The Portuguese-American Leadership Council of the United States
Serving our Community for 29 Years!
January 2021
LUSUS Newsletter
The Online Newsletter of PALCUS

In this issue...

  • PALCUS Giving Tuesday Scholarship Fundraiser a Success
  • Newest member of the PALCUS Marketing Committee: Carla Moreira
  • Applications Still Open for Fellowship with Universidade Catolica
  • PALITICUS: Tyler Dos Santos-Tam
  • PAWEA Workshops
  • PALCUS Member Spotlight: Dr. Duarte Silva
  • PALCUS Member Spotlight: Maria Carvalho
  • PALCUS Member Spotlight: Manny Grova Jr.
  • PALCUS Member Spotlight: Zachery Ramos
  • Portuguese Activity Books
  • #SupportPortugueseBusiness Campaign
  • #PortugueseHeroes Campaign
  • #SupportOurElders Campaign 

Embassy Row
  • Embassy of Portugal in Washington DC: Launching of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU
  • Embaixada dos EUA em Portugal: Ambassador George E. Glass receives the Grã-Cruz da Ordem do Infante Dom Henrique

Gateway Featured Business
  • Krespo's Seafood Restaurant
Community News:
  • OutSpoken webinar of the Portuguese Presidency "the contribution of the European Diasporas to the EU-US relations"
  • Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute Lecture
  • The work "Vitalina Varela", by director Pedro Costa, is the new Portuguese candidate for the Oscar for Best International Film
  • Applications for the 2nd edition of FLAD's Science Award Atlantic start on February 1st, 2021
  • Foot Trodden - Portugal and the wines that time forgot
  • CAISL Scholarship
PALCUS Giving Tuesday Scholarship Fundraiser a success!
PALCUS has not only reached, but surpassed our fundraising goal! Thanks to the generosity of our community, we have raised $5150 dollars for our 2021 Scholarship program. We thank all who donated for their support in this effort. The generosity of our community will go directly towards helping students of Portuguese descent further their education in 2021!

For more information on how to support the PALCUS Scholarship Program or other PALCUS initiatives, visit:

Newest member of the PALCUS Marketing Committee:
Carla Moreira
For over 15 years, Carla has been bringing beautiful brand campaigns to life that strike the perfect balance between storytelling and product for big retail brands like Cost Plus World Market and Sanrio. Besides her cross-channel marketing skills, Carla is a social media guru with a vision for creating engaging content that drives acquisition and engagement. 

Welcome Carla!
Applications Open for Fellowship with Universidade Catolica

Apply Today for Full Scholarship with Universidade Catolica Portuguesa!

One PALCUS Member per Year to be Awarded Full Fellowship in Portugal

PALCUS is pleased to remind you about our partnership with Católica University in Portugal, where one of their Fellowships will be reserved for a PALCUS Member. The Fellowship covers an entire degree, either undergraduate or graduate, not just one year or one semester. This is an incredible opportunity for our youth and we are proud to collaborate with such a prestigious university.

Applications due: January 31, 2021

PALITICUS: Tyler Dos Santos-Tam

Today's PALITICUS guest is Honorary Consul of Portugal in Hawaii Tyler Dos Santos-Tam. Tyler is also Chairman of the Democratic Party of Hawaii. Learn about and be inspired by his journey to both positions.
These workshops are free for all to attend. 
PAWEA Workshops

Join the Portuguese American Women's Empowerment Alliance for two upcoming workshops:

PR 101 - How PR works and how to get started
January 27th at 9am PT/12pm ET
Speaker: Angela Simoes, Founder of Red Roof Industries Consulting
Angela has 20 years of high tech PR experience, working in Silicon Valley with start-ups in the US and Portugal, as well as large enterprises.  

Effective Communication & Value Chain for a better you and a better business
January 25th at 12pm PT/3pm ET
Speaker: Jessica Leiter, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Consultant

These workshops are free for all to attend. 
PALCUS Member Spotlight: Dr. Duarte Silva
PALCUS Member and Past Awardee Dr. Duarte Silva has been appointed to serve on the Board of the Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL)- National Council for Languages and International Studies (NCLIS). These organizations are the "advocacy voice on Capitol Hill for world language and international studies education in the United States."

Congratulations Duarte!
PALCUS Member Spotlight: Maria Carvalho
PALCUS Member Maria Carvalho was sworn in for her third term as an Elizabeth Board of Education Member.

Congratulations Maria!
PALCUS Member Spotlight: Manny Grova Jr.
PALCUS Member Manny Grova Jr. took office on January 2 for a new term as city councilor in Elizabeth, NJ.

Congratulations Manny!
PALCUS Member Spotlight: Zachery Ramos
PALCUS Member and past recipient of the PALCUS Young Portuguese-American “Promessa” Award Zachery Ramos was chosen as one of the ILA’s Top 30 Under 30 for my work in literacy & education in California.

Congratulations Zachery!
Portuguese Activity Book

PALCUS has designed an activity book for children and seniors. It's packed with word searches, coloring and other activities all centered around Portugal! This is the perfect way to have kids and seniors alike keep busy while celebrating their Portuguese Pride!
It's available for purchase on Amazon and shipping is free when you purchase 2 or more books! 

New Christmas Edition now available!
#SupportPortugueseBusiness Campaign

Restaurants selling takeout or gift certificates?
Online stores selling merchandise or gift certificates?
Artists selling prints or artwork online?
Musicians holding livestream concerts?
Any Portuguese business that is open and selling a product or service during this time of lockdown, please email your details to us at and we will share with our nationwide community! We have to help each other get through this, and we WILL get through this! #SupportPortugueseBusiness
#PortugueseHeroes Campaign

PALCUS recognizes all Portuguese Americans working on the front lines, in many different essential service roles. We can't do this without you! Thank you! Obrigado! You are our #PortugueseHeroes!
If you know a #PortugueseHero send us a private message or email

We have partnered with several Portuguese-American organizations who are already doing amazing work to help our elders, and we want to support these efforts. Below are several ways you can help, including:

  • Sending cards and messages of support
  • Sponsoring a meal (or meals) for the elderly
  • Donating a device to enable video chats
  • Delivering activity sheets to the elderly
Join us and help support these organizations who are supporting our elders!! 

PALCUS was able to donate $3,000, split equally between the 4 participating organizations.
Thank you to everyone that contributed!!
Launching of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU
Welcome to the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, welcome to a time to deliver.
Here is the video of the launching of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, in case you missed the premiere, you can watch it now or rewatch it anytime
Ambassador George E. Glass receives the Grã-Cruz da Ordem do Infante Dom Henrique
Ambassador George E. Glass received the Grã-Cruz da Ordem do Infante Dom Henrique from President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Photo: Rui Ochoa/Presidência da República
Krespo's Seafood House
Located in Downtown Roswell, Georgia, Krespos is a purveyor of fine European dining inspired by the coastal cuisine of Portugal.

Krespo’s Seafood House opened in 2014 and is located a block behind Canton Street in Downtown Roswell. The menu is the creation of Portuguese Chef, Lino Krespo, and includes both quality interpretations of classic dishes from Portugal and some ventures into New World cuisine.
Housed in what once was the famous Roswell Tea House, Krespo’s cozy dining room makes you feel like a guest in the Chef’s house while the full bar seats 14 and airs all major sporting events. Whether on a first date, an anniversary dinner, or simply craving some wine and cocktails, you want to try Krespo’s.
To learn more about Krespo's Seafood House visit their Website or Facebook Page.
To look for more Portuguese businesses and organizations throughout the US (or add your own), please visit the Gateway online.

OutSpoken webinar of the Portuguese Presidency
"The contribution of the European Diasporas to the EU-US relations"

Friday, January, 29th, 2021 @11AM EST
moderated by Ambassador Domingos Fezas Vital, with the following panelists:
Eleni Kounalakis, Lieutenant Governor of California (GREECE)
Loretta Brennan Glucksman, Chairman Emeritus The Ireland Funds America (IRELAND)
Anthony Tamburri, Dean del Calandra Italian American Institute (ITALY)
Frank Spula, President of the Polish American Congress (POLAND)
Angela Costa Simões, President of the Portuguese American Leadership Council of the United States (PORTUGAL)

Register at: Webinar Registration - Zoom
The work "Vitalina Varela", by director Pedro Costa, is the new Portuguesese candidate for the Oscar for Best International Film

Pedro Costa’s movie “Vitalina Varela” is Portugal’s official submission for the 93rd Academy Awards, available to watch at:
LA Times said: “THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR. Immense beauty. Unforgettable images. Dim the lights, cast your distractions aside and let Costa’s dark rooms merge with your own.”
The theatrical trailer is available at
Let’s make sure that “Vitalina Varela” is the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film!
Applications for the 2nd edition of FLAD's Science Award Atlantic start on February 1st, 2021
The 300.000 euro award aims to support young researchers in the study of the Atlantic in Portugal, who present innovative projects with practical applicability and impact on the sustainability of the planet and our quality of life.
The scientific scope of this edition also includes Social Sciences and Humanities, such as Economy, Management, Sociology and Geography.
For more information on the application requirements, see the link down below.
Foot Trodden - Portugal and the wines that time forgot

Foot Trodden is a story about the Portuguese soul, told through the lens of wine.
This book takes you on a journey from past to present and north to south. Discover the hidden Portugal and its vast repertoire of wines and ancient traditions.
Hear the story of independent winemakers, mavericks and rule-breakers who are redefining Portuguese wine.
CAISL Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are Portuguese citizens or have permanent residency in Portugal and are currently attending Grade 4 through 10 in the current (2020-2021) school year.
  • Grades on the scale of 1-5: Average of 4 or more, without any grade of 2 or less;
  • Grades on the scale of 1-20: Average of 16 or more, without any grade of 12 or less.
  • Role model for other students in behavior and attitude.
  • Positive involvement in school-sponsored extracurricular activities, sports, and/or community service.
Only for students applying to Grade 9 or above.  For Grades 9 and 10, English needs to be at intermediate or higher level, depending on the year the student is applying for; for grade 11, applicants have to be bilingual.  Short-Listed students for these grades will take an English test administered by CAISL. 
January 31st, 2021

Forming New Networks

As a result of the success of our recent webinars, there has been significant interest in forming different networking groups under the PALCUS umbrella. Some of these first networking groups will focus on:

- Portuguese Women
- Portuguese Youth
- Portuguese LGBTQ+
- Portuguese in Education 
- Portuguese in Healthcare

Are you interested in being a part of these groups, and especially helping to form these groups? What other topics or industries for which you would like to see a networking group? Please contact us at with your input. Thank you!
We would love to hear what you have been up to. Events, Promotions, Graduations, Awards, Lectures or News the community should know about.  Send us an email to be featured in our newsletter:
Are you a PALCUS member yet?  
We are stronger together!
If you agree with the work undertaken by PALCUS to build the social, cultural and political capital of our community, then please join us and become a member today!

Strong membership participation means a stronger voice in the national Portuguese-American agenda. In order to advance Portuguese language education, increase presence in the congressional caucuses, and provide economic opportunities, the collective voice of thousands is needed!  

In addition, PALCUS is a member-driven non-profit organization that depends on membership dues and fundraising events to fund its operations. Members of the all-volunteer board of directors donate their time and personal funds for travel, lodging and tickets to attend networking events and planning sessions so our administrative costs are relatively low but nonetheless critical to doing business on a daily basis.

There are membership categories to suit every budget and level of interest. Please click on our membership webpage and join our voice today!

 Questions? Contact Graci for more information! 

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Did you enjoy this newsletter? Do you know about all the programs PALCUS offers our community? Please visit our website and become a member today! 
We can't do what we do without your support!
Newsletter Archive

Read past issues of the LUSUS Newsletter at
Jobs for Portuguese Speakers

If you want to put your Portuguese language skills to use in your next job, there are many opportunities out there! Visit the Jobs for Portuguese Speakers Facebook page to see some job openings.
PALCUS Mission

In order to create a singular voice to advocate for the Portuguese-American and Luso-American communities at large, the Portuguese-American Leadership Council of the United States Inc. (PALCUS) was founded in 1991 as a non-partisan, non-profit, organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. 
The PALCUS mission is to address domestic and international concerns of the Portuguese-American Community.
The Council conducts an expanding program of educational and public affairs activities on issues of interest to the Portuguese-American community and of salience to the Luso-American Relationship.
PALCUS is committed to serving the community through increasingly active government relations efforts, the promotion of a greater awareness of ethnic accomplishments and encouraging stronger ties between Portugal and the United States. In this role PALCUS advances the community professionally, politically and culturally while working to ensure that issues directly affecting our community are addressed through our network of government and community leaders.

PALCUS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under the IRS tax code and incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia. Donations are tax deductible to extent allowed by law and will be acknowledged.
PALCUS has earned the 2019 Gold GuideStarUSA Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency. Visit our profile HERE
Contact Information

Phone: 202-466-4664

9255 Center St., Suite 404
Manassas, VA 20110