CDD Information
The next CDD meeting will be held on
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
at the Amelia Walk Clubhouse.
An agenda item for the January 17th CDD meeting will be the 2023 Holiday Lights. The Amenity Manager, Kelly Mullins, and Field Operations Manager, Cheryl Graham, have been tasked to coordinate solicited resident input in January, present a plan to the board in February and by March have it executed as necessary. It could range from the CDD Staff purchasing the seasonal lights/decorations, permanently installed lights for the Amenity Center and or Front Entrance Tower, self-installed or hiring a service provider to do selected areas, have everything farmed out to the service provider or some sort of hybrid mix of solutions. In the many Amelia Walk Facebook postings, a number of ideas were shared. However, the Facebook group pages are not monitored by the CDD staff and hence none of that input is seen by the CDD staff as they are not residents. The only way they would see the input is if a resident (including CDD board members) wanted to share. So, we encourage those who wish to have their input put on the table of ideas for 2023 Holiday Lights and beyond, to please attend the next CDD meeting.
If you have any questions about CDD ponds or landscaping, please feel free to contact our Field Operations Manager, Cheryl Graham.
Looking for information about your CDD? Please check out our CDD website for lots of helpful information.