January 2025 Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic News

STL Surgery = 703

Rolla Surgery = 199

STL Wellness = 343

Rolla Wellness = 51



January - Walk Your Pet Month (download the WoofTrax app and help the clinic while you walk!)


Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

Responsible Pet Owners Month

February 7 - Rock N. Roll Bingo

February 25 - World Spay Day

February 28 - Dine-to-Donate at Rolla Wendy's

Please join us on Friday, February 7 for Rock & Roll Bingo! Register here

Sponsor a round and your support will be showcased for a reasonable donation!

If you have any gift cards you won't be using, we would love to have them to give as bingo round prizes.

Shelters are full. Rescues are full.

There are not enough homes to adopt all the pets waiting.

Spay/Neuter is THE ONLY WAY

to curb pet overpopulation.

To schedule a dog or cat spay/neuter, contact the clinic location near you:

St. Louis: 314-771-PETS (7387) or Rolla: 573-465-3099

Wellness Clinics

You may make a reservation in advance for our St. Louis wellness clinics (up until Midnight of the wellness clinic date) that serves as a place holder of sorts.

Make a St. Louis wellness reservation

Space permitting, we will accept a LIMITED number of walk-in clients who will be fit in around the reservations.

Because the need for services is so high, we may request that you return another day if all our wellness slots are full.

Please check our calendar for the most up-to-date wellness clinic schedule.

View the STL calendar

For Rolla Wellness, make a reservation online or contact the clinic at: 573-465-3099

We want YOU to join our TEAM!

At Carol House Pet Clinic, we have a FUN staff and do quality work that impacts our community in a POSITIVE way!!! We are currently looking for employees for both of our locations.

Click for St. Louis job openings

Click for Rolla job openings

YOUR donations help keep the dogs and cats in YOUR community healthy, altered, and out of overcrowded shelters where they risk euthanasia.

By using our PayPal Giving Fund, 100% of your donation goes directly to Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic without fees to anyone! Please be sure to check the box that allows us to see who donated so we can send you a tax receipt.


A Special THANK YOU to Our

2024 Comedy 4 the Paws Sponsors

Tom and Teri Seiler

The Pals Family

This E-Newsletter is proudly sponsored by Helix Realty!

We thank them for their generous support! If your business wishes to

sponsor an E-Newsletter, email Development Director

or call 314-771-PETS (7387).

Serving U-City Loop, Central West End, Maplewood, Richmond Heights, Clayton, both office and residential properties.

Call  314-367-7646

Click for their website:

Helix Realty Website

Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic


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