Check out January's edition of our monthly outreach to Michigan Legislators where we continue to educate them on the value of our libraries and the critical role of library staff. Our monthly letters include information on programs and services that libraries provide, education on library funding, the return on investment for our communities, stats and fun facts about library usage and more.
Libraries are a trusted source of reliable information. In fact, a report based on Pew Research Survey findings, aiming to understand how people approach facts and information, shows that libraries are the most trusted source of information. 

But as we all know, not many libraries are open 24/7/365. For Michigan residents, the next best thing is to use the Michigan eLibrary (MeL), an anywhere, anytime library.

MeL, the Michigan eLibrary, has two components: MeLCat the statewide catalog, and the eResources available at The Michigan eLibrary eResources and MeLCat are loved by patrons in all 83 Michigan counties. 

MeL is administered by the Library of Michigan, an agency of the Michigan Department of Education, and is funded at the state level through state appropriations ($1.7M) and federally through the Institute of Museum and Library Services ($2.8M).

Want a special book, video, movie, CD, but can’t seem to find it at your local library? Doing important research and need a unique reference only available in a city far away?

Since 2005, the MeLCat Statewide Catalog has been a key centralized catalog and resource sharing service created to lend and share materials among all types of libraries in Michigan. Over 450 public, academic and school libraries and library systems throughout Michigan participate and a robust delivery service called RIDES is employed to get materials to all corners of the state. It is important to highlight that over a million requests were fulfilled in 2020.

The other component of this robust eLibrary offers the opportunity for Michigan residents to become lifelong learners and engaged residents through trusted, authoritative and vetted knowledge. That opportunity is available through MeL's eResources which is a one-stop-shop for high-quality, reliable, vetted information accessible via all types of libraries across the state.

What makes this different from other search engines? MeL’s eResources are organized and curated by experts. Results from a search are limited and given credibility and authority through citations. MeL’s eResources is the first step in discerning truth from fiction. Its core goal for all Michigan citizens is adopting healthy media literacy behavior.

MeL invests in over 80 eResources for Pre-K through college students and adult learners of all types. Topics covered include early literacy, test prep, magazine and newspaper articles, encyclopedias, health resources, workforce skill-building, family history/genealogy and more.

As all libraries step up their involvement to combat the danger of rampant disinformation infecting our daily discourse, the return on investment for this valuable eLibrary can’t be underestimated and we encourage your continued support.

Please visit and explore this great resource.
Deborah E. Mikula
Executive Director
Michigan Library Association