January 2019
AER Bulletin 2018-40: Production Curtailment Issues Panel Established
The production curtailment issues panel is seeking feedback on the curtailment rules from all operators. If your company has received a ministerial order, or if you have a written submission for the panel, please contact the AER at [email protected] to discuss the requirements and next steps.
The Curtailment Rules can be found here.
A copy of Bulletin 2018-40 can be found here.
Alberta Energy Information Letter 2018-46: Curtailment – Operator Baseline Production Determination and Safety
On December 30, 2018, Alberta Energy released Information Letter 2018-46, which outlines changes to the curtailment rules advised by the AER’s Production Curtailment Issues Panel. The current baseline for determining monthly allowable production is being amended to better account for operators who had recently made significant investment and were in the process of increasing production at the time of the government’s announcement.

A copy of Information Letter 2018-46 can be found here.
AER Bulletin 2018-41: The Approach to Administering the Remediation Regulation
On December 20, 2018, the AER announced that the Government of Alberta “Remediation Regulation” replaced the former “ Remediation Certificate Regulation ” as of January 1, 2019. This regulation sets out requirements for reporting new information and remedial measures with respect to substance releases. The updated “Remediation Regulation” can be found here .

A copy of Bulletin 2018-41 can be found here.
AER Bulletin 2019-01: D060 Annual Methane Emissions Reporting in OneStop
On January 24, 2019, the AER released Bulletin 2019-01, noting that, as of January 31, 2019, companies will be able to submit annual reports of methane emissions (including vent gas and fugitive emissions) through OneStop. The first mandatory reporting year is 2019 and the first annual methane emission report is due June 1, 2020 .

A copy of Bulletin 2019-01 can be found here.
AER: The IWCP Year 4 deadline - March 31, 2019
Licensees have until March 31, 2019 to restore their Year 4, 20% quota of IWCP well inventory into compliance. On April 1, 2019 the new quota begins. As an alternative to Directive 013 requirements, licensees may participate in the Area Based Closure (ABC) program to effectively and efficiently restore compliance. Wells that are part of the ABC program are excluded from the AER IWCP inventory.

Please contact us if you have questions or require assistance regarding your list of IWCP wells or the ABC program.
AER: 2019/2020 Orphan Fund Levy
The orphan fund levy is to be collected in April 2019. Each licensee’s required orphan fund levy is based on its licensed and approved properties as of April 7, 2019. All orphan fund levy invoices must be paid by the licensee and payment must be received by the AER by mid-May 2019. Failure to pay the full invoiced amount will result in a penalty of 20% of the original invoiced amount being assessed to the licensee. 

You will likely be receiving your Orphan Fund Levy from the AER, shortly.
BCOGC Bulletin 2018-31: Nov. 29, 2018 Seismic Event Determination
On December 21, 2018, the BCOGC released Bulletin 2018-31 with information related to the three seismic events which occurred approximately 20 km south of Fort St. John on Nov. 29, 2018. As described in the bulletin, the OGC indicates that the cause of the events were a result of fluid injection during hydraulic fracturing operations targeting the lower Montney formation conducted by CNRL.

A copy of Bulletin 2018-31 can be found here.
BCOGC Industry Bulletin 2019-01: New Regulations to Meet Methane Targets
The BCOGC Industry Bulletin 2019-01, released on January 16, 2019, outlines new regulations to reduce methane emissions from upstream oil and gas operations. The amendments to the Drilling and Production Regulation will come into effect on Jan. 1, 2020.

A copy of Industry Bulletin 2019-01 can be found here.  
BCOGC Bulletin 2019-01: Change to Orphan Liability Levy
On January 22, 2019, the BCOGC released Bulletin 2019-01 which outlines changes to the Orphan Site Reclamation Fund. Beginning April 1, 2019, the existing orphan tax will be eliminated and replaced by a new liability levy which will be phased in over three years.

A copy of Bulletin 2019-01 can be found here.  
On May 18, 2018, Benoit Regulatory Compliance moved from 1220, 633-6th Ave. SW to the following location:

1600, 736-6th Ave. SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 3T7

It would be much appreciated if you could have your records updated accordingly. 
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