A regularly recurring roundup of news and resources for

Orange County Jobs First Collaborative members

March 28, 2024


Meet Maria Linares, Orange County Business Council's new Business Initiatives Manager. In this role, Maria will primarily serve as the California Jobs First Project Manager. Maria's roots run deep in Orange County, having been raised in Santa Ana and now residing in Tustin with her three children. She proudly identifies as a Latina and a first-generation college graduate, having earned her Bachelor's degree in Sociology with a minor in Political Science from California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) in 2019. She continued her educational journey at CSUF, graduating with a Master's in Public Administration with a concentration in public policy in 2023. Throughout her academic tenure, Maria was actively involved in the Cal State Fullerton Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Board of Directors from 2018 to 2021, culminating in her role as board chair during her final year. During her time at CSUF, she served as a student trustee on the California State University, Board of Trustees, a position appointed by the California Governor where she advocated for the needs and interests of approximately 480,000 CSU students in the system's highest governing body.

Maria also volunteers alongside her 18-year-old with the Prison Education Project, a program dedicated to expanding educational opportunities for the in-custody population. Maria finds great fulfillment in not only spending quality time with her children but also actively engaging in community service and mentoring youth from underserved communities.

Maria is excited to bring her passion and expertise to OCBC and collaborate with any and all stakeholders to drive positive change and prosperity in the region.


American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California

The primary mission of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce (AICCC) is to promote business and community growth by providing networking opportunities, information, and support for Tribes, Tribal Enterprises, Alaska Native Corporations (ANC), and American Indian/Alaska Native business people. In addition, we champion a better understanding of the importance of Native American and Tribal businesses, elevate their concerns so that they may be addressed, and prevent controversies that may be detrimental to the success of our business community.

The AICCC holds monthly meetings and periodic special events. These events include an annual EXPO with a Tribal Leader Roundtable Summit featuring Tribal Leader consultation with presentations on infrastructure, business development, and other issues impacting economic growth in Indian Country. We conduct capacity-building workshops on reservations for Tribes and tribal members. We also support several other tribal organization convenings by lending our expertise with presentations, conducting training workshops, and performing outreach. In addition, AICCC participates on several small business advisory committees from which they problem-solve, collaborate with, and support shared decision-making amongst organizations serving diverse business owners, including Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises and women- and minority-owned businesses.

To learn more, please visit

North Orange County Community College District

The North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) is a unique place. NOCCCD is home to two Community Colleges: Fullerton College, one of the oldest community colleges in the state, having served its first class of students in 1913 and Cypress College, with more than 176 programs for career technical education, including cybersecurity, mortuary science, hospitality management, and aviation. The district is also home to North Orange Continuing Education, one of the largest noncredit institutions in California with three standalone centers and over 100 community-based locations.

The NOCCCD campuses serve over 58,000 students annually—each pursuing their own, unique ambitions. Our students are able to shape their futures in programs leading to associate degrees, vocational certificates, transfer opportunities as well as basic skills and lifelong learning courses. For instance, Cypress College is home to two baccalaureate degree programs—Mortuary Science and Dental Hygiene. Our campuses serve an area of over one million diverse people and our all-access mission means that we provide resources and classes to everyone, with equity and integrity.

Our credit campuses are designated as Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) and provide the following services: CalWORKs, Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE), College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP), Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS), Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS), Work-Based Learning, Puente, and Umoja.

We are a place for learning, belonging, excellence, and innovation. We are The Destination District.


To learn more, please visit 

Goodwill of Orange County

For 100 years, Goodwill of Orange County has connected people with opportunities to improve their economic resilience through job training, career pathing and personal development. As a nonprofit employment social enterprise, Goodwill OC turns used goods donations and purchases in its thrift stores into real-life job success for Orange County residents. Goodwill OC envisions a caring and connected community where everyone has access to meaningful career opportunities.

Core to Goodwill OC’s mission is driving reuse and recycling in O.C. communities and being a leader in sustainability best practices. Last year alone, Goodwill of Orange County diverted more than 57.2 million pounds of goods away from local landfills while serving more than 20,000 people through its programs. 

As the most comprehensive workforce development program in OC, Goodwill OC plays an integral role in uplifting and strengthening the OC community. In 2023, Goodwill OC unveiled an all-new Strategic Plan that includes a bold goal to Double Our Impact & Footprint in Orange County over the next ten years. With this bold vision, Goodwill OC will create more jobs and hands-on training opportunities for the community.

To learn more, please visit     


California Strategic Growth Council Meeting

What is it?: The California Strategic Growth Council’s (SGC) agenda items include Round 1 Project Development and Implementation Awards through the Community Resilience Centers Program, Tribal Capacity Building Pilot Program Awards, and Factory-Built Housing Pre-Development Program Guidelines. The agenda and meeting materials will be available on the SGC Meetings webpage on April 12, 2024.

When is it?: Wednesday, April 24 at 1 p.m.

Where is it?: ·        

  • In-person: Sierra Hearing Room, CalEPA Headquarters, 2nd Floor 1001, I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
  • Remote viewing also available 

To learn more and register, please visit California Strategic Growth Council Meeting

Sustain Southern California 

What is it?: Embrace the future of urban and suburban living at the Building Sustainable Communities conference, where innovation meets sustainability to forge Smart and Sustainable Communities. In a world rapidly evolving towards urbanization, the need for intelligent and eco-conscious solutions has never been more pressing. This event brings together industry leaders from around the region to explore, collaborate, and catalyze the transformation of communities into vibrant, resilient, and sustainable hubs.

When is it?: Thursday, April 4 from 1:00-7 p.m.

Where is it?: The Cove at UCI Beall Applied Innovation, 5270 California Avenue, Irvine, CA 92617

To learn more and register, please visit Building Sustainable Communities Event

California Competes - Connecting Learning and Earning: Strategies for Expanding Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Please note: Event has occurred 

What is it? California Competes partnered with Los Angeles County community colleges and government partners to refine and foster a culture of career readiness as a collaborative responsibility and identify promising regional practices that integrate career readiness across students’ postsecondary experiences. Out of this collaborative effort emerged a shared objective among partners to establish, prioritize, and expand paid work-based learning opportunities for students. This panel discussion between higher education and workforce development partners from this work explored the importance of paid work experience for students, the strategies and challenges involved in setting up these opportunities, and the actionable steps to leverage industry partnerships and county resources for maximum impact.

To learn more, please visit California Competes Higher Education for a Stronger Economy


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Jobs First Collaborative Spotlight?

Email us at to share your idea.


Inflation Reduction Act Community Change Grants Program

EPA’s new Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants program (Community Change Grants) has announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funds in environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. These place-based investments will be focused on community-driven initiatives to be responsive to community and stakeholder input. They are designed to deliver on the transformative potential of the IRA for communities most adversely and disproportionately impacted by climate change, legacy pollution, and historical disinvestments.

To learn more about this funding opportunity, please visit Frequently Asked Questions – Community Change Grants Program

Clean Energy Access Grant Account

The Clean Energy Access Grant Account will award grants to CBOs & Tribal organizations to help facilitate access to & the adoption of clean energy programs in their respective communities. The CEA Grant Account will provide funding to develop equity initiatives & clean energy access opportunities that complement other CPUC programs. 

Application deadline: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

To learn more about this funding opportunity, please visit

Factory-Built Housing Pre-Development Program 

The Factory-Built Housing Pre-Development Program has $12 million available to fund pre-development activities for factory-built housing manufacturers applying to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program. Pre-development activities include evaluating site feasibility, doing infrastructure planning, and developing Community Benefits Plans.

Application deadline: Summer 2024-March 2026

  • Applications accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis

To learn more about this funding opportunity, please visit


Want to keep up with all things California Jobs First and/or the Collaborative? Please visit for information and resources.

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