Vol 10, Issue 1, October 7 2022

Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your Weekly Updates & News From WPH!

In this Week's Edition: Hamilton's Labour Force Information August 2022, Invitation: Youth Roundtable Event, HYW Interview Series: Koubra Haggar OUT NOW, Who's Hiring in Hamilton, Happening in the Community: (Indigenous Women and 2Spirit People in the Trades, McMaster Engineering: Impact Initiatives, Canada Post: Job Fair, St. Joseph's Youth Wellness Centre, Happy Thanksgiving from WPH, and Apple Festival) News: "October 2022 Webinars for  Career Professionals" and "Should applicants be paid for job interviews?"

Labour Force August 2022

Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for August 2022

Invitation: Youth Roundtable Event

You are invited to Join Workforce Planning Hamilton & Hamilton Youth Workforce for a Virtual Roundtable Discussion involving important topics surrounding Hamilton's Youth, with guest speakers from some of Hamilton's best Youth organizations.

Hear from a variety of Youth Leaders in the community surrounding important topics such as:

Youth Employment

Youth Mental Health


Community Living Training

City Happenings

and much more!

With Guest speakers from:

Canadian Mental Health Association



PATH Employment

McMaster Student Union

Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion

City of Hamilton Youth Team

Living Rock Youth Resources

Join us on Wednesday October 12th from 10:00AM - 12:00 PM

Register here:


HYW Interview Series: Koubra Haggar OUT NOW!

Workforce Planning Hamilton and Hamilton Youth Workforce bring you the fifth installment of our interview series featuring leaders in Youth Advocacy within Hamilton. Our next guest is Koubra Haggar!

Koubra is the Programs Manager within the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion. Koubra explores some important topics such as Youth Employment, Youth Mental Health, Diversity, and much more!

Full Interview OUT NOW!


Who's Hiring In Hamilton?

EasyHome Franchise is currently seeking a Furniture & Appliance Delivery Driver (Fennell)

Click here to apply!

EasyHome Franchise is currently seeking a Furniture & Appliance Delivery Driver (Barton)

Click here to apply!

Good Shepherd is currently seeking a Chief Financial Officer

Click here to apply!

(Click image to apply)

(Click image to apply)

Happening In The Community!

Indigenous Women and 2Spirit People in the Trades

This is a 20 week course that has 10 weeks of training and 10 weeks paid placement. This program allows Indigenous Women and 2Spirit people to explore the trades through Indigenous led programming. Course details are:


Delivery: In-person

Location: Solidarity Place Workers Education Centre (51 Adair Avenue South)

Dates: October 18, 2022 - December 20, 2022

Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Time: 10 am to 3 pm

Cost: No cost to learners (fully subsidized)

Webpage: www.mohawkcollege.ca/IndigenousTrades

McMaster Engineering: Impact Initiatives

Faculty of Engineering is ranked #1 in Canada for student satisfaction with a community-based project in 1st year (National Survey of Student Engagement 2017).


We have taken this a step further by revamping our popular client-focused design course and integrating it throughout one-third of the entire first year curriculum. In this newly developed course of ENGINEER 1P13 (Integrated Cornerstone Design Projects in Engineering), with a focus on experiential, collaborative and project-based learning, students take real problems in society and learn the technical and teamwork skills to solve them.


Although our students learn tremendously from having our amazing clients, we want to make sure this experience benefits our client too.

As a recognition of your participation, there will be a $200 gift card of your choice, McMaster Engineering swag as well as thank you gifts from IMPACT group. You also have the opportunity to keep and use any or all of the students' final designs that make it to the showcase.


If you want to know more about the initiative, please visit its webpage: Impact Initiatives  Applications are currently open, to register, please email Professor

Shelir Ebrahimi shelir.ebrahimi@mcmaster.ca Subject Line: ENG 1P13 Project.

Canada Post: Job Fair

(Click image to view document)

Celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) with a new job!

Canada Post is setting a new standard through this unique Hiring Event specifically targeted towards jobseekers with disabilities in Hamilton.


This event is hosted by The Career Foundation and The Hamilton Disability Employment Network (HDEN).


Date: Tuesday October 18th

Time: 11am-4:30pm

Location: McMaster Innovation Park (175 Longwood Road South)

To sign up for an interview slot, please send your resume to: eaphamilton@careerfoundation.org

St. Joseph's Youth Wellness Centre

(Click to view document)

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s Youth Wellness Centre is a safe, accessible environment for young people age 17 to 25 to receive expert mental health and substance use care by self-referral.

We believe it is never too early to #ReachOut.

The Youth Wellness Centre is located in downtown Hamilton.

We offer confidential clinical care for:

  • Young people who are experiencing emerging mental health and addiction concerns. This stream is called Early Intervention.
  • Young people who are looking for support transitioning from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health and addiction services. These services are delivered by St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton's adult Mental Health and Addictions Program and our community partners. This stream is called Transition Support.
  • Young people who are students of Mohawk College, McMaster University, or Redeemer University College, and/or who are facing significant barriers to accessing care for their mental health and addictions concerns. This support is provided by our Mobile Team.

How this program helps

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s Youth Wellness Centre is a unique service that provides expert mental health care by appointment including counselling, support, and navigation services for young people aged 17 to 25. This service is covered by OHIP and confidential.

Unlike other specialized services, our centre accepts self- and family/friend referrals in order to decrease barriers and make our services more accessible. Medical professionals and service providers can also refer their clients.

We offer Early Intervention, Transition Support, and a Mobile Team.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Workforce Planning Hamilton wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Apple Festival

(Click image to view details)

Join us for fall-time harvest fun this September.

Enjoy a pancake breakfast, games, pumpkin decorating, demonstrations, entertainment and more.

Phone: 905-521-3168

Email: battlefield@hamilton.ca


October 8, 2022, 09:00am - 04:30pm


Battlefield House Museum & Park

77 King Street West

Hamilton ON


Free Museum visit with the purchase of event wrist band for outdoor activities.


October 2022 Webinars for Career Professionals

The following webinars, taking place in October and hosted by a variety of organizations, will examine topics including motivation, inclusive communication and career assessments.

Green Guidance (CDAA)

Oct. 5

In this webinar, Professor Tristram Hooley will introduce an emergent strand of thinking which is often described as “green guidance.” This approach sets out ideas for how career development practitioners can take account of environmental change in their work and make a positive impact with their clients.

Motivational Interviewing (NSCDA)

Oct. 6

When those working in helping roles encounter ambivalence toward change in their clients, it is often interpreted as resistance, and they may feel unable to respond in an effective way. By exploring the framework and strategies of Motivational Interviewing, this webinar will provide new ways to facilitate the change process in the people they work with.

Level Up: Impactful Leadership Habits for Every Employee (Brandon Hall Group)

Oct. 6

Becoming an effective leader requires establishing new habits, which take time, practice and reinforcement to take hold. In this webinar, you will learn how to develop impactful leadership habits in your employees for individual empowerment and collaborative development through spaced learning, experiential learning, ongoing organizational support and peer accountability.

Intersections of disability and mental health (Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion)

Oct. 6

During the pandemic, people with disabilities are disproportionately affected from an employment perspective. In October, during National Disability Employment Awareness Month, this webinar will pause to reflect on what employers have done and what more can be considered to break down barriers and support inclusive hiring practices.

Read more here!

Should applicants be paid for job interviews?

Looking for a job can take as much time and effort as actually working, and that has some players in the job market calling for potential employees to be paid for their time.

Consider the amount of effort put into a job application: For every position you apply for, you have to update your resumé or portfolio, plus write a fresh cover letter.

Sometimes prospective workers are also asked to fill out lengthy questionnaires or complete assignments.

And that's before the interview process — which can involve hours of prep work, multiple meetings and time-consuming appointments.

More than 80 hours spent by one Calgarian

While searching for work in 2019, Calgary resident Roslie Main was called in for 20 interviews. She estimates she spent more than 80 hours on them collectively, when preparation and travel time was factored in.

"When you spend so much time on these interviews and then they don't work out for whatever reason, well, it's sort of soul-crushing," said Main in an interview with CBC Radio's The Cost of Living.

Main was eventually hired by a local non-profit, but said the interviewing process took up big chunks of her calendar.

"I applied for the job in May. I had the first interview in June. I had a second interview at the end of June, a third interview in July and a fourth interview in August," she said. "And it was for a contract position that was only six months."

Hours of prep, all of it unpaid

When Sanya Bhushan moved to Calgary this summer, she went through a similar experience. Bhushan said she wanted to find a job quickly to move out of her extended family's home and into her own place downtown.

Bhusan worked as a mental health counsellor in India, and when she received a call for her first job interview in Calgary, she dropped everything to prepare for it.

Read more here!

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If you have new updates you want to share with the community please reach out to Travis MacCarl via email: consultant@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
Hamilton businesses can call the COVID Concierge at 905-521-3989 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm) or Contact Us online. Learn more at hamiltoncovidconcierge.ca
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca
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