This Agency Management Newsletter is packed with great information and is provided by the Big "I" E&O program as a member benefit.
Check out the January issue!
Practicing the Seven Habits in Insurance Agencies - Habit Seven, Sharpening the Saw
If you don’t take care of yourself your headstone will likely NOT read, “He was a great businessperson”. Habit 7 tells you how to bring yourself back to parity and balance.

Partnering with Carriers- Motherhood, Apple Pie and Partnering with Carriers
We all agree that these things are inherently GOOD, but what does an agency partnering with its companies imply?

Producer Validation and Management
Most insurance agencies would like to be driven by a regular flow of new business from their producer force. However, most agencies find that their producers (owners or not) spend most of their time caring for existing customers with production relegated to a secondary position. Instead of spending their primary time soliciting prospects to become agency clients, they only have time to prospect and sell when they can break away from service tasks.

Strategic Planning 2022
Why should you bother with formal planning, what difference does it make?