Welcome to the JFED e-weekly
October 9th, 2020 21st of Tishrei
Candle lighting times:
Friday, October 9th - 6:32 pm Shabbat begins
Saturday, October 10th - 7:39 pm Shabbat ends


Back to School!

The hallways and classrooms of Talmud Torah are filled with conversation and laughter, once again, as TT students and teachers return for the 2020-21 school year. The great majority of students (87%) are back in the classroom, though at a safe distance. Both students and staff have adjusted to the enhanced hygiene protocols, making a smooth transition to in-school learning.

Your UJA gift is more important than ever as the public health and economic crises put increasing financial pressure on our Edmonton Jewish families. Thanks to your support of UJA, 30 TT children received bursaries for the 2020/21 school year. These kids and their families will be part of the welcoming, extended, and lasting TT family, because of you.

Your support of UJA will give these kids a great Jewish education and help TT to remain a pillar of our Edmonton community for another 108 years!
Thank you for your generosity!
The 2020 UJA campaign. View Brochure
Dr. Nachman Shai will discuss the peace agreements between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel and what they mean for the region. Read Bio
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the
Jewish Federation of Edmonton,
The Jewish Community Centre of Edmonton, and
The Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation

Will be held on Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Commencing at 7:00 pm, at

Beth Shalom Synagogue
Upper Auditorium
11916 Jasper Ave., Edmonton, Alberta

Required AHS measures will be observed. Pre-registration of attendance with
a signed COVID waiver is required. If the Government of Alberta permits us to proceed electronically at any time prior to December 9, 2020,
we will move to an online meeting.

For the purpose of:

1.     Reviewing the financial results for the fiscal year just ended.
2.     Receiving an update on past activity.
3.     Elections of slates of Directors for the organizations. 
4.     Amending the Bylaws/Articles of the various organizations.

In accordance with the Bylaws of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton, the Nominating Committee is giving notice that at the upcoming Annual General Meeting, there will be up to 10 vacancies to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton, of which 6 are for a 3-year term, 2 are for a 2-year term, and 2 are for a 1-year term.

Any Member of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton (any individual 18 years of age or older who made a contribution between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020 in the sum of at least $18.00, or any one individual 18 years of age or older who made a joint contribution with another person between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020 in the sum of at least $36.00) who would like to submit their name for consideration by the Nominating Committee to stand for election to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton may do so in writing to ceo@edjfed.org on or before October 24, 2020. Additional nominations must be made by three nominating Members and include the signature of the proposed nominee, who must also be a Member. Additional nominations may be made in writing and delivered to the Chief Executive Officer (in person) up to and including November 25, 2020, and must be made by three nominating Members and include the signature of the proposed nominee, who must also be a member.  Please note that the bylaws do not allow for nominations from the floor. All nominations are as set out above.

Any Member who would like to add any additional business to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting may do so in writing to the Chief Executive Officer up to and including November 25, 2020. Any request must be endorsed by signature of 20 Members.

Please pre-register for this meeting by emailing: ceo@edjfed.org
Jewish Federation of Edmonton, Jewish Community Centre of Edmonton and Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation
Announce Stacey Leavitt-Wright as new CEO
We are excited to announce that after an exhaustive search, the Jewish Federation of Edmonton, Jewish Community Centre of Edmonton and Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation have hired Stacey Leavitt-Wright as our new Chief Executive Officer. Stacey will be joining the organizations in the autumn, after Simchat Torah, in order to further familiarize herself with day to day operations, before fully taking over from Debby Shoctor, who is retiring, on January 2, 2021.
We would like to thank Debby for her dedication to our community over the past 6 ½ years as our CEO and for her decades of professional and volunteer work. We wish Debby the best in her retirement.
Stacey grew up in Montreal, Quebec and has been active in the Jewish community wherever she has lived. In 1994, she earned her Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University, and in 1998 she earned a Master of Arts from Concordia University. Stacey and her husband Erin began their family in London, Ontario where she was an active lay leader. In 2007 they moved to Edmonton with their three daughters Jordyn, Abby and Zoe. Since that time, Stacey has been heavily involved as a volunteer throughout our community and has devoted her time to many different community organizations, including the Talmud Torah Society, Congregation Beth Shalom, the Aviv Israeli Folk Dance Association and the Jewish Federation of Edmonton. In addition to her volunteer work, Stacey has been a college instructor, she has acted as a consultant for leadership development and for the last 10 years has served as the Managing Editor of a medical journal.
Stacey brings with her an infectious enthusiasm to strengthen and grow our community. We look forward to introducing her formally to the community in the coming months.
Jewish Federations of North America
Election Security Preparedness, PPP Loan Update and more. Read more

2020 Virtual GA: Come Together. Read more
The Jewish Agency For Israel
Must See: Jewish Agency Performance Report. Read more

Celebrating the Holidays During COVID-19. Read more
Taglit - Birthright Israel
Excel Summer 2021 Internship Application is LIVE
Holocaust Education Committee
SAVE THE DATE: Kristallnacht: An uplifting and inspiring talk on‘The Life and Surprising Legacy of Anne Frank’ by Gillian Walnes Perry MBE. Sunday, November 8th 2020, 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM MST.
Co-sponsored by the Dutch Canadian Club. Live stream via Zoom.

Support the Anne Frank Memorial Statue in Edmonton by making a donation.
POSTPONED: The Dutch Canadian Community is erecting a statue of Anne Frank in Light Horse Park in honor of the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. The date for this ceremony has been postponed please watch here for an annoucement.
Hillel supports Jewish students on campus.

Click here for our latest International Newsletter.

Click here for more information on Hillel.

Click here for Hillel International and the college guide.
New! Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton. Read PDF format or View Flipbook. If you would like a hard copy of Hakol, email us at info@edjfed.org
Masa - Israel Journey
Masa in The Wall Street Journal. Read more
The Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation (EJCCF) helps people support Jewish causes that are important to them. Read more
Jewish Free Loan Edmonton
Jewish Free Loan Edmonton grants interest-free loans to members of the Edmonton Jewish Community who are in need of temporary financial assistance. Read more
J.CORE - Jewish Community Outreach Reconnect Edmonton
For more information about JCORE Click here
PJ Library
We're Spending the High Holidays at Home. Read more

Please like the PJ Library Edmonton Facebook page for interesting activities to do with your kids at home.

If your child is 6 months to 8 years old,
Click here to register your child for PJ Library and receive free books monthly courtesy of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
Federation staff are back in the office full time. We are working to ensure that all safety precautions are in place, and requisite conditions are met. The office will, however, still be closed to casual visitors. Please continue to call or email one of our staff members if you need to speak to them, or make an appointment to see them. All visitors to the office must adhere to social distancing rules and wear a mask. All deliveries will be taken at the door. Please do not come to the office if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness related to COVID-19. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping our staff and community safe.
The Jewish Federation of Edmonton mobilization around the coronavirus has been a top priority, with much attention focused on the safety and wellbeing of our community as the key objective. While we are dealing with a dynamic and challenging situation as the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread worldwide. We have created an information hub to provide resources and practical advice to help you stay informed.
Our goal is to facilitate a coordinated approach to maintaining a safe environment at Jewish institutions, ensuring the continued vibrancy of Jewish life in our community during this challenging time.

The Hub will be updated regularly over the coming days and weeks, so please check back often. You are also encouraged to reach out to Tal Toubiana, Federation’s Head of Security for more information or questions.


CJPAC - Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee
🍂🍁You really autumn know. Read more

PSL season has arrived! Political, Savvy & Learning. Read more

Jewish High School students, this is for you! Read more

Visit our website
JDIC Seniors' Centre
17th Annual Learning in Retirement Series:

Armchair Art: Art Museums of New York City. Tuesdays, October 13 - November 17, 2020 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Register
Beautiful Machines: A History of Keyboard Instruments. Wednesday, October 14 -November 18, 2020 10:00 -12:00 pm (noon). Register
Turning Points in Jewish History. Monday, October 19 - November 23, 2020 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Register

For more info Click here

Schmooze and News Click here to read our latest newsletter.
NCJW - Edmonton

Please join us for an important webinar series, empowering women, titled Women and Justice. Read more

The National Council of Jewish Women - ensuring the rights of women, children, and the disabled.
Visit our website
Webinar series, empowering women, titled Women and Justice
Talmud Torah
TT Times Newsletter Vol. 1. Read more.

Click here to visit our website.
Beth Israel
High Holidays Schedule 5781. Read more

Visit our website
Beth Shalom
Click here to join our Facebook page.
Beth Ora Congregation
High Holidays Schedule. Read more

Please check out our website or Facebook for services and upcoming programs
For more info about us Click here
If you are in grades 9 through 12 and interested in joining BBYO, please Contact us to learn more.
Jewish Family Services
Yes, we're open! Read more

Click here to view our website.
ORT - Edmonton

Providing Education and Training in communities worldwide. For more information call Sondra Grosh
at 780-483-1781 or Click here for more info
Camp BB Riback
Click here to check out the Camp website.
Our Parents' Home
Our Parents' Home has been uniquely designed to meet the needs of a new generation of seniors. Read more
Jewish National Fund
Send Tree card requests 24/6 Click here

JNF Edmonton office hours. Read more

Click here to visit our website.
Kollel - The EDJGE
CHW - Edmonton
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW) - CHW 2020 Annual Campaign! Help support programs and services for Children, Healthcare and Women in Israel and Canada. Call us at 403-253-4612. or email at info@chw.ca for more information. Click here to donate
Menorah Academy
Click here to view our website.

Enriching the lives of women and children in Israel since 1925. Click here to view our website
JAHSENA - The Jewish Archives and Historical Society of Edmonton and Northern Alberta
Preserving the history of the Edmonton Jewish Community from generation to generation.

Click here to visit the website.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Community Calendar
Check out the community's upcoming events and add your organizations to the calendar. The community calendar is an important tool which helps our community organizations plan their events. Please be sure to use the calendar tool and add all of your organizations events on an ongoing basis. For more information please contact Tal at talt@edjfed.org
Chevra Kadisha
Chevra Kadisha
Important Notice - Funerals will be restricted to graveside only.

Letter to the community from the Chevra Kadisha


Sunday, October 18th at 1:00pm Reuven Flitsian

Click here for the most recent funeral announcements.

Click here for the cemetery website.
World Zionist Organization
Sukkot Activities In The Department of Diaspora Affairs. Read more