Making a Difference Together

January 2025

January Highlights

(Scroll for details)

  • Toiletry Drive for Conejo Closet
  • Club Chesed - Playing games at a senior community
  • Hot Meal for Harbor House
  • Community Holiday Dinner Fund Donations
  • Homeless Count Volunteers Needed
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Volunteer Opportunities at Many Mansions
  • Lunches for Harbor House
  • Social Action Committee Meeting
  • TAE Social Action T-Shirts for Sale
  • TAE Caring Community

  • 1/20 - Martin Luther King Day of Observance
  • 1/22 - Homeless Count
  • 1/26 - Club Chesed - Playing games at a senior community
  • 1/26 - Hot Meal for Harbor House
  • Through 2/27 - Toiletry Drive for Conejo Closet


Click here to sign up


Click here to RSVP


Sunday, January 26, 2025

We need your help!

  • On the last Sunday of each month, except December, TAE partners provide a delicious hot meal for 60 clients of Harbor House.
  • Volunteers prepare a part of the meal at their homes and bring it to TAE.
  • The meals are then packed into to-go boxes and delivered to Harbor House. 

Sign up to prepare a dish at home with your family and deliver it to TAE. Drop it off or stay and assist in packing the meals. Kids are welcome! Packing typically takes under 30 minutes!

Harbor House clients rely on us to provide this meal each month, and we can't do it without your help!

The next hot meal we need sign ups for is Sunday, January 26, 2025.

You can help by:

  • Preparing a protein dish to serve 20 people
  • Preparing a veggie dish to serve 20 people
  • Preparing a starch dish to serve 20 people
  • Providing dessert for 20 people
  • Providing bread for 20 people

Please bring your contribution to TAE on January 26, 2025, at 3:15 PM.

Stay and help package the meals from 3:15 - 3:45 PM

Please sign up if you're available to contribute!

A heartfelt thank you to each and every volunteer who makes the meals possible, and to Michele Zinn and Karen Begun who coordinate the meals.

Click here to sign up



As you’ll read below, the 2024 Community Holiday Dinner was a tremendous success! Guests expressed deep gratitude and appreciation for having a welcoming place to enjoy a delicious meal and the comfort of community during the holiday.


This cherished tradition wouldn’t be possible without our incredible partners, who generously donate or deeply discount the items we need. In addition to their donations, approximately $5,000 is still required to cover the remaining costs of the dinner.

As we look ahead to the 31st Annual Community Holiday Dinner in 2025, we invite you to join us in making it another unforgettable experience. Every donation, big or small, helps us bring joy and support to those in need within our community.

Thank you for being part of this meaningful effort!


To donate, click here and select "Social Action - Holiday Dinner fund"



  • The Point in Time Count is critical for funding the local non-profits who help to assist the homeless.
  • The count will take place on Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Through the sign-up link, volunteers will be asked to choose their “primary choice” of the count area. Unless volunteers hear otherwise, the city they sign up to count for will be where they go. For example, if a volunteer’s primary choice city is Camarillo, they will be counting in Camarillo unless otherwise contacted.
  • The count in Thousand Oaks is run by Many Mansions.
  • For anyone who signs up for the Thousand Oaks count, they will hear from Many Mansions about scheduling a shift. The options are 6-8am; 8-10am; and 10am-12pm, with the greatest need being 6-8am 
Click here for more information and to sign up

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee of Ventura County is pleased to announce that its 39th annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day observance will be held in-person on Monday, January 20, 2025.


·       8:00am - a Freedom March from Plaza Park at 5th Street and C Street in Oxnard to the Oxnard Performing Arts Center (OPAC) at 800 Hobson Way, Oxnard, CA 93030. Transportation will be provided from the OPAC to Plaza Park beginning at 7:30am, by Oxnard City Corps.

·       9:00am -The Observance Program will begin at at the OPAC.

This year's theme is: “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy." The Keynote speaker will be James Joyce III. $10 admission to the Observance Program includes refreshments and vendor exhibits. Tickets may be purchased from MLK Committee members, at the door, or online at www.mlkventuracounty.com.

Click here for more information and to purchase tickets


Temple Adat Elohim's congregants continue to provide 'to-go' bagged lunches and cases of water for those in need in our community.

Preparing these lunches is a wonderful activity for families and friends to do together at home. You can sign up to bring 10 or more lunches any day of the week, each prepared at home and then delivered to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Thousand Oaks.

Click here to sign up


The next Social Action Committee meeting

Monday, January 6, 2025,

at 7:00 PM, via Zoom

All TAE partners are invited to attend the meeting to learn more about TAE Social Action, get involved, bring new ideas, and help plan upcoming events.

Click here to RSVP and receive the Zoom link


Temple Adat Elohim - Making a Difference Together T-shirts are now available for purchase!

Get your t-shirt now so you can wear it with pride every time you volunteer. We hope everyone will have a shirt to show our TAE spirit when we volunteer in the community. Shirts are $26.50, and can be ordered here.


Caring Community of TAE needs your help!

Our Caring Community is dedicated to reaching out to those in our TAE community who are in need. 

Do you have some time to make a few phone calls to TAE partners in need letting them know their TAE family is thinking of them? Are you available to visit (either remotely or in-person) with people who are in need of contact while they are ill or homebound? If you can help, please contact Cantor David at dshukiar@adatelohim.com and join our growing list of volunteers who create community through their actions. If you or someone you know is in need, please don't hesitate to reach out as well.

Learn more here




WOW. What a day. Thank you Robin Segal and Marcy Duben for leading the event and all the volunteers who handled food, desserts, advertising, toy/book coat donations, decorations, entertainment, parking and all the other details that went into making our dinner such a huge success. We have the BEST volunteers.

To our volunteers:

We would like to thank all the volunteers and committee members for their hard work and positive energy for helping us to create a warm and festive environment to welcome our guests to the 2024 TAE Community Holiday Dinner. 

The guests arrived smiling, socializing and ready to celebrate and we were ready to welcome them with open arms. They were so appreciative and were in such good spirits as they left with armloads of pies, bakery items, toys, socks, hats, scarves, blankets, coats and pictures with Santa.

We served 283 meals! Most of our guests stayed to enjoy their meal in the social hall, and about 40 meals were taken to-go. We were able to take three full cars of leftovers to the Oxnard Rescue Mission and the extra toys were taken to Support for the Kids who will be distributing them to the Authors Faire for Rio School district in Oxnard. Support for the Kids helps support this program that incentivizes students to read and write. The toys will be prizes for reading. These students are primarily field workers’ children, and this program is designed to encourage them to continue their education. 

Thank you so much for all your hard work! You made the day run so smoothly, starting with the dessert prepping and decorating of the social hall that happened early in the morning. The choir sang so festively, and Mitch entertained all around the event. Thank you to all of the meal volunteers, who greeted our guests, served meals and packed them to-go, served drinks, and desserts, assisted guests and bussed tables, took the guests photos and put them in a frame and gave them gifts and coats.  A huge thank you to all the TAE staff including the TAE maintenance staff for setting up and taking down the room and especially to Claudia for working the entire event. We also want to acknowledge our security team and the parking volunteers who helped our guests to arrive and leave safely. And of course, thank you to Santa, who put a smile on everyone's face - especially the children. Each volunteer showed so much care and compassion for our guests and made them feel special and welcome. And a huge thank you to all who stayed to help clean up. This is a massive group effort, and it would not have been such a success without all of you. We are incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 

Robin and Marcy


On December 11, TAE Kindness Cafe participants went to My Stuff Bags in Westlake Village to fill bags with blankets, stuffed animals, toiletries, books, pjs and toys. After learning about My Stuff bags, we went on to assemble the bags. The bags are sent throughout the country to be given to children when they are taken into protective custody. We were very excited to see the blankets and hair ties that we made at Mitzvah Day in the bags!


If you donated a toy/book or coat for the Community Holiday Dinner we want you to know how deeply they were appreciated by our guests. Children with huge smiles said how happy they were. Adults who now had a warm coat were so touched that they could leave the dinner with such a great and important gift. Thank you to all who participated.

This monthly Social Action e-newsletter is sent from the Social Action committee at the beginning of each month, highlighting upcoming social action opportunities for the TAE community. We invite all TAE partners to find a place within TAE Social Action. We hope you will find a project (or many!) that touches your heart, as there is something for everyone. 

If you support charities or projects, please share them with us at socialaction@adatelohim.com. We may be able to involve others in a project that is important to you! 

Temple Adat Elohim | SocialAction@AdatElohim.com | www.AdatElohim.org

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