Give support to make Jem Bendell’s film
on Deep Adaptation
(A short film by Jem Bendell)
As climate change wreaks havoc on our wildlife and agriculture, what do you tell a 13 year-old boy about his future?
Oskar didn't need to be told. Answering his mum why he was crying, the 13 year-old said he wouldn't be able to live like her, because society would collapse from climate change. Dumbfounded, his parents found a paper on the topic, which they read with him.
Nothing could be the same for Oskar and his family. They decided to take this topic and paper to their school. Suddenly classes of schoolchildren were discussing collapse with the author of that Deep Adaptation paper, Professor Jem Bendell. Now Oskar was demanding teachers let him focus his studies on readiness for collapse.
The story of Oskar's quest and the conversations between his classmates may help parents and teachers consider whether and how to discuss our climate predicament with children and young adults.
We have until March 21 to raise the funds needed to film and edit. Additional funds raised will go to educational outreach of Oskar’s Quest. has partnered with the Ocean River Institute, Inc, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Deep Adaptation
After the despair of taking to heart the collapse of ecosystems from excessive carbon gas in the atmosphere and the devastation brought by extreme weather events . . .
I have hope more and more people will wake to what’s important in life for themselves, and it will include things like curious, kind, and joyful connection with all life, people and nature.
It’s what do we value? Why are we here, and what do we want to stand for, even if we are going to sink?
Jem Bendell
Deep Adaptation asks if it’s too late, what now?
Conference Call Tuesday, March 5, 2019
| will have a
Team SW Meeting on
Tuesday March 5
Please call-in or computer link-in 15 minutes before the top of the hour for the following start times:
8 am in Hawaii;
10 am in California;
1 pm US East Coast/Ottawa;
6 pm in UK/Portugal;
7 pm in Spain/Denmark
Join us for live webinar meeting at:
Social Networking Team (SW is on Facebook) - Eoin
Video Editing Team (Report on YouTube Channel views) - Stuart
Translators Team - Antonio and Heidi
SW Website - Charles
Upcoming Travels and Speaker Bureau - Stuart partners with the Ocean River Institute – Rob
Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaption Video Project - Rob
New Business
Additions? Write to Rob at
Stuart Scott talks with Rob on Moir's Environmental Dialogues Internet Talk Radio about making the arrangements so that Greta Thunberg and her Dad, Svante, could attend the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP-24) in Katowice Poland. Hear what Greta said when granted a private audience with the UN Secretary. This is followed by Greta addressing the UN Delegation. Stuart and Rob talk about hosting Greta and Svante over four days of half hour SW panel presentations.
Greta Thunberg
School Strike for Climate
15-year-old Greta Thunberg is inspiring kids all over the world to save their future from the rampant double-speak of their political leaders. Her one-woman *School Strike for the Climate* has become an international civil disobedience movement.
Greta and Svante Thunberg
Greta Thunberg, is joined by her father, Svante to talk about her path from an unknown Swedish school girl to an internationally recognized climate leader. If governments don't give a damn about her future, why should she give a damn about their laws! Svante discusses how Greta's passion for the truth about climate has changed the family's lives.
The Extinction Rebellion began in the UK this year. We appear to be past the threshold into 'runaway climate change'. We are in extreme danger, and our governments and media are not getting it.
Basically, we are out of time to 'fix' the climate problem.
is an effort out of Sweden trying to rally grass roots support to pressure governments to act in the interests of their people.
Dr. Peter Wadhams nails the problem squarely on the head. The IPCC continues to famously underestimate the problem, even in its most recent 'urgent' report, and the politicians remain cowards, self-serving & and 'corrupt,' serving first the 'fictitious persons' (corporations) on a daily basis.
Dan Galpern, who serves as legal adviser to renowned climate scientist James E. Hansen, and Sara Mead speak about some of the cases being brought in the US, Canada and Europe, including the successful decision on the 2015 Urgenda Climate Case against the Dutch Government.
Hugh Hunt & Kevin Anderson
Hugh and Kevin discuss the new 'climate glitterati' that come annually to Davos to feign concern about the climate change, while they discuss techno-fixes that might allow them (in their minds at least) to continue their excessive lifestyle.
Bruce Phillips, Alina Runk, Leonie Brockmann, Victoria Bederov
Three millennial women from International Schule Berlin with their teacher and classmates discover just how inept climate education is when they evaluate ten textbooks on climate change.
Tony Juniper
WWF UK Outreach Director
Tony Juniper joins us to discuss the threat of our destructive model of economic development upon the web of life itself. The outcome will not just be a dramatic loss of species, also an enormous economic burden without the assistance given us by wildlife diversity and healthy predators. Restoring nature is restoring humanity, our health and prosperity.
If we do not do something about how we manage our agriculture soils, it could be gone in fifty or seventy years. David Beerling describes how adding volcanic rock to soil, discarded rocks from mines, massively increases the amount of carbon capture drawn out of the air.
Cathy Orlando of the Citizen's Climate Lobby tells of Canada’s recent adoption of the right way to price carbon, a 'fee and dividend' approach that shares the funds raised with this carbon fee with those who will need it most, the people with the least wealth.
Noam Chomsky is one of the most cited scholars in history and is known as “The Conscience of America.” He answers Stuart's Climate Change questions in a video feed from his office in Arizona, one week after celebrating his 90th birthday.
Stuart Scott & Victoria Hurth
Stuart Scott and Victoria Hurth teamed up to discuss the World Scientists' Warning to Humanity (
) and then the part that business can and must play to reverse disastrous current ecological and climate trends that threaten life on Earth.
Wanted COP-24 Sweepers to Clean-up Our Atmosphere
Are you ready to act?
Climate Change Activists,
Earth Stewards,
Extra! Extra! Let's give Greta the last word.
Greta Thunberg
speech to UN Climate Change Conference after being made to wait up from 8 p.m. until midnight due to alterations in the Agenda.
The video