Volume 77 - No. 1 | January 2025


January 5, 2025 at 10:00am

Sermon "Praying with a Feather"

Communion Sunday

We will be serving fresh gluten-free bread and fresh juice

for Communion in the sanctuary.

Worshiping from home?

Please have a piece of bread or cracker and water or juice

ready for Communion.

This service will be live streamed on Facebook.

Don't have Facebook? Don't worry, you can still view the live service from any device by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/Trinitychurchnorthborough

A step-by-step tutorial on how to access Facebook Live CLICK HERE

Have your Bible, a candle and lighter ready and create a worshipful space, maybe with a cross, a nice tablecloth, or other devotional items that are meaningful to you.

Replay on Verizon channel 31 and Charter channel 191

Sundays (previous week's) at 6pm and Thursdays at 8:00am.

Rita is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at: trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com or call her (508) 393-8156

and she will walk you through each step.


Happy New Year!


My new year’s prayer is that 2025 will be another successful and prosperous year for Trinity Church of Northborough.


Taking a quick look back at the year now past, I want to thank you for making 2024 one of the most successful years Trinity Church has had in recent memory.


You will hear more about how 2024 went for us at our Annual Meeting scheduled for Sunday, January 26. Because of your impact last year, we have positive and encouraging momentum to build upon for this year.


As we continue to pray, serve, and use our gifts to make Trinity Church a church where people in Northborough and surrounding communities want to grow and serve as disciples of Jesus, I pray that you will find this year to be a successful and prosperous one for you too.


Giving thanks to God who makes all things possible,



Happy New Year! Beginning a new year can be a refresh for many people. We make resolutions, reflect on the past year, and decide what actions we may take to make a difference in our lives over the next 12 months. 

Here at Trinity we had a wonderful 2024! We had new members join us, Sunday services attendance increased steadily throughout the year, we went back to bread (gluten free) and juice, and most importantly- Will was voted in as our settled Pastor. The energy and sense of renewal was felt in every aspect of our church! The Deacons have been excited to see all of this unfold!

We are excited to have this momentum and energy continue in 2025 and beyond! Our Vitality team is getting underway and committed to continuing the growth, being more visible in the community and utilizing social media even more.  

Invite should be our word for 2025. Invite people to service, invite them to events (our kindness event in Feb is a good one to ask people to come to), invite and share our posts on social media, and be inviting when you see new people attend services. We are a welcoming and inviting place, let be sure to keep that up in the new year!  

Thank you all for your support and engagement throughout 2024- We are grateful for our Trinity Family!


Hello Trinity Church Community!

I want to start this message of the New Year by reflecting and being thankful for all of you that I get to work with and share worship with. Life seems to be always busy, and our time together helps me recharge to tackle the stress and fast-paced life of each week. I also want to thank all of our musicians who contributed to the events of our church over the past few weeks. Creating music together with all of you brings true joy to my heart and I hope it does for you as well. 

Now looking forward into the the New Year, below of are the Musical Happenings for the month of January:

  • Song of the Month: “Go, Tell It on the Mountain” - Chalice Hymnal #167: Listen HERE
  • Sung Benediction: “In the Bulb” - Chalice Hymnal #638 verse 1: Listen HERE
  • January 5th - Hymn selections for Christmas-time and Communion, Special by myself
  • January 12th - Handbell duet provided by Tom D. & Laurie H.
  • Music & Movement time with Mr. Scott for Faith Formation Kids after the service.
  • January 19th - Special Music provided by Low Voice Ensemble
  • January 26th - Special Music provided by the Handbell Choir

All of our music ministry ensembles will be taking a well-deserved break until the second week of January. When rehearsals resume, the Worship Band, Handbell Choir, and Voice Choir will begin working on monthly specials and prepare for the Easter/Pentecost Season. Anyone is welcome to join these groups, and the first few weeks are the best time to “test the waters”. Please reach out to Tom Danforth or myself if you are interested or would like more information about the expectations for participating in these groups.

As we venture together into Year 2025, may God bring many blessings and opportunities for growth into our lives, and may the gift of music continue to fill our hearts and grow our community of faith!

Until We Meet Again

Find God in the Music,

Scott Arnold (He/Him)

Minister of Music

Trinity Church of Northborough

Click on the image below to watch or share the Lessons & Carols Service on 12/22/2024


Car Rides for Michael

Our Outreach Team has a new opportunity to help others! Michael is originally from Haiti and came to Northborough last year. Michael has graduated from Algonquin, received a Trinity Church scholarship and is currently attending Quinsigamond Community College.

Please help provide rides for Michael by signing up via this link: Click Here:

Thank you!

Your Trinity Church Outreach Team


Annual Meeting will be held on

Sunday January 26, 2025 11:15am

in Fellowship Hall


Following the meeting in September with our Vitality coach, Paul Nickerson, Trinity took some time to start building its Vitality Team. We have started meeting with Paul N. for coaching sessions and we will be working on building our list of items we want Trinity to act upon.

As a reminder, the Vitality Team is tasked with guiding Trinity in identifying the group or groups in the greater Northborough community to which we want to spread God’s love and invite into fellowship at Trinity. We will be building a list of action items which we will ask you, the congregation, to work on to help Trinity build relationships with people in the community and invite them to Trinity.

The Vitality Team is starting big in January. The team will have a workshop on Saturday January 4th to develop the action item list from the notes which everyone at the September meeting took. Then on Sunday the 5th, the team will be commissioned during worship.

We would like to invite anyone who would like to join us in this important work to join us on Saturday the 4th at 8:30 AM for our workshop.

For more information or to join the vitality team, you may contact Tom Danforth at tomdan4@gmail.com

Praying for a vital church, your vitality team.

Tom Danforth

Paul Pazareskis 

Will Seals

Lorna Van Horn


Kindness is being considerate, generous and caring to other people. As Trinity Church, this is one of our foremost values! We will be joining other organizations in Northborough’s Kindness Week. 

We will be inviting the Northborough Community to our Chili Cook-off on Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 5:30 PM. This promises to be a “most” fun event with the crowning of a queen and a king of chili. There will also be music in the air! So, save the date!

Everyone in the Trinity Congregation is encouraged to participate and enjoy the various chilis. How can you help? Make some chili to share. Make mac and cheese for the kids. Invite people and families from the community to this free event where they may relax and enjoy. Help with set-up or clean-up.

Dave Chin, ONA/Social Justice Team


The next Saturday Breakfast Fellowship will be on Saturday January 18th. at 8:30 AM.  In January, I want to go in a different direction. Rather than have a specific topic, I’m going to bring out a set of conversation starters from Talking Points Cards.

I received the cards from Kathie Nichols and they are designed to start conversations on faith, something which is the essence of Breakfast Fellowship. So, let’s gather on the 18th and see where the cards take us.

Everyone is welcome to come to Saturday Breakfast Fellowship for breakfast, fellowship, and discussion.

For more information or to add yourself to the Saturday Breakfast Fellowship email list, please contact Tom at tomdan4@gmail.com


"Children's Church" is scheduled for Sunday, January 12th.  

The children who want to participate will leave the sanctuary with Faith Formations leaders during this time. The children's classroom is located on the 2nd floor, just outside of the sanctuary. The children will participate in an inter-active, faith-based lesson followed by a children's music time with Scott after worship service.

We hope to see you there!

The Faith Formation Committee



The Pastoral Care team is available for anyone who would appreciate a friendly caring call or a check in on a home bound member. We keep in touch weekly or monthly or whatever is needed. We even make “sunshine“ house visits with a small box surprise!

We are here and if you or anyone you know would benefit from a call from our team please contact Linda F. at: lmferraro25@gmail.com or Michele W. at michelewheelock@gmail.com


We meet once a month at Trinity with knitting/crocheting hands to make shawls for our members in need of a “hug”. Blessed handmade items are delivered right to their home to warm the heart and soul. I have a simple knit pattern that can be made easily. It comes along with a card of encouraging words.

In 2024 We gave out shawls to Michele W, Lynn F, Neal Swenor, Marcia Sargent and Diane Guldner. A few shawls were brought to Coleman house. Currently there is an estimate of 3 shawls in progress and 2 that are completed. Two baptism blankets were presented to We are getting low now so more need to be made! We love giving them out and our members love receiving them.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 1pm to 2 pm.

Our shawls and blankets have become quite popular and we need to keep on making more to comfort our members in need and the fellowship is great too!

Anyone interested in meeting over a cup of tea just once a month for one hour for a rewarding mission please contact Linda F. at: lmferraro25@gmail.com


I am looking to put together a list of people who would like to help when needed on our hospitality list. We are looking for people when we have collations (after funeral services) to help with set up, serving, clean up and baking. 

If you would like to be called upon, please email me at:lornahelms1@gmail.com or call/text me at

(508) 596-1776.


Would you like to provide altar flowers for Sunday worship? Please click on the link below to choose a date and add a comment if the flowers are in celebration, honor or memory of an event or person.

Signup Genie will automatically send you an email reminder six days prior to the day you signed up to bring flowers.



Join us for Bible Study on Zoom on Mondays at 11am. Pastor Will, will be facilitating a 6 week session starting on Monday January 27th.

Contact the church office or Jean Leif for the Zoom link. 

Coffee or Tea on Zoom Wednesdays at 9:00am

Chat on Zoom, Wednesdays at 9am.


Meeting ID: 954 033 518

Password: 569713

Dial by your location

+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 954 033 518

Rita is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com or call her at (508) 393-8156 during office hours.

Join Pastor Will 

At Coffee & Pi (π)

276 Turnpike Rd #8 Westboro

Wednesdays 10 am - 11 am


The "Count Your Blessings" Thrift Shop

Open Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays, 10:00 am - 2:00pm.

Come in and browse through our great selection of clothing and household items.

Gently used clothing donations can be dropped off, in bags, in the marked bins in the church hallway. 

Household donations can be dropped of during thrift shop hours. 

We are currently looking for more household and decorative items so please keep us in mind if you have anything. 

Items that need electricity (plug in) are not accepted.

Thank you for your support!


Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure with Trinity Church!

If you're paying by check, please make checks payable to Trinity Church. Our mailing address is 23 Main St, Northborough, MA 01532.

You can also use “bill pay” and have your bank mail a check to us on a regular schedule set up by you, at no cost. Or give online at www.trinitynorthborough.org/donate


Community Meals

If you have any questions, please call Martha Michalewich at (774) 258-0867 or email at martha.michalewich@verizon.net


If you know of someone who is hospitalized, ill, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or troubled in some way and in need of a pastoral call, please call Pastor Will Seals at 508-393-8156.


Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday January 21, 2025 for regular business hours.


Mondays through Thursdays 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm

Fridays 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 3 pm


If you have any information that you would like to have included

in the February 2025 Tidings,

please be sure to have it to Rita / church office

no later than Monday, January 27, 2025.


23 Main Street ~ Northborough, MA 01532

(508) 393-8156



Trinity Church is an Open & Affirming / Welcoming & Affirming Congregation


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