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Holistic Child Health Newsletter 
January 2014


Dear Friends,


Welcome to the Holistic Child Health Newsletter.


The goal of my holistic pediatric practice, and of this newsletter, is to inform and support parents to become more empowered as the primary health care providers for their children. Extending far beyond Western medicine's conventional treatments, holistic medicine and mindful parenting allow us to boost children's natural immunity, support their optimum health and wellness, safely heal any illnesses, and prevent disease-without dangerous side effects.  Holistic medicine provides us with the tools to nurture the physical, emotional, social and spiritual health of your children.


Over the coming months and years, I intend to use this newsletter to address some of your concerns as parents, share information that you might want to add to your knowledge base, and inform you of important issues and current events that are happening in the news, and in your area.


Together we can heal the whole child. Naturally.


Yours in Health,


Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD

Leah and Larry  

When You Let Your Kid Play Ball in the House
11 Things I Wish Every Parent Knew

With Vaccines ... Is There No Middle Ground, No Room for Questions?

City Mandates Flu Vaccine for Kids Under 5
Dr Palevsky's Comments:  Based on this new mandate, in my own fantasy world, I would like to see families with young children just pick up and move out of NYC, leaving the pre-schools & day cares with record low attendance rates. Then, and only then, because of the economic impact of the loss of revenue from low attendance rates of children under 5, and not because of the adverse health effects from the flu vaccine, will the 'experts' who mandated this intervention consider the ramifications of their ill-conceived policy. 

It just makes no sense, and it's dangerous, but the medical 'experts' have no clue why. Nor, do they care to hear why, or consider a thought process from any perspective other than the dogma they espouse. This mandate is just another way for the 'experts' to disable a population of young children living in NYC, whose parents have to send them to pre-school & day care in order for them to go to work to earn a living. Can more homeschooling be far behind, if people don't smarten up and just move out of the city, or stop sending their children to NYC pre-schools & day care? Wouldn't that be a riot. 

There are so many crazy reasons, and untrue scientific assertions, that the medical 'experts' twist and turn around, to make this mandate a sound policy. Too many people agree with them, and have no understanding why they speak concepts that have no scientific backing. 

It's remarkable how distorted the truths of science and medicine have become. I guess we haven't reached a point where the insanity of these types of policies is sufficiently recognized, and stopped. Wow. That Kool Aid must taste really good. It won't matter to any of the members of the Board of Health if too many children are hurt. They are not responsible. And, come to think of it, no one else is responsible, either. 

Where, oh where, is Katniss Everdeen?



Dr Palevsky's Comments:  More insanity to destroy our immune systems. Here is Barbara Loe Fisher's comments about this new development. 


The FDA announced it had approved an AS03 oil in water emulsion adjuvanted H5N1 bird flu vaccine for the National Vaccine Stockpile. AS03 
has been associated with cases of narcolepsy in European children, who got ASO3 adjuvanted pandemic H1N1 vaccines in 2009-2010:   NVIC has opposed the licensure of AS03 and other squalene type adjuvants because they hyper-stimulate the immune system and can cause autoimmunity.AS03 adjuvanted vaccines may be especially dangerous for people with a personal or family history of autoimmunity.

It looks like the FDA approved this experimental H5N1 bird flu vaccine based on a clinical study in a few thousand people and it will not be commercially available at this time but will be stockpiled for use during a future "H5N1 pandemic emergency." However, even if that emergency never occurs, the fact that AS03 is now in an FDA-approved vaccine adjuvant paves the way for it to be included in other new vaccines drug companies are creating and fast tracking to licensure, especially influenza vaccines, without having to demonstrate in placebo controlled clinical trials that it is safe.

17 Children Die After Receiving Hepatitis B Vaccine

The Forgotten Organ - Your Microbiota


Hormone-disrupting chemicals found in water at fracking sites

Study Shows Fracking Is Bad for Babies 

10 Foods Sold in the U.S. That Are Banned Elsewhere


FOOD FIGHT: Bullies Poisoning The 'Hood Get Splattered!

Sodas, Other Sweet Drinks Tied to Higher Risk for Endometrial Cancer

Tree Nuts, Chockfull of Healthful Fats, May Help You Live Longer  


Bad Eating Habits Start in the Womb 
Sucralose creates toxic chemicals when heated and increases glucose levels




7 Worst Ingredients in Food 


Hidden Scary Sushi Ingredients Exposed


Dr. Palevsky's Comment: Is it safe to eat out anymore?

A Little Girl's Project Shows Us Why We Need To Choose Organic Produce

Dr Palevsky's Comment: It seems we might need to stop and listen to kids more often. They might be able to teach us more than we are apt to learn from the adults around us.
Americans - Why Do You Keep Refrigerating Your Eggs? 

Each month, Dr Palevsky will be answering a hot topic question....



Dr. Palevsky, I am constantly fielding the argument that vaccines have been responsible for diminishing and eradicating disease since their inception. This article seems to reflect that assumption. Are they right?

Spatiotemporal Analysis Emphasizes Value of Vaccination
Analysis of disease trends since 1888 shows 103 million cases of contagious disease prevented

The authors, and others who quote such bottomless 'statistics', make a huge assumption in order to arrive at their estimation that vaccines prevented 103.1 million cases of contagious diseases since 1924. The only way they could fabricate this number and, therefore, spin their agenda to the world, is to assume that vaccines were solely responsible for the differences in incidence rates of infectious diseases before and after vaccine licensure. 


Proving this assumption as fact is next to impossible. Nevertheless, the conclusion drawn by these authors will be used by mass media, medical groups, vaccine manufacturers, and government agencies, to exaggerate the benefits of vaccinations as the only reason such massive numbers of infectious diseases never happened. People will never see or read the fine print and know that the conclusions were based on a reckless assumption.


We know the life cycle of bacteria and viruses is impacted by vaccinations, but vaccines do not impact their existence. Yet, we are made to believe that vaccinations make micro-organisms like small pox, measles, polio, diphtheria and rubella somehow vanish off the face of the earth. No, their existences have not been eradicated. 


Vaccinations don't, and can't, make these organisms dissolve into thin air. Just because we see fewer diseases caused by these organisms doesn't mean the micro-organisms themselves are no longer in existence. The assumption that vaccines work by eradicating the very existence of the bacteria and viruses against which we vaccinate is yet another, in a long line of reckless assumptions, that drives the vaccination program forward.


And, we know that the relative opportunities for infectious diseases to occur are impacted by the presence or absence of factors other than vaccination rates. These factors include diet, nutritional status, famine, toxic load, genetics, host susceptibility, hygiene, individual and community-wide stress levels, psychological status, natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, & tornados, war, peace, poverty, clean water, proper waste disposal, oppression, and overall living conditions. 


We also cannot ignore the fact that there are environmental forces, independent of the human element, which may impact bacterial and viral activity, replication, and infectivity. This is a topic that is never considered. We never even stop to consider that just as the rhythms & physiology of humans, animals and plants are impacted by the above-mentioned environmental factors, micro-organisms have life cycles all their own that are influenced by these same environmental factors. 


Hard for species-centric humans to realize that human choices may not be all of what impacts the life and times of bacteria and viruses. Even such non-human determined factors as changes in the time of year, time of day, seasons, times of the month, and ambient temperatures, can impact bacterial and viral activities. Even the activity levels of certain bacteria and viruses can impact the activity levels of other bacteria and viruses via forces of nature, independent of human knowledge or influence. Yes, there are factors other than human contagiousness and vaccination rates that may affect how, where, and why bacteria and viruses behave the way they do. 


Nonetheless, despite this broader, more realistic, and more scientific exploration of the factors that impact how infectious diseases may occur, scientific discourse about how we may understand the complexities of what contributes to infectious disease outbreaks, and how we can strive to better prevent morbidity and mortality when they do occur, will remain the following: vaccines are solely responsible for preventing more massive incidences of infectious diseases.


I'd say it's mighty bold, bordering on dangerous magical and mythical thinking, for the authors to make this assumption, and then use it to propagate their agenda to potentially enforce further vaccination mandates. 


We could try to do a similar analysis regarding chronic illness, and be just as reckless, although I wonder how much closer to the truth this analysis would be, as compared to the author's analysis. Here's my proposal, adhering to their model of spatiotemporal analysis, and copying their language from the article. 


"Assuming that the difference rates before and after vaccine licensure was attributable solely to the vaccination programs, researchers estimate that vaccines contributed to (fill in the blank) million/trillion cases of chronic, debilitating inflammatory immune & neurological diseases, and deaths, since 1924. Anyone want to do the mathematical analysis? 


I wonder how well, "high-resolution spatiotemporal data can be effectively used to illustrate these trends at national and local levels, and to inform public opinion about the dangers of the vaccination program," this author writes. After all, there is a dark side to every light side, isn't there?

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where he will be posting important articles, scientific papers, 
and medical information for your interest, with his added comments.

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Dr. Palevsky is a board certified pediatrician who utilizes a holistic approach in his work with children and families. 


Dr. Palevsky received his medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, completed a 3-year pediatric residency at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and enrolled in a 1-year fellowship training program in the out-patient department at Bellevue Hospital/NYU School of Medicine. 


Since 1991, his clinical experience has included working in pediatric emergency medicine at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in the Bronx, NY, serving as the Chief of the Pediatric Acute Care Unit at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC, and working in in-patient and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, and newborn and delivery room medicine. 


Dr. Palevsky has also worked in a conventional, holistic and integrative pediatric practice at the NYC Beth Israel Center for Health & Healing- an integrative and complementary care medical facility.

Currently, he runs his own holistic pediatric practice in Northport, NY and Manhattan. Dr. Palevsky teaches holistic integrative pediatric & adolescent medicine to parents, and medical and allied health professionals, both nationally & internationally. 


Dr. Palevsky is a former Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Past-President of the American Holistic Medical Association, and a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABIHM).


For more information, or to contact Dr. Palevsky go to: 


Don't forget to check out other informative interviews with Dr Palevsky on his Media Center page HERE



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Thank You for subscribing to the 
Holistic Child Health Newsletter.  
If you would like to contact us, please feel free to do so. 
We are happy to hear from you.
 Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D., ABIHM
For Appointments: Long Island and Manhattan 
(631) 262 8505 

 For all other Inquiries: [email protected] 
 � 2012 Lawrence B. Palevsky. All rights reserved. 
Disclaimer: All material in this newsletter and on the web site is provided for educational purposes only. Consult with your health care provider regarding the advisability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your individual situation.