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January 2025

Seniors Scene

Enrich your life with us!

Issue 136

Happy New Year!


WOW! 2024 was a jam-packed year for us at Headingley Seniors' Services. Adding a second resource coordinator to our team allowed us to plan for more events and programs and we were so thrilled at the engagement and participation of our community members. For those who are new to us, some of the things offered this year included intergenerational collaborations with Bright Beginnings Educare, Folklorama bus tours, monthly Lunch & Learns, movie afternoons, craft & flower workshops, high tea, multiple group outings, free weekly programming, musical entertainment, an end-of-summer BBQ, a successful Holiday Market fundraiser, Wednesday weekly meal program, a marvelous Holiday Luncheon, and more! We cannot wait to have more fun with you in 2025, and hope to meet some new faces in the coming year!


January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Our goal this month is to provide opportunities for increased support and learning. This month we will be joined by Alzheimer’s Society of Manitoba for our monthly lunch and learn. We are also pleased to announce that we will be holding our first Dementia Caregiver Support Group on Tuesday Jan 14th. This will be an opportunity for folks who are caring for those living with Dementia to come together and share ideas and discuss their support needs in an effort to plan for future support group sessions. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.


January can be a tough month for our mental health after the excitement of the holidays wears off. Read on for more tips on beating the Winter Blues, or take a peak at our January calendar to see what we offer this month. Come for a warm healthy meal on Wednesdays, join a class through MHRD to engage in more physical activity, or stop by for a visit with one of our coordinators to discover what we have to offer here at HSS. Newcomers are always welcome!

If you are new to receiving this newsletter, we hope you find the information useful, and if you have any specific questions related to what we offer, please contact us.

Take care,

Kristie & Margo


2024 Year in Review

Good to Know

Did You Know?

Headingley Seniors’ Services loans out puzzles for free! Looking for a way to stay busy during the colder months?

Stop by our office and borrow a few puzzles today! 


Did you know that St. Charles Headingley United Church has a Dementia resource library available to members of our community?

Please contact Rev. Cathy Maxwell at (204) 885 - 6021 for the hours of operation and the best time to come borrow materials. All are welcome.

They also have a free educational web series on becoming “Dementia Enabled”. 

Visit OneSmallSeed.ca for more info.


FEB 12th Lunch & Learn 12-2PM

Back by popular demand, our most loved presenter of 2024 is returning......

HSS Health & Programs

Beat the Winter Blues:

Winter be hard on our mental health as the days are darker, shorter, and colder. In Canada, as many as 15% of people experience the “winter blues” also known as a milder form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). 

While winter in Manitoba is unavoidable, there are some things you can do to help with the winter blues, including:

  • Getting lots of daylight (bundle up and head outside!)
  • Exercise regularly and manage stress
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Maintain a good sleep routine
  • Don’t set unrealistic New Year resolutions!

For more information, please visit:




Free HSS Programs to Enjoy:

Helping Hands Social Club:

Knit, crotchet or play scrabble. All items made are donated to organizations in need.

 Mondays 1-3 pm

Held in the Multipurpose Room, Headingley Community Centre

(Please note: HHSC resumes on Monday Jan 6th after the holidays)

Cribbage & Coffee:

Drop in to play crib with other folks and enjoy a coffee & cookies

Thursdays from 1-3 pm

Held in the Multipurpose Room, Headingley Community Centre

(Please note: There will be NO Crib on Thurs Jan 2nd or Thurs Jan 23rd)

Urban Pole Walking & Coffee:

Poles available for those that want, or feel free to walk without.

Stay after for coffee & socialization in the boardroom.

Fridays at 10 am

Held at the Headingley Community Centre

(Please note: There will be NO Pole Walking on Friday Jan 3rd and

Pole walking on Friday Jan 17th will take place in auditorium only)

Upcoming Foot Clinics:

*Thursday Jan 9th 

Thursday February 13th

Thursday March 13th


Clinics are run monthly by RN Karen Dingman.

 Please contact the HSS office for more info or to book your appointment!

*Clinic full - Waitlist available for full clinics. 

Recipe of the Month

 Homemade Chicken & Dill Soup

(Beat the winter blues with a bowl

of Margo's favorite soup!)


· Shredded/Diced Chicken (precooked or leftover)

· 3 large carrots (finely diced)

· 4 celery stalks (finely chopped)

· 1 small onion (finely chopped)

· 1 cup corn

· 12 cups of soup stock (better than bouillon works great)

· 1 big handful of freshly chopped dill

· 1 cup uncooked rice

· 1 cup whipping cream

· Herbamere sea salt (to taste)

· Pepper (to taste)

· Olive Oil



Add olive oil to soup pot on med-high heat, sauté onions until translucent. Add carrots and celery and sauté until softening.

Add soup stock and bring to boil. Add salt, pepper, & rice and boil for 25 minutes. Next add cream, corn, dill, and cooked chicken and let simmer while stirring for a few more minutes. Serve, and Enjoy!


Recipe submitted by Margo Price, Resource Coordinator

(adapted from Jillian Harris website: 'Peggy’s Chicken Soup')


Upcoming Events

Back by popular demand: Soup, Sandwich & a Movie!

Stop by the office and vote for which movie you’d like to watch!

Popcorn and drinks provided.  

Café BREAK- Weekly Meals


Orders must be placed the Friday prior to the desired meal.


Available on a week-to-week basis within Headingley and provided at no additional cost.


In-Person on Wednesdays

at 12:00 pm.

Headingley CC

5353 Portage Avenue.



How to Order:

Call: (204) 889-3132 ext. 3

Email: seniors@rmofheadingley.ca

Café BREAK Menu

Jan 8: Sweet & Sour Meatballs

*Jan 15: Perogies & Farmer's Sausage

Jan 22: Chicken Pot Pie

*Jan 29: Soup & Sandwich

* Event / Lunch & Learn Booked


Just For Fun!



The New York Times

Have you solved the WORDLE today? Visit this page every day to guess the WORDLE in six tries. Each guess must be a valid five-letter word.


Ready for a new Challenge? Try Waffle!

Rearrange the letters into the correct words. You will earn stars for every puzzle solved and you can learn the definitions of all words featured in the game. Enjoy! 


Printable Fun Pages


Joke of the month:

How do you stick to your New Year resolution to read more ?

 ..... Turn on the subtitles!

Do you have a silly joker in your life? 

Email us their joke along with their name and age to


See what's coming up in your community!

Macdonald-Headingley Recreation District Winter Guide is OPEN!

In the MHRD Guide, you will find program offerings, local community groups' events, and recreational activities for all ages!

Visit MHRD.ca for more information!

Are You Looking for the Printable Newsletter?

If you prefer a printable version of the newsletter and calendar, click the button below. 


Our Mission is to encourage individuals to maintain independent living and improve their quality of life by providing education, recreation, health and social opportunities.

Located in:


5353 Portage Avenue

Headingley, Manitoba

R4H 1J9

(204) 889-3132 ext. 3



Office Hours


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Please note: office hours are subject to change

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