journey.... and rewarding yourself for moving in a positive direction can be much more rewarding and will be setting you up for success in that larger goal.

Be prepared for a setback or two along the way.  Life conditions will not always allow you to fulfill that goal and you may miss a week at that spin class due to illness or family emergency or an issue with your child.  Let it go, know you did what you had to do and move forward in the direction of the long term goal as soon as you can.  Then reward yourself once again for the accomplishments. 

Make the reward something of importance to you as well.  If the goal has to do with cleaning out the garage, pick one area of the garage to do at a time and celebrate your accomplishments with purchasing a new tool or with a special outing with the family.

The key is to make the goal achievable and to set you up for success in the New Year.  Goal setting can be challenging and rewarding at the same time if you look at it from the Positive Perspective.... 

I welcome feedback regarding the newsletter or questions about my practice and can be reached at  I cannot, however, give advice through email. For more information on my practice please visit my website:
I wish you well...