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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Summer Series Concludes,

this Saturday, August 5, at 10 a.m.

We will start with Potluck Brunch and Games before we work together to Widen our Welcome.

Bring your favorite Brunch dish if you can and come join us as we explore "Welcoming all Races and Cultures" at Redlands UCC.

This is an all-ages event; we look forward to sharing our morning with you!

A message from our Pastor and Teacher

Communion Sunday, August 6 ~ "No Extras at Jesus’ Feast"

In this chapter, we meet Jesus who, having just learned that Herod has executed his cousin John, seeks solitude. Shortly, a multitude of grieving, fearful followers meet Jesus, there. Instead of retreating further into his own grief, Jesus recognizes their pain. He pours out his healing and tends to their needs. When the disciples want to send the mourners away in search of food and rest, Jesus invites them all to stay, relax and have dinner on them. 

Sunday's Scripture

Matthew 14:13-21

New Revised Standard Version

August 6 - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost



  • Connie Mitchell's doctor now thinks that physical therapy may resolve her neck pain and that she may not need surgery after all. (8/10)


  • Prayers for the family, the members of this Congregation, and friends of Rev. Jill Kirchner Rose, who passed from life to Life on June 30. We especially ask for God’s comforting presence and grace for Karen and Daniella. (7/1)
  • Prayers for Pastor Elaine as she joins us as our Pastor. (7/13)
  • Prayers for the family and friends of Jayne Miller's mother, Mary B. Rose, who passed from life to Life. (8/10)
  • Steve Arth is now at Assistencia Villa recovering and healing from recent food surgery. (8/10)
  • Lori Michaels asks for prayers that she gets the surgeons of her choice for several upcoming surgeries, and she also asks for prayers for her father who is bedridden and in failing health. (7/13)
  • Connie Mitchell asks for prayers for her uncle Chris Inglish who has serious health issues. (7/1)
  • Val McGlasson asks for prayers for her sister who successfully had a malignant mass removed from her neck. (7/1)
  • Dick Ault asks for prayers for the friends and family of his niece who passed from life to Life recently, and for his brother-in-law who is facing serious health concerns. (6/29)
  • Prayers for Georgia Sforza who is recovering from knee replacement surgery. (6/25)
  • Prayers for the family and friends of Hank Kirchner, Pastor Jill's brother, who passed from life to Life. The family is grateful for all who included Hank in their prayers through each stage of his illnesses. (6/18)
  • Savannah and Kat Ceballos request prayers for their move to Oregon as Savannah starts her law school journey at the University of Oregon. (6/18)
  • Sondra Hodson asks for prayers for Ken Weaver, the “birdhouse guy” from AFHS, who is experiencing serious health issues. (6/8)
  • Prayers for Carole Beswick as she recovers from knee surgery. (6/4)
  • Beth Welsh asks for prayers for her sister Diane and family; Diane's husband Glenn passed from life to Life very unexpectedly. (5/11)
  • Prayers for Missy Blair Rucker’s mother Dorothy Blair as she recovers in a rehab facility from a broken hip after a fall. (5/4)
  • Jessica Lea asks for prayers for her friends Wilma and Carlos; Carlos has been diagnosed with lymphoma.
  • Prayers for Janet Edwards, who is in the Plymouth Village Care Center following a fall with pelvic fractures.
  • Prayers for Carla Becerril, who is on hospice and very much appreciates calls, visits, and notes.
  • Prayers for Kathryn Gallagher, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Prayers for Cynthia McGuigan as she continues her health care journey.
  • We continue to hold in our prayers the people of Ukraine.

Ongoing Concerns:

Jerry Andrews

Scott Ault

Dave, brother of Johanna Ballard

Bev Ching

Cousin of Rick Cruz

Norma Erickson

Katia Hage

Mary Lou Haney

Beki Hill

Jody Hoelle

Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother

Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray

Amber McGuigan

Floyd Orr

Ryan and Evan Paul

Jim Sommer

Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene

Robert Silver

Arika Torres

Rosemary Tuohy

Reflection of the week from the Racial Justice Team

"The trouble around difference is really about privilege & power-the existence of privilege & the lopsided distribution of power that keeps it going. The trouble is rooted in a legacy that we all inherited, and WHILE WE’RE HERE IT BELONGS TO US. It isn’t our fault. It wasn’t caused by something we did or didn’t do. But now that it’s ours, it’s up to us to decide how we’re going to deal with it before we collectively pass it along to the generations that will follow ours.”


–Allen G. Johnson, “Privilege, Power, and Difference”

From the Environmental Justice Team

Squirrels and gophers and rats, oh my! But sometimes rodents can be our friends. As they work away building their dams, beavers also increase habitat variety and create wetlands that slow the spread of fires. For a brief but cheerful listen/read go to this excerpt from NPR’s Morning Edition (7/31/23); “How beavers are helping restore wetlands and creating buffers against wildfires,” 

https://www.npr.org/2023/07/31/1191034023/how-beavers-are-helping-restore-wetlands-and-create-buffers-against-wildfires#:~:text=Beavers%20are% 20doing%20their%20part, beaver%2Ddam%20enthusiast%20Emily%20Fairfax.

Congregation-wide Survey - It's not too late!

The Church Profile Committee has compiled a survey to gather information to write a well-informed church profile. We want to make sure to represent the voices of everyone at RUCC, so we would love a response from each and every one of you! This survey will take 10-20 minutes of your time. Please access the survey at this link.

The deadline to particpate is Tuesday August 15. Feel free to contact Chuck Zamaria, Diana Steele, Dan Wacks, or Paul Welsh with any questions or for technical assistance.


If you shop (and we know you do!) Raise Right can help you help RUCC! This is the perfect time to take advantage of Back-to-School Bonuses at Old Navy/Gap, Bath and Body Works, L.L. Bean, DSW, Staples, Instacart+ and Door Dash to name just a few. Gift cards are available for almost any place you shop!


E-cards are available immediately and physical cards are ordered each month. Our next ordering date is August 15 with cards delivered to you on August 20.

Stop by the Raise Right table in Covenant Hall with your check, cash, or cell phone and Jennifer or Pam will get you started!

Help us Promote Art, for Heaven’s Sake! Fine Arts Festival

Art, for Heaven’s Sake! is switching to electronic postcards and we need your help. Please help us reach more people by getting your friends and colleagues to sign up for our electronic mailing list. We plan to send out electronic postcards a couple of weeks before the show. If you make it your goal to get 10 or more to sign up it would be a great help. You can use the QR code here or pick up a QR sticker in the gathering area at church. People can also email artforheavensake@gmail.com and ask to be put on the list. All we need is a name and an email address

Caring for Kin targets Family Services

Thank you for your incredible generosity in collecting school supplies for Women of Faith! These supplies will go to immigrant and refugee families in and around Redlands.


For the month of August, we will be collecting again for Redlands Family Services, who are in great need of food collections. As before, their high-priority items include PB, jelly, cereal, oatmeal, and granola bars. Let's keep up the excellent work!

Book Group news- meeting Sunday, August 6

The RUCC Book Group will meet on Sunday, August 6, 2023 in the Founders Room, off of Covenant Hall, at noon.  The discussion book is All That She Carried by Tiya Miles, and Susan Matthews will facilitate the discussion. Everyone is welcome (even if you haven’t finished the book)! 

This Sunday, August 6 - Environmental Justice Team meets after the 10:30 service

Sunday following church service - the Environmental Justice Team will meet in the garden room (across the hall from the restrooms). Please join us if you're interested in working on environmental issues with us! For more information, contact: Dianne Landeros: ddlanderos@gmail.com; 909-283-8374 (cell).

"The Lunch Bunch" update

The Lunch Bunch has been taking a break. We will return on Wednesday, August 9 at noon, and Pastor Elaine will be joining us. Hopefully many of you will join us and help her to get to know you while you will get the opportunity to know her in this informal setting.


We continue to meet each Monday at 4:05 p.m. at the labyrinth at the University of Redlands. Bring a friend and your thoughts, readings, artwork, etc. supporting peace in our world and your heart. We will pray together. Open to all!!!

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  • August 5 - Concluding session of the Summer Series - 10 a.m. to noon.
  • August 6 - Book Group - noon in the Founders' Room.
  • August 6 - Environmental Justice Team, Garden Room at noon.
  • August 8 - Stewards meeting - 7 p.m. in person
  • August 9 - "Lunch Bunch" resumes with Pastor Elaine
  • August 11 - Closed women's AA meeting - 7 p.m.
  • August 14 - Church Growth Area Meeting
  • August 15 - Board Meeting - 7 p.m. Live and Virtual
  • August 19 - Celebration of Life for Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose - 10 a.m.
  • August 26 - Heartspace workshop on coping with and honoring grief- for ages 8 and up. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Covenant Hall
  • September 2 - Sacred Saturday - 9 a.m.

The church calendars for August and September are found at uccredlands.org

Click on "calendar" in the red banner near the top of the page

This Week at Redlands United Church of Christ

Sunday, August 6

  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids' Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship service with Communion
  • 11:30 a.m. - Fellowship time
  • 12:00 p.m. - Book Group in the Founders' Room
  • 12:00 p.m. - Environmental Justice Team, Garden Room.

Monday, August 7

Tuesday, August 8

  • 7 p.m. Stewards meeting, in person.

Wednesday, August 9

  • Lunch Bunch with Pastor Elaine

Thursday, August 10

Friday, August 11

  • 7 p.m. Closed women's AA meeting in the Founders' Room.

Saturday, August 12

Sunday, August 13

  • Seekers group is on summer hiatus
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids' Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service
  • 11:30 a.m. - Fellowship time

RUCC Staff

Interim Pastor: Rev. Elaine Schoepf

Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship:  Rev. Erin Beardemphl

Music Director: Jim Tong

Associate Music Director: Sophia Ohanian

Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Vacant

Office and Property Manager: Veronica Bermudez

Child Care: Joette Orman


Website:  www.redlandsucc.org

Phone: (909) 793-3520


Staff and Other Emails






