Timeline of recent events since July Board Meeting:
- At our last Board Meeting on July 28th our full Board heard an update from Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) regarding their position on some of the barriers CTC has encountered in this work due to the policies and procedures at JCPH and an offer to consider a lowered indirect rate. The Board voted (with 34 support to move, 2 do not support, 4 abstain) to begin the process of moving to the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center (CNDC) as a fiscal agent, in part because these were not new requests or barriers. It was our understanding that the move to CNDC would allow us to be more nimble in contracting with other parties and supporting youth interns.
- The information we had discussed prior to this vote, after conversations with CDPHE and CDC grant monitors, was that the grants currently housed at JCPH would likely all be able to move to CNDC.
- In this meeting JCPH (Jody Erwin, Deputy Director) supported the move to CNDC noting it would allow for flexibility not possible at JCPH.
- After this meeting our CTC Coordinator reached out to the Executive Committee to relay that JCPH had indicated that there were new issues from their perspective with the ability to move all of the grants to CNDC and that those able to move would take more time to ensure no issues with the transition.
- It was evident in our last full Board meeting and communications that followed that the perspective of our Coordinator and JCPH were not aligned regarding the grant logistics and technical components to include the funding that is able to move and the timelines for these processes to take place. Additionally, there are conflicting perspectives on the Colorado Department of Public Health’s position on these changes.
- On August 10th, CTC Coordinator, Pamela Gould, submitted her resignation. At that time she indicated she would like to continue to support the CTC in a volunteer capacity.
- The Executive Committee was working to determine the logistics of this with Pamela and how best to ensure communication to the full board would be managed to ensure clarity.
During this time period there were several meetings/conversations between our Coordinator, the CTC Executive Committee, and separately with Jody Erwin from JCPH to better understand the issues. We asked for a written response from JCPH to ensure we were accurately communicating the change in position. (Linked here)
- On August 15th, Pamela sent a letter to the full Board in her personal capacity as a volunteer outlining her suggestions for next steps for the Coalition.
- At the Executive Committee Meeting on August 16th, the Executive Committee and those who were able to attend from the full CTC Board engaged with JCPH, including leadership and the county attorney, to further understand the current situation and potential options to move forward. JCPH stated that they would still support the move to CNDC, however this may not mean that all of the grants and funding can transfer to CNDC. We have requested a timeline and specific guidance for each of our grants from JCPH to share with our Full Board. When final information is available, JCPH plans to initiate a Board of Health Special Session to determine the Board of Health’s position on next steps. As of this email we have not yet received this but will distribute it to the Full Board when available. Based on the information shared during this meeting, this is our understanding for each of our grants:
- The Communities That Care Grant may not have many barriers to moving to CNDC, however whether it needs to be terminated from JCPH was raised as an issue.
- Funding: $300k/year through June 2026
- The Drug Free Communities Grant, should we be recommended for additional funding, would likely not transfer from JCPH, and would need to sunset and be reapplied for under CNDC. The details of this would need to be worked through.
- Funding: $125k/year through Sept. 2022. We are currently waiting to hear if we are recommended for additional funding (years 6 - 10) based on our application submitted earlier this year.
- The Health Equity Grant supporting our work with Out for Safe Spaces, may not be able to be transferred from JCPH based on the guidance JCPH received initially from CDPHE. However, it was suggested that this could be explored further.
- Funding: $200k/year through June 2023
- The funding from the Community First Foundation to support the transition to CNDC is not currently held at JCPH and could likely still support the work. We have not yet explored this as the need for more clarity across the other funding streams is being researched first.
- Funding: $100k total
- On August 17th Pamela indicated that she would no longer be serving in a volunteer capacity for CTC; and we received notice that Kelly Kast, Manager of the Healthy Jeffco Alliance at JCPH, will be supporting CTC staff and the work to organize the logistics prior to shifting fiscal agents.
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Next steps and plan:
The Executive Committee is, and will continue to, dedicate a tremendous amount of time to help identify options for moving forward. In order to do this, we will not be having a typical Board meeting on August 25th, but instead will be hosting an Executive Committee meeting to process the information we hope to have regarding each of our grants. We will use this information to articulate the options so that our full Board can have voice in determining the preferred pathway forward. As always these meetings are open to all on the Board and we encourage you to attend and help us chart our path forward.
Thank you for your continued work and commitment to our youth.
In partnership, your CTC Executive Committee
Dave Kollar, Sam Taylor, Jacki Paone, Fran Taffer, Charmaine Brittain, Padma Polepeddi, Margaret Crabb, Tracy Selph
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About Jefferson County Communities That Care | |
Our Vision is a thriving, healthy & safe community for our youth. | |
Jefferson County Communities That Care is a coalition comprised of more than 100 stakeholders, community members, key leaders and youth. We use a structured, evidence-based community change process focused on preventing substance misuse, sexual/relationship violence and hopelessness/anxiety among youth in our community by reducing risk factors and improving protective factors. | |
About this Newsletter
This monthly newsletter, created by Jeffco CTC staff, is distributed to our coalition's mailing list which anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to at any time. The newsletter, and past newsletters, are posted to www.jeffcoctc.com. If you have a suggestion for an item to include in the newsletter, please email Pamela.
- View this newsletter as a webpage by clicking the link at the top or here: View as Webpage
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This project was created by the Jefferson County Communities That Care (aka Jeffco CTC) coalition, which is housed within Jefferson County Public Health. Jeffco CTC is funded through a Coalitions Organizing for Prevention grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and a Drug-Free Communities grant from the Centers for Disease Control. The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the grant providers.
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