Book Thieves FAQ
What is Book Thieves?
The Book Thieves is a reading club for teens in grades 7-12 who just want to read for the fun of reading. There are no tests, just a lively discussion with refreshments and fun.
How often do the Book Thieves meet?
The Book Thieves meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 4:30pm in the Pitkin County Library.
Do I have to buy each Book Thieves book?
Nope! All books are free and yours to keep. Pick them up at the Main Desk.
What happens if I don’t finish the book in time?
Book Thieves book discussions are always more fun if you finish the book, but if you don’t, please still come!
What if I don’t like the book?
Of course you don’t have to “like” every book. Please come to the book discussion and tell us why.
How are Book Thieves books selected?
Book Thieves books are usually critically acclaimed, prize winners, or popular titles nominated by teens. Chosen books often relate to high school and middle school aged students.
How do I join the Book Thieves?
You may sign up at any time. Books are distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. All you have to do is commit to attending that month’s meeting.
More questions?
Contact Madison at 970-429-1922 or
Learn more.