United Thank Offering (UTO) is known worldwide and is one of the oldest ministries of the Episcopal Church. All offerings submitted from the blue boxes are given out as grants. 

Applications are now available for the 2018 United Thank Offering Grants. In 2018, UTO is inviting all churches to embrace the JESUS movement to heal racial divisions within parishes and dioceses and to work toward "Becoming Beloved Communities. 

United Thank Offering will accept grant applications for:
  • Start-up costs of a new ministry not a continuance to the existing program
  • Seed money for start-up positions either full or part-time for a new ministry

United Thank Offering will  not fund :
  • Project site/programs for two consecutive years
  • Capital campaigns or debt reductions
  • Deferred maintenance (repairs or upgrades to the physical plant or facility must be tied to the specific ministry or project of the current application)

Applications, guidelines and helpful hints are available on-line to assist you with the writing of the grant.

Applications are due in the Diocese office on or before February 16, 2018, and should be sent to  [email protected] . Contact Cindy Olive, our Diocesan UTO Coordinator for more information. She can be reached at [email protected] .