Where Business and Opportunity Meet
BusinessWise eNews
Thank you for visiting, staying, working and being a part of the solution to growing prosperity and commerce in Central Vermont.
This issue of BusinessWise is gladly sponsored by:
To see your business featured here, email info@centralvt.com.
2021 Annual Meeting
Business After-Next:
What will your workforce look like in the future,
after the pandemic?
Thursday, January 28, 2021
VirBELA Platform
No Cost to Attend or Install Platform

Join us for our combination Chamber Annual Business Meeting and presentation on “business after-next” with our guest speaker Daniel Daoust, LTC (Ret.), SF, Executive Director of Norwich Pro. Mr. Daoust will be discussing after COVID, economic recovery and new the new normal for the business world.
Click here for your invitation with more information.
Afterwards, join us for a virtual business expo and social hour! Escape the humdrum of zoom fatigue by escaping to our VirBELA virtual island courtesy of Associated General Contractors of Vermont. What is the Virbela virtual island, you ask? Good question! Find out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzd9EU4dcqI and feel free to reach out to us with any questions or to rent a booth!
This event is free to Chamber members and nonmembers alike, although members receive preferential pricing for booth space. Booths are limited and filling up fast! Contact the Chamber at 229-5711 or email tonya@centralvt.com to reserve your booth today!

Click here to register to attend the meeting and expo. Registration is required to receive the link with access to the platform.

Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
50/50 Raffle to Benefit
Capstone Community Action
Drawing on January 29th at 3pm
via Facebook
Capstone Community Action has been selected as the January beneficiary for the Chamber's monthly 50/50 raffle supporting a local non-profit organizations.Raffle tickets are only $10 each and gets you a chance to win half the money collected while also supporting this great non-profit organization during this trying time.
There will not be an event for this 50/50 raffle. "Registration" is only to purchase raffle tickets. Multiple 50/50 raffle tickets can be purchased by the same buyer, simply enter the same name for multiple tickets.
The December 50/50 raffle to benefit Lost Nation Theater raised over $1,000! Congratulations to Lost Nation Theater and to Mark Tatro, the winner of the December raffle.
Legislative Preview Review
On December 11th, the Chamber hosted a Legislative Preview, "Engaging State Government in a Global Pandemic" looking at the 2021 Vermont Legislature - leaders, logistics, issues and opportunities.
Here is the recording of that meeting...
This issue of BusinessWise is gladly sponsored by:
To see your business featured here, email info@centralvt.com.
Beaulieu Place Conference Rooms
Open for Meetings & Events
The conference rooms at the Central VT Chamber offices, also known as Beaulieu Place, are available for meetings and events again!
Two conference rooms separated by a fold away wall can host meetings and events from just a few people to over 40. Centrally located in a prime space just off exit 7 from I-89, with free parking, coffee/tea, LCD projector, speakerphone and more, what more could you ask for in a conference room space?!
For more information on these meeting rooms and rates, click here.
We are leaving it up to the discretion of users to monitor attendance and social distancing while meeting at Beaulieu Place.
Don't hesitate as dates are filling up quickly and reserved on a first come, first served basis.
Reserve your next meeting or event by calling 229-5711 or email tonya@centralvt.com. We look forward to hosting you in our great space!
Help Us Work For You!
Are you looking for more ways to promote your products, services, sales and deals? Let your Chamber membership work for you!
Send the Chamber images and information on your goods and services so we can share on our social media campaign and among our networks.
Send to Tonya@centralvt.com so we can help you make the most of your Chamber membership!

Be sure to Like, Follow and Share our facebook page facebook.com/centralvermontchamber
Got job openings?
Members, please send us the link to employment opportunities at your business and we will post it to our growing online list!
Rotary District 7850
Communication, Collaboration and Presentation Workshop
Saturday, January 16 at 9am
Rotary District 7850 is pleased to announce a free Workshop from HollettEarle designed for business and community leaders on Communication, Collaboration and Presentation skills. Writer-Actor-Directors and alumni of The Second City improv comedy troupe, Shari Hollett and Chris Earle have been teaching communication, collaboration and presentation skills for over 20 years to corporate, government and non-profit clients across North America. As long-time directors and actors in theatre and comedy, they have developed their own special brand of workshops - using their performing and improvisation “know how” to create a fun, challenging, and invaluable experience for your group or business. With improvisation as their foundation, these workshops enhance existing skills, and develop new ones that help take your team to the next level.
Click here for the press release with more information.
Share Your Thoughts on the Future of Vermont
The challenges facing Vermont call on us to unite to build a better future. The Vermont Council on Rural Development, a neutral facilitator of public process, is excited to share the first draft of the Vermont Proposition: an effort to set non-partisan priorities for statewide action. The Proposition draft, based on input from thousands of Vermonters, shares a set of ideas to drive common action and advance a successful future for our communities, environment and economy. 
Now, VCRD is looking to you to help strengthen the Proposition. What’s missing? What could be improved? What do we need to do to be successful for the next generation? To learn more about the initiative, see the current draft, and share your thoughts, visit www.futureofvermont.org.
Norwich University
Reshaping the U.S Workforce through
Diversity and Inclusion Principles
Free Webinar
Tuesday, January 26th 2pm-3pm
In its “2020 Job Trends” report, Glassdoor predicts that recruitment of diversity and inclusion specialists will become a major priority for a broad swathe of employers in the coming year as they seek to modernize their corporate culture and attract new employees. In our live webinar on January 26, 2021, we will examine the growing demand for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the knowledge and skills diversity officers, organizational managers, and senior leaders need to implement change in an organization.
Topics include:
- Improving employee retention through diversity, equity, and inclusion
- How diversity, equity, and inclusion creates a positive work culture
- Building hiring practices and policies that elevate equity
- Company pathways for career advancement
This issue of BusinessWise is gladly sponsored by:
To see your business featured here, email info@centralvt.com.
Get Your News Out There!

If you have an upcoming event, product promotion, or congratulations you would like to share, please send your press releases to The Chamber at info@centralvt.com so we can update others on news and happenings with your business.
Show Your Chamber Pride!

When you advertise your business in the local media, be sure to include that you are a proud member of the Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce!
Thank you,
Central Vermont Chamber