Welcome to the

January 2024



Email the office
Subscribe to the LCOC YouTube Channel

Message from our New Pastor

Grace Meredith Casola

Happy New Year! I am so excited to jump into 2024 with all of you at Lutheran Church of the Covenant as your new pastor, beginning on January 15. When I first submitted my application for this role, one of my essays reflected on Isaiah 43:19 where God says, “Behold! I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” This verse suggests that God continues to work in the world with energy and potential, and we are blessed to be beneficiaries of and participants in that work. It was my great delight, then, to discover that this very same verse was a guiding passage in your 2022 annual report! This was one of the “God sightings” that helped me know the Spirit was moving me towards partnership with your congregation.

I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you, learning about the Dale City community, and discovering how we at LCOC can be a bold and joyful part of God’s “new thing.”  I hope that we can dream big dreams for the future of the church together, trusting that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37).

Pastor Grace


Announcement of the LCOC Annual Meeting

     The LCOC Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 7, 2024.

     There will be a pot luck luncheon following the 9:30 service, preceding the meeting.

       Candidates for the following offices are needed:


        Vice President




     Prayerfully consider volunteering for one of these offices.

     No former experience is required - as proven by the current president !

     Click here for the potluck signup sheet!

Lee Schumacher, LCOC Council President

Meet the Candidate event and Congregation Call Meeting

At 2 PM Saturday, December 9, 2023, the LCOC congregation finally got to meet the candidate to be our new pastor - Grace Casola. Attendees were provided her Curriculum Vita and the URLs for viewing two sermons Grace had given. After the Call Committee detailed why they though Grace should become our pastor, she said a few remarks. After a brief question and answer period, the congregation ate "finger food" provided by the council and Call Committee. After informal conversations with Grace, we adjourned, looking forward to the Sunday service that Grace would lead. (Since Grace has not yet been ordained, Pastor Susanne provided communion.) 

After the Sunday service, a Congregation Call Meeting was held, during which 30 yes votes, 0 no votes, and 0 abstentions were cast to give a call to Grace Casola; she immediately accepted our call. Plans are being made for her to become our pastor starting Monday, 15 January 2024.

Lee Schumacher, Council President

Click herefor more pictures.

Property Manager, Brian Richard

 When I arrived at 6:45 AM on Tuesday, 26 December, all of the Commercial Express HVAC, Inc. technicians, the crane, and the new HVAC equipment, still on the tractor/trailer, were at LCOC ready to go. Once I turned off the power to the old HVAC everyone was able to get to work. Even though it was a drippy rainy morning, this event would happen rain or shine. As you can see, the very long tractor/trailer made it into the LCOC property without incident and made a U-turn in our parking lot to position itself near the crane.  

   They first removed the new HVAC unit from the trailer and set it in the parking lot. After removing the freon gas coolant from the old HVAC unit, they removed the old HVAC and placed it directly onto the trailer. Then they picked up the new HVAC from the parking lot and placed it into position on the existing concrete slab. Because we ordered a similar unit to replace the old HVAC equipment, all the ductwork, electrical, and gas connections aligned perfectly and just needed to be reconnected.

   The rest of the day was spent connecting the electricity and gas, the old ducts to the new unit, and checking all the settings and running the equipment. A new digital, programmable thermostat is now present at the back of the sanctuary.

   I thank God for this new HVAC equipment. It took all of us to make this happen since we all contributed financially to the purchase of the new equipment. And, I thank God for the people who make deliver and install such equipment. Every person I talked to was professional courteous, and patient throughout the long delay in delivery due to supply chain issues.


Click here for more pictures

Council Meeting

The next Council meeting is on Monday,

January 8th at 7:00 PM via Zoom

Worship Committee

The next Worship Committee meeting will be via Zoom on Thursday, January 25th at 9:30 am


They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. (Acts 2:42)

Experiment with various spiritual practices so that we can deepen our relationship with God.

Some ideas include:
·      Storytelling
·      Prayer opportunities
·      Worship
·      Bible Studies

like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:5)

Develop clarity for how LCOC operates as a community of faith so that we can more fully live together in God’s ways.

Some ideas include:
·      Fellowship Opportunities
·      Incorporation of LCOC
·      Update Constitution
·      Ministry Team Development

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Make new connections so that we can widen God’s kingdom through the ministry of LCOC.

Some ideas include:
·      Outreach opportunities
·      Continued development of technology tools for worship and education 


NOTE: currently all of our events use the same information.



Worship Sundays

9:30 am

in-person and online via Zoom and YouTube Live!

December and January Worship Servers

Altar Flowers


If you would like to donate flowers in memory of loved ones or in honor of someone’s birthday or anniversary, etc.

please contact Noris in the office 

(telephone 703-670-4242)

Thank you! 


The Out to Lunch with Books (OTLWB) club will meet on January 8th at 12:00 noon to discuss The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger. All are welcome to attend. If you would like more information, please contact Diane DeGroodt.



Experience the joy of being God's hands in ministry

and serving with others!

Click here to learn more about being a part of a team
If you can play music on your computer OR use PowerPoint, OR have been the family videographer, OR you willing to learn, then you, too, can be a part of the Broadcast team!
Broadcast team email
Some ways to serve in worship include:
  • Assisting Minister
  • Reader
  • Usher
  • acolyte

Do you like to have fun or do you like to plan gatherings?
Would you be willing to plan ONE event this year and/or work with several people to plan an event(s)?




Angela Payne

University of Mary Washington

Thank you all for your cards! It means so much to me that I have your support here at Mary Washington. So far my classes are great and I am acing all of them. I even have a 100% in statistics! One of my classes, scene painting, also gave me the opportunity to paint scenes for the play Matilda which was really exciting. When I’m not doing school work I enjoy playing soccer, practicing piano, and going to church. I’ve also joined a couple clubs such as botany club and Big Brother Big Sister. All in all it’s been a busy and fun semester. Thanks again for all the cards. <3

Jillian Rosenquist

University of Mary Washington

Thank you for all the cards you’ve sent! You all will be happy to know I am studying hard and excelling in all my classes with a 102% on my last geography exam! I’ve also joined lots of clubs like botany, Environmental Action and Awareness, and Campus Programing Board which plans big events like Mary Rock and smaller, weekly events like Bingo (which I get to call for!). I was also accepted in to a job position for the UMW catering at a whopping $15.50 an hour! Overall, I’m having a fantastic time at Mary Washington and appreciate your continuous support.

Grace Kostrzebski

Virginia Tech

Although it’s been tough being so far away from my family, I’ve been having lots of fun at Virginia Tech. I’ve joined many different clubs here at Tech, even becoming part of the Dining Services Student Advisory Committee here where I get to taste test all the new food going into the dining halls. Frankly, I thinks that’s been the highlight of my freshman year. I’ve also been hard at work in my classes helping create a museum exhibit focusing on the history of Virginia Tech and Kentland Farms. It’s been great fun! Thank you so much for the support you all have given me! It wonderful to get cards in the mail and know someone cares. :)

Sarah Sutton

University of Kansas

After spending my freshman year at Drake, I transferred to the University of Kansas to further my rowing career. On the rowing team, I was selected for a leadership position within the first month I was there. I also was on the travel team the entirety of the season which culminated with Big 12s. I hold a leadership position in Athlete Ally, an athletics club which is committed to support LGBT+ student athletes on and off the field.

I am a Religious Studies and Jewish Studies double major. I have maintained a 4.0 gpa. Currently, I am learning Hebrew and starting to prep for Grad school applications. Academics is by far my favorite part of college and I hope to pursue a doctorate after I graduate.

Drew Perkoski

Temple Law School

Drew is in their second year of law school at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Their focus is on housing law, working on projects covering rent regulation and the Fair Housing Act. They have completed clinical work with the Urban Justice Center and AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania and look forward to joining Mobilization for Justice this Summer.

Seth Sutton

Roger Williams University

Hello. First wanted to say thank you so much for the letters. It means so much to me when I go to the mail center and see a letter from LCOC! Academics are going great and my swimming is the best it’s ever been. I acquired an internship for next summer with PwC (an accounting firm) that I am really excited about. I can’t believe I am more than half way done with college, it flys by fast. Thanks for everything!

Emily DeGroodt - James Madison University

Emily is a senior and recently was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau (the nursing honor society). She is hoping to work as an ICU nurse after she graduates in May 2024.

Jessica Rosenquist

Virginia Tech

Hello everyone! My name is Jessica Rosenquist, I’m a senior at Virginia Tech majoring in Sports Media and Analytics, with one minor in International Studies, and a second minor in Cinema. College has been one of the most stressful experiences of my life. I am part of a non denominational campus ministry called Cru where I also joined a Bible study group this past semester organized just for senior girls within Cru, as well as a student at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church. I am part of a club called 3304 which is for sports broadcasters at Tech. Throughout college I have been part of the Leadership and Social Change Residential College, Hokie Fight Club(which I can’t talk about)- this club teaches students mixed martial arts like boxing and jiu jitsu, I worked as an RA during my sophomore and junior years, as well as worked in Hokie Vision- a broadcasting organization run by the school and the ACCN, I have also been freelancing for other ESPN and other broadcasting networks like HBCUGO for college football and basketball games. I have made several great friends at school, but I still miss those back here at home. The LCOC church has been amazing at sending their love to me while away the past 4 years. I don’t get very much mail and appreciate everything that is sent by you all. I miss my home community very much sometimes, especially when attending church services. Everyone is extremely friendly and kind but it’s not the same when I walk into a room full of people I’ve grown up with like I have at LCOC.  Thanks for never leaving me even when I leave. Love you all and thank you for the many kind words, prayers, and SNACKS! Thank goodness for the snacks you send me!

Xavier Davis

NOVA Community College

I began learning in January 2023 at Northern Virginia Community College pursuing an education in global affairs with a minor in informational technology. My first semester was learning college-level English and math with a credit in basics in information technology. I took a summer class which boosted my credits and kept me occupied throughout the summer months. I finalized my year by completing all my basic courses and will pursue the next year with electives and another language class. I finished this year with a 3.9 GPA and over 30 credits under my name. I will hopefully transfer to George mason by the fall of next year and complete my final year there before I enter the workforce for the Department of state.

Alexa White

NOVA Community College

College has been fun, I still go to NOVA. I'm currently a sophomore and my major has changed multiple times. I was an Engineering student, then a General Studies student, and now I'm a Sciences student. My favorite part about college is being able to choose my class times and my professors. I've only had one class I don't like, but I haven't had any other problems in school so far. I still play volleyball when I have time, but I didn't try out for the school team this season, I hope to fall. I recently started a new job at a hair salon and will start an apprenticeship to become a Stylist in Late January/Early February. I'm planning to graduate from NOVA with an A.S. in Sciences and then go to GMU to get a Bachelor's in Biology or Astronomy.

Valentine's Day

Candy, Treats, and Snacks ...Oh my!

Let's shower the College students (20) this Valentine's Day with candies, treats, and snacks. 

Please deliver items to the church by January 28, 2024. 

I will have cards available for everyone to sign in January 2024.

Contact Stacey with any questions.

Thank you,


Thank you letter to LCOC family


"The Stihl Cadets delivering Christmas Joy to LCOC Family Members"

Click here for more pictures


The gifts have been purchased, wrapped and delivered to the school. Nineteen children in our neighborhood are going to have a special Christmas due to the kindness and generosity of the LCOC family. I think we would all love to be a fly on the wall to see the excited and wonder-filled faces of these children on Christmas morning. Thanks to everyone who donated funds and/or shopped. Thanks to all the "wrappers"! This was truly a labor of love and joy, and a wonderful time of fellowship.

Click here for more pictures.

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church invites all singers to consider participating in a Choral Festival being held at St. Matthew's Lutheran on February 3, 2024. This event is a part of our new organ dedication concert series. The festival is open to singers in high school and beyond. The participants will rehearse with our guest conductor, Sheri Neil, PhD, from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with a final performance scheduled for 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. Dr. Neil recently retired as Director of Music Education and Associate Director of Choirs at Texas Christian University. The repertoire will include a short three-movement sacred work with organ and brass in addition to several octavos which will be accessible to most church choirs. This event is being held at no cost to the participants. 

If you are interested, I can forward a more detailed information packet. Please email me at

from Melvin Goodwyn, organist, St. Matthew's Lutheran Church


The volunteers for Project-Mend-a-House continue to care for the Prince William Community. Talk to Ralph Morse for more details in how you can participate in this outreach.
Here are some pictures of a recent project:




To equip LCOC to:

grow in faith

share the love of God and LCOC with others

connect people in mission and outreach.

Because of your generosity, LCOC has been able to:

·      Make in-person and online worship connections with a new audio and projection system, camera, and other cables for the sanctuary

·      Provide a safe sanctuary for children and youth as provide background checks for the adult leaders.

·      Brighten the entrance hallway with new LED lights

·      Reach out to support God’s work in the Synod to develop church leadership, grow existing congregations, plant new churches, and support growth across the country.

With your generosity, in 2023 LCOC will be able to:

  • Make People Connections and create New Ministries
  • Redesign our website and refresh our communication tools
  • Grow and expand our online options with a broadcast booth, and additional technology needs for the sanctuary/UFH/rooms on upper level
  • Create a welcoming space with a new HVAC system and heating and a/c for hallways






Ways to give:

       15008 Cloverdale Road

      Dale City, VA 22193

January Treasurer's Report

LCOC is a beacon of light in this community.

Your financial support will equip LCOC to BE the church so that we can offer care, hope, and peace in these uncertain times - Thank you!


Click here to email your pictures and stories of God sightings


Please email Noris, with any additional birthdays, baptismal birthdays, or wedding anniversaries. We want to celebrate YOU!


4 John M

6 Mary S

7 Sheila K

9 Brayden J

13 Daniel O

13 Roger W

24 Sarah G

28 Gwen B


5 Karen and Bob S


1 Troy S

25 Annmarie B

28 JoAnn E

28 Joshua M


Tom M.

Ryan L.

Samuel B.

Kevin B.

Lutheran Church of the Covenant


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