Automated Periapsis Time Estimation for the Aerodynamic Deorbit Experiment
Samantha R. Dickmann and David A. Spencer - Purdue University West Lafayette, IN US; Brandon A. Smail - Northrop Grumman Promontory, UT US
The Small Satellite Mission of the Year award was presented at the annual American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Utah State University Small Satellite Conference, which was held virtually on August 1-6, 2020. This award is presented annually to a mission that has demonstrated a significant improvement in the capability of small satellites. Congratulations to the winner for 2020: The Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP) mission from the Earth and Space Institute at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and the Space Dynamics Lab at Utah State University. In addition, the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala's Quetzal-1 mission won the "People's Choice" award. The missions were selected out of nine finalists by the AIAA Small Satellite Technical Committee with input from a popular vote.
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The HARP CubeSat is producing unprecedented measurements of aerosol and cloud microphysical properties, leading the way to the global monitoring of the variables that are responsible for the largest uncertainties in climate forcing. The mission has achieved all its technology goals to reduce risk and cost of future Earth Science Missions.
|  | Photo Credit: UVG |  |
Quetzal-1 is Guatemala's first satellite and was developed by ~100, mostly undergrad-uate students, and faculty from Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. It was the 2017 UNOOSA-JAXA KiboCUBE winner and demonstrated a multispectral sensor proto-type, opening the field of space science & technology in Guatemala, and enabling the independent acquisition of remote sensing data for natural resource management.
Congratulations to these teams and to all of the Mission of the Year finalists!
2020 Student Poster Awards
This year we had our second student poster competition (not to be confused with the larger Frank J. Redd student paper and presentation competition).
1st Place:
Pure Ionic Electrospray Thruster Control Electronics Architecture and Performance
Jeffrey Asher, Robert Antypas, Joseph Wang - University of Southern California - Space Engineering Research Center
2nd Place:
A TLE-based Algorithm for Correcting Empirical Model Densities During Geomagnetic Storms
Daniel Brandt, Charles Bussy-Virat, Aaron Ridley - University of Michigan
3rd Place:
Cislunar Explorers: Lessons Learned from the Development of an Interplanetary CubeSat
Aaron Zucherman, Aaron Buchwald, George Orellana, Sydney Rzepka, Elliot Kann, Kelly Jawork, Michael Zakoworotny, Charlie Robinson - Cornell University
The Small Satellite Technical Committee has interests in all aspects of small satellites and related and supporting technologies, applications and missions. This includes, but is not limited to, MicroSats, NanoSats, CubeSats, hosted payload satellite subsystems (propulsion, communications, ground support, etc) and related supporting systems and technologies.
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Kalpana Chawla, PhD, NASA Astronaut
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Northrop Grumman named the next Cygnus spacecraft launching to the space station in honor of the first woman of Indian descent to go into space, Kalpana Chawla, who was lost with the rest of her crew in the 2003 Columbia accident. Liftoff is targeted for Sept. 29 from our Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.
Upcoming Webinars
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
7:00PM-8:00PM EDT
Ames Research Center Small Satellite Technologies
S3VI Information Search
· CubeSat Developers Workshop Proceedings
· Satsearch
· Small Satellite Conference Proceedings
· PMPedia Parts Knowledge Repository
Virtual Conference Recordings Posted
Solar Aureole Method: Atmospheric Almucantar and Limb Remote Sensing Authors: Pi-Huan Wang, PhD and Adarsh Deepak, PhD The focus of this work on the Solar Aureole Method (SAM) is on two distinct aerosol measurement approaches related to the solar aureole, the glow surrounding the sun's disk, within approximately 10 degrees, namely: The Solar Aureole Almucantar Radiance Scan (SAARS) method and The Solar Aureole Atmospheric Constant-Altitude Multi-Angle Limb Scattering System (ACAMALSS).
Taksha Institute and Janet Ivey (Janet's Planet and Explore Mars) form new Global Space Consortium
We welcome Janet Ivey, Creator and CEO of Janet's Planet, Inc.; and President of Explore Mars, as the Chair of Taksha Institute's new Global Space Consortium!
An award-winning Science Educator, Janet's professional history includes serving as Citizen Astronaut Candidate for Space For Humanity; member of the Board of Governors for the National Space Society; NASA JPL Solar System Ambassador; recipient of the STEM-FLORIDA Award for Exploring Microgravity 35 minute documentary for students 3-8; and Guardian & Shepherdess of the Next Generation of Space Explorers. She's appeared on two Tedx Talks, AWE Inspired Science & How To Inhabit Your Very Own Planet #PlanetYou.
Stay tuned for further news about this new endeavor, and see below for an announcement of Janet's Planet Astronaut Academy!
A World of Wonder Awaits at Janet's Planet Astronaut Academy!
The year 2020 has seen K-12 education make a giant leap in the virtual realm, and Janet's Planet believes that it is imperative to offer educational alternatives to create sustainable and ongoing STEAM engagement. As a STEAM Influencer and provider of space and science education, founder Janet Ivey's approach to disseminating and nurturing the students of today and the space leaders of tomorrow is to create cutting edge, high touch, high impact, synchronous and asynchronous curriculum that is highly interactive and accessible.
In response to last spring's school closures from COVID19, and as a stopgap measure to support our nation's teachers, parents, and students, Janet's Planet began daily (Monday through Friday) virtual, interactive free online programs for students, assisted by experts from across the space industry. 1200 students from 35 states in the US and 10 countries (Pakistan, India, Vietnam, China, South Africa, England, France, Canada, Mexico, and Trinidad were served these daily classes.
This fall the Janet's Planet Astronaut Academy continues and ALL FOR FREE to students around the globe.
Beginning this week we will beging to highlight NASA's ADC App Challenge and continue all next week during World Space Week (Oct 4-10, 2020.) The classes/interactive virtual experiences and media we create will all be to provide students free agency, autonomy, confident ownership of their scientific and space prowess, hands-on involvement, and a safe environment for a student space community where they can challenge themselves and each other to the fulfillment of their future space careers.
Mark your calendars and launch into these great Small Satellite opportunities!
Virtual Event
5-10 Oct., 2020
 Space Foundation's Discovery Center presents a weeklong event happening in celebration and recognition of World Space Week. Join in this Facebook event for all ages to learn how space unites all of us through technology, innovation, and the exploration of the unknown, and to celebrate that there is a place in space for everyone. Each day explores Space Foundation programs hosted year-round to Inspire, Educate, Connect, and Advocate on behalf of the global space community. There are programs scheduled for families, students, young professionals, and for the space nerd in us all!
Virtual Event
6-8 Oct., 2020
The virtual experience to understand the changing satellite ecosystem, network among leading executives, and learn about next generation technology.
Virtual Event
Day 3: Oct. 22, 2020

Registration is open for Day 3 of ISS Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC) 2020 Online Series, hosted by the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory, American Astronautical Society, and NASA. For a full list of speakers and sessions, and for registration, visit: https://www.issconference.org/agenda/ |
Las Vegas, NV US
16-18 Nov., 2020
The Center of Gravity for the Space Community: a New Event Launched by AIAA
ASCEND connects you with fellow innovators to think big, solve problems, and help new ideas take flight.
JoSS: Submit Your Article for Publication
As a unique scholarly technical journal dedicated to serving the Small Satellite Community, JoSS aims to publish online original high-quality, topical, peer-reviewed articles, legacy articles about contributions made by small satellites pioneers, and letters to the editor (LTEs). The publication of, and access to, these articles is offered FREE OF CHARGE to encourage students and entrepreneurs to expedite rapid publication of and access to their work.
To this end, we gladly accept original, creative, previously unpublished articles that address one or more of the JoSS technical Topic Areas. You may visit www.jossonline.com under "Information for Authors" for the list of Topic Areas and guidelines for preparing and submitting your papers for publication.
Please distribute this important information to others in the field of small satellites!
JoSS: Advertising = Visibility for Your Organization
 You may purchase advertising on the JoSS website for your announcement or company for a very reasonable price, to reach the full range of the SmallSat community worldwide. As a not-for-profit organization, JoSS appreciates and values your support through the purchase of advertising space. For more information, see https://www.jossonline.com/main/advertising.
 JoSS is an online journal of the tax-exempt, IRS Code Section 501(c)3, not-for-profit publisher A. Deepak Publishing (ADP), at www.jossonline.com .