January 2020
Join Us Tomorrow Night: Film & Discussion on Racial Equity in Schools

This Thursday (1/16), we'll be screening the film "Segregated City," a short episode from the New York Times , and Rubye Sullivan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation will present data from their report, "Changing the Odds." A panel discussion on improving race equity, education, and school discipline will follow. 

When :
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Time: 7 p.m. (Doors at 6:30 p.m.)

Where :
Landmark's Midtown Art Cinema in Atlanta (931 Monroe Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30308)

"Bending Toward Justice," a film screening and panel discussion on racial inequity in schools.

Georgia Appleseed Interim Executive Director Michael Waller will facilitate a panel discussion on how to make our schools more equitable. Panelists include:
  • A Fulton County Juvenile Court judge
  • Jason Esteves, Board Chair, Atlanta Public Schools
  • Maribel Bell, Director of the Office of Student Discipline, Fulton County Schools

This event is free and open to the public, but ticket reservations are required. 
RSVP today http://bit.ly/Jan16Film
We hope to see you there!
Celebrating Our FY 2019 Successes

We're proud of what we accomplished in FY 2019, and we are already well on our way to even bigger successes in FY 2020. For more, see our FY 2019 Annual Report .
Join Us on February 6, 2020, for the Middle Georgia School-Based Behavioral Health Forum

Georgia Appleseed, The Carter Center, and Voices for Georgia's Children are partnering with CarePartners of Georgia and the Community Service Board of Middle Georgia to offer this free, half-day forum on school-based behavioral health.

The Middle Georgia School-Based Behavioral Health Forum will include presentations on the following:
  • Local superintendents' perspectives on school-based behavioral health
  • Eliminating barriers and ensuring sustainability
  • System of care expansion; parent and student engagement
  • Language, behavior, and climate

Please register to attend and share this invitation with others who might be interested!

Thursday, February 6, 2020
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lunch will be provided. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.

Dublin High School
1127 Hillcrest Parkway
Dublin, GA 31021

This event is free and open to the public. Educators, parents, policy leaders, and behavioral health experts are encouraged to attend.

Register today! http://bit.ly/Feb6Forum

Questions? Contact The Carter Center Mental Health Program at 404-420-5165
March 17, 2020, CLE: Register Today !

Our  Young Professionals Council is hosting a March Madness training for attorneys who represent students facing public school disciplinary hearings on March 17, 2020 , at the State Bar of Georgia.

Under Georgia law, K-12 public school students faced with proposed out-of-school suspension of more than ten days or with expulsion, are entitled to dispute the proposed disciplinary action at an administrative hearing often referred to as a 'tribunal.' Because of the impact a long-term suspension or expulsion may have on a student's academic success, it is important that the tribunal process provide meaningful due process to every student. Attorneys completing the training may opt to enter a pool of trained volunteers to provide tribunal representation to a child in foster care.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020
1:00 to 4:45 p.m.

State Bar of GA, Room 3
104 Marietta St NW
Atlanta, Georgia  30303

Save the Date: Good Apple 2020

Save the date for April 22, 2020 , for the next Good Apple! For information about sponsorships, visit GaAppleseed.org or contact Abi Gross at agross@gaappleseed.org .
Additional Resources

Want to learn more about some of the ideas and issues we've been thinking and talking about? We got you covered!