What's New at the ACFP and In Health Care
Message from the ED - Our Top 10 of 2018
The ACFP Board and Staff had an exceptional year in 2018! Through the efforts of many dedicated people we have been able to make significant advances on the priorities identified in our Strategic Framework and Plan. Here are our Top 10 for 2018:

  1. The ACFP Opioid Response Task Force was instrumental in creating recommendations that both set the stage for ACFP leadership in the provincial opioid response and built meaningful engagement and connections with our members.
  2. ACFP’s ongoing participation in the Primary Care Alliance, as a coalition of physician organizations concerned with the successful transformation of the health care system, was a foundation for the trusted long-standing relationships needed to create a collaborative plan for the Primary Health Care Opioid Response Initiative (PHC ORI) and other improvement initiatives.
Register for the Family Medicine Summit 2019
Program Updates Added!

There is still time to register for Alberta’s premier family medicine conference. Download the preliminary program guide or visit the agenda page for more details.

Newly added to the Summit Program:
  • A free three-hour pre-conference workshop - Sunny With a Chance of (cl)OUDs: Managing Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) in Primary Care. This free workshop is presented to you by the ACFP and PEER through the PHC Opioid Response Initiative Grant.
  • A second Wound Care skills session has been added
  • Confirmed titles include: A Case Based Approach to Heart Failure, Using Data and Resources to Improve the Care of Older Patients with Polypharmacy, Jeopardy – Rapid-fire pearls for Pain Management Plus Common Primary Care Presentations, I Know I Have to, But I Don’t Want to: Practical Tips for Managing Disclosure

Already registered but want to modify your agenda selections?
Simply click the Already Registered link under the Register button and enter your email and confirmation number. Once you have enter your details you may modify your selections from there.

Be sure to register before February 5 to save.
Practical Workshop: Identifying and Treating Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care
The Collaborative Mentorship Networks for Chronic Pain and Addiction is travelling across the province to offer family physicians and their teams a free three-hour workshop with practical tools that can be immediately applied in practice. 

  • Medicine Hat - Feb 2
  • Calgary - Feb 8 and Feb 9
  • Edmonton - Feb 21
  • Bonnyville - Apr 5
  • Whitecourt - Apr 6
  • Grande Prairie - Apr 7
  • Camrose - Apr 12
  • Wainwright - Apr 13
  • Red Deer - Apr 14

This Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Alberta Chapter for up to 3 Mainpro+ credits.
Website Scavenger Hunt!

New features include a calendar of events submission form, a staff carousel page, a Quick Links bar, and a brand new site search.

Get to know our website.

Answer the following scavenger hunt form correctly for a chance to win one of our highly-coveted gourmet coffee cards! (Five names will be drawn.)
Mainpro + Minute: Three credits per hour programs
 Win an ACFP Coffee Card by Answering the featured Mainpro+ Minute Trivia Question!

Three credits per hour programs – pre- and post- activities

Programs that have achieved certification for three credits per hour have been developed to meet the CFPC’s highest criteria for certified learning.

These programs include a pre-course activity, and two post-course reflective activities for reinforcement of learning. The post-course activities are administered at staggered time intervals. All components of the program are mandatory for the provider to deliver, and for the participant to complete in order to receive credits.

If you attend a program certified for 3 credits per hour and do not complete the required post-course activities, can you be awarded a certificate, and claim certified credits in a lesser category (i.e. 1 credit per hour)?
Enter your answer by clicking on the correct response below.
Yes, I can be awarded and claim one credit per hour certified credits.
No, I can not be awarded or claim any certified credits.
The answer will be published in the February edition of our eNews.

*Only correct answers will be entered into the draw. Five lucky winners will be notified by email and will have their names published in the January edition of our eNews.

Last Month's Mainpro+ Minute: Reciprocity Agreements Answer

Last month we asked –

If you attend a conference in the United States that has been accredited by the American Academy of Family Physicians for 10 prescribed credits, do you claim/record these credits in your CFPC Mainpro+ records as certified or non-certified credits?

Answer : AAFP prescribed credits can be recorded as certified credits in your Mainpro+ record.

CFPC members who complete any CPD/CME program accredited by the AAFP for prescribed credit can claim the equivalent number of certified credits.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our December eNews poll. We received 68 responses. All correct answers were entered in a draw to receive a $25 Starbucks gift card, and five lucky winners were randomly drawn.

Congratulations to our December Winners!!

  • Dr. Kristina Moore (Calgary)
  • Dr. Chelsea Smithbower (Edmonton)
  • Dr. Limor Alima (Edmonton)
  • Dr. Medini Vaze (Calgary)
  • Dr. Dulynn Hastings (High River)
Alberta College of Family Physicians | www.acfp.ca | 780-488-2395