A New Year -- New Reading Ahead! --

January 2025

Looking Back -- Looking Forward

As 2025 begins, it's a good time to look forward to trends in children's books and to look back in celebration of some of the many children's book authors and illustrators who passed away in 2024.

Herman Parish was in the fourth grade when Amelia Bedelia was first published by his aunt Peggy Parish. He took over the series in 1985 and added 59 books to the series, including picture, beginning reader, and chapter books about the beloved Amelia, a character so beloved for her optimistic attitude and aspirational can-do approach to life. Herman Parish is one of the many children's book authors and illustrators who passed away in 2024. Click our Books & Blogs page for more.

In 2025, children’s books will change "big time," says a blog from US Illustrations. The blog looks at several key trends -- diverse narratives that promote inclusivity, environmental and mental health themes, and innovative story structures.

"As technology advances, we will see more books with AR (augmented reality) features that engage children in new ways. Imagine characters jumping off the page and into a child’s living room! This kind of immersive experience will change what it means to read a book." The blog has been excerpted/adapted on our Resource page.The full blog can be found by clicking here.

A December to Remember for the RIF NOVA

Books for Keeps Program

Getting books into the hands of children before the holidays is a goal for many of our schools since breaks are such a great time to read! And there is no pre-break book distribution quite like the Blizzard of Books at Charles E. Drew Elementary. For three weeks before distribution day, students studied everything "snow" during their library time. On distribution day, Frozen's Elsa, a snow machine, a "roaring" fire, snow decorations galore, and a new RIF NOVA book greeted every child! Special thanks to RIF NOVA liaison and board member Dora Sue Black (AKA Elsa) for creating this annual event to generate excitement about reading and introduce Drew children to snow and the holidays.

Can't Catch Me!

A bigger-than-life-sized gingerbread man greeted Barcroft ES students as they chose RIF NOVA books before the winter holiday. Children could affix their favorite book title on a gingerbread man cutout, do related word searches, and pose for group shots with the library team! Special thanks to librarian and RIF NOVA liaison Jackie Pippins and library assistant Daniela Londono for adding the sugar and spice to this December program.

The joint was jumpin' -- literally -- as Pre-K through 2nd grade children from Bailey's Elementary School danced into the holidays to a video exhorting them to duck and jump! Thanks to librarian and RIF NOVA liaison Laura Culver for this pre-break fun-fest!

The book Snowmen at Work was the inspiration for this pre-holiday RIF NOVA book distribution at Bel Air Elementary School in Prince William County. Librarian and RIF NOVA liaison Clifton Palmer read the book about a little boy who imagines the jobs snowmen might have. The students then cut out their own snow person, adding a title and hat to describe what their snow person might do!

More pictures of Books for Keeps distributions can be found by clicking here.

A Few Special Notes of Thanks!

At ceremonies in October 2024, Georgiana Ide (on right), chair of The Giving Circle of Heritage Hunt, Inc., announced its selection of 16 charities for its 2024 round of giving. RIF NOVA was honored to be one of the selectees. Immediate past president Justina Johnson spoke on behalf of RIF NOVA and noted the generous grant will be used to supply a second book each for almost 900 Prince William County students at RIF NOVA schools.


Below: The Vienna/Oakton chapter of YMSL -- the Young Men's Service League -- held a book collection in October 2024, bringing in three carts worth of books to share! 

Young Ambassador Clelia Benedetti (l) and her sister Arabella have conducted five book collections for RIF NOVA, bringing in over 750 books to share with other readers! Here they are with their latest book bunch. That's a WOW by any estimation! So many will benefit! TY!!!

Kate Chiriboga, who led a Woodson H.S. Writing Club book drive, unloaded a trunkful of nearly new used books for RIF NOVA children. Members of this club hope to encourage not only reading but writing, too! 


Below: An Alexandria-based book club donated more than 30 new books to RIF NOVA in December. Many members of this club have been meeting — and reading together — for 25 years!

Thanks to all who gave to our 2024 Book Olympics fun- and fund-raiser. Because of you, we are well on our way to raising the funds we need to supply new books to 20,000+ deserving children in Northern Virginia for academic year 2024-2025!

Thanks also to donors who gave to the Arlington Community Foundation's 2024 Wish List. Our "wish" was for $5,000 to fund author visits, with autographed books, in several Arlington schools. The wish was granted in the full amount! Thank you, donors!

Last, but certainly not least...

The Little Free Library's Steward Book Directory showcases opportunities for stewards to receive free books from individuals and organizations. Through this directory, RIF NOVA is supplying very gently used children's books to several custodians of Little Free Libraries in our area. One LFL steward sent this note about the impact of the books she left in her little library, including these words: "...glad her kids wouldn't have empty stockings for Christmas." More about our Donated Books program may be found by clicking here.

Your funds help with all these programs and MORE! Donate electronically by clicking here.

Send a check:

Reading is Fundamental of Northern Virginia, Inc. 

P.O. Box 7012

Arlington, VA 22207-0012

Thank you for any donation -- no matter how big or small!

Thank you for being part of the RIF NOVA community!

Books change lives!

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RIF of NOVA | info@rifnova.org | www.rifnova.org


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