Community Design Center News......................................... January 2022
Thank you for your support!
We greatly appreciate our community's generosity throughout our Annual Give campaign to fund our work in 2022, especially during a time when so many are in need.

It's not too late to support the cause! Send a check to:

Community Design Center Rochester
1115 E Main Street, Box 61
Rochester, NY 14609

Image Credit: New York State Council on the Arts
CDCR receives $49,500 grant from NYSCA, part of Gov. Hochul's unprecedented $45 million investment in arts & culture

We are excited to announce that the CDCR has been awarded $49,500 by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) to support our work in 2022! While we are fortunate to have been supported by NYSCA for nearly two decades, this is by far the largest annual grant we have received from them and it will have a substantial impact.

Grants administered by NYSCA this year invest in more than 1,000 organizations and 300 artists across all 10 regions of New York State. In announcing this unprecedented level of support, Governor Hochul said, "The arts have long been a critical sector in our economy, and as we continue to rebuild a stronger New York, it's essential we do all we can to help this industry thrive once again. These awardees represent the best of what New York's vibrant communities have to offer and with this funding in hand, they will be able to not only continue their creative and inspiring work, but help spur revitalization in their own backyard as well." We are thankful to NYSCA and the Governor for their ongoing support of our work and incredible generosity. Thank you will never be enough!

Lecture Series Kicks off This Winter
It's back! Each year the CDCR's Reshaping Rochester Lecture Series features five engaging experts from around the country, aiming to open dialogue around urban planning/design strategies and issues of equity that contribute to the revitalization of our region. We continue to be interested in how we can promote inclusion and equity through the way we think about and create space. Our 2022 series theme is "The Ideal City" and we will discuss what it means to be ideal, explore cities that would be categorized as ideal, and ask if/how our own community could become ideal.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon, but for now please check out the range of sponsorship opportunities that are available. Reach out to [email protected] to lock in your sponsorship or with any questions!
Check This Out:
Image Credit: American Metamorphosis
Podcast Features Rochester

In podcast American Metamorphosis, Emmy-nominated journalist Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani examines how rules are being rewritten, maps redrawn, and structures redesigned -- and how those shifts will impact the way we live, work, and create in the years ahead. Episode 6 of the second season focuses on infrastructure and features Rochester, with contributions from Shawn Dunwoody on the history and future of our Inner Loop.


Image Credit: Bloomberg CityLab
How Has COVID Changed Your Life? Show CityLab in a Map.

Bloomberg CityLab first asked for maps of people's lives since COVID back in April 2020. They recently put out another call for submissions: "As the omicron variant forces another pandemic pivot, we want to connect with our readers again through the medium of personal cartography. As you sit down to map, reflect on what has changed for you in these long two years...Consider the feelings that come up, be they resilience or indifference, awe or despair...Map how these affected the places you know, whether real or imagined. Alternatively, you can use this as an opportunity to show us the world you hope to see in 2022."


Early Bird Registration Open for CNU 30

Join Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) for their 30th Annual Congress: Resilient Together March 23-26, 2022! This is a great opportunity to join fellow New Urbanists and see in action how Oklahoma City's public and private sectors, non-profit community, and residents have collaborated to reshape the city's urban environment. Register by January 15 to receive early bird pricing.

See What Our Friends Are Doing:
Wednesday, Jan. 12 | 5:00pm-8:00pm | Oak Hill Country Club

Good design is not something reserved for the wealthy. This session will investigate ways to bring the positive impact of good design to all projects, regardless of budget or intended user. Presented by AIA Member Dan Glading of SWBR. CES available!

Thursday, Feb. 3 | 4:00pm-5:00pm | 45 Exchange Blvd

Join AIA Rochester for a tour of one of Rochester's iconic buildings! Explore the details and learn the history behind this prominent feature in our skyline. Free and offering 1 LU!

Monday, Jan. 24 | 6:30pm-8:00pm | Zoom

The Landmark Society's Genesee Valley Rural Revitalization (GVRR) Round 2 Applications are now open! Learn more in their upcoming webinar, which will cover general program info, walk through the application form, and have a Q&A at the end for personalized questions. GVRR supports historic restoration and rehabilitation projects throughout rural communities in the Finger Lakes and Western New York regions.

Tuesday, Feb. 1 | 7:00pm-8:30pm | Rochester Brainery via Zoom

The Young Urban Preservationists (YUPs) are at it again! This time they're offering a rundown of American architectural styles from the Colonial era through the 19th century, with a focus on local and regional examples.