Visiting the powerful Nova Music Festival exhibit,
during January's Jofa/Maharat Israel Mission.
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In This Edition:
- Weekly Message
- More Jofa/Maharat Israel Mission Coverage
- February Op-Ed Writers Workshop -- Apply Now!
Repro Shabbat: Next Shabbat, February 9-10
- Women's Voices
- Israel Resources
Divrei Torah by women on Parshat Yitro
Weekly Message
This week, we've continued to process the Jofa/Maharat Israel mission experience, and to bear witness -- through writing, talking, speaking, and encouraging more people to visit Israel in order to see, experience, and share it themselves.
In a similar vein, also this week, we put an extra spotlight on women's voices -- both by sharing several of the many pieces that women have written just in the past week about their experiences and perspectives during this intense time, as well as by encouraging more women to express themselves through writing. One resource that can help you find your voice is our two-part Op-Ed Writers Workshop, led by JOFA Australia's founder and seasoned journalist, Rabbanit Nomi Kaltmann. See details below; apply by this Tuesday, February 6 -- workshop begins soon, February 13.
Below you will also find more local news coverage about the mission; more resources to help you stay updated and engaged with what is happening in Israel, and as always, divrei Torah by women on the parshat hashavua, Yitro.
Please continue to use and share the resources and ways to help, in this email, on our Supporting Israel resource page, and in our social feeds, to keep up our efforts to support our people and find comfort and understanding amidst this difficult time.
Besorot Tovot.
| | More Jofa/Maharat Israel Mission Coverage |
Natalie Ben Ami, whose father Ohad Ben Ami remains in captivity
and whose mother Raz Ben Ami was released, and Shelly Shem Tov,
whose son Omer Shem Tov was kidnapped from the Nova Music Festival,
speak to the Jofa/Maharat Israel mission.
Here we share the Cleveland Jewish News article about Rabbanit Amalia Haas' mission experience and reflections:
February Op-Ed Writers Workshop:
Apply by February 6!
| See the graphic above and apply today for Jofa (North America) and JOFA Australia's next Op-Ed Writing Workshop, beginning Tuesday, February 13! We know you have a lot to say, and we can help you say it, with Rabbanit Nomi Kaltmann's expert guidance. The cohort is limited to 12 women to ensure everyone's participation and support, so apply now to save your spot for this valuable learning opportunity. |
Repro Shabbat 2024/5784:
Parshat Mishpatim, Next Shabbat, February 9-10
Jofa is proud to once again partner with NCJW and more than two dozen additional organizations (and counting) for Repro Shabbat, an annual Shabbat that honors the Jewish value of reproductive freedom each year, when we read Parshat Mishpatim, which contains the verses commonly referenced as the foundation of Judaism’s approach to reproductive health, rights, and justice.
Individuals and communities across the world participate in Repro Shabbat in many forms, through community events or at home. Check out the Repro Shabbat website to see what is happening in your community, and find information, tools, and resources for participating.
Here we share a range of examples of women's voices, ideas, thoughts, and reflections about a variety of facets of the war in Israel, demonstrating the many different ways that women are processing and experiencing this time. We hope that these writings provide you with new perspectives and food for thought, as well as inspire you to write and share your own pieces about what is on your mind.
- Not Looking Away, by Shayna Goldberg
- Life with a PTSD Partner, by Ruth Wailand
- I'm Jewish. Of Course I..., by Sarah Tuttle-Singer
- Igniting My Light, by Maya Rotman
- Come to Israel - We Need You!, by Rena Magun
Taharat Hamishpacha During War: A Yoetzet Halacha's Perspective, by Michal Roness
- I'm Tired, by Tamar Weinberg
Echoes of Endurance: The Unyielding Spirit of Am Yisrael Chai, by Catherine Perez-Shakdam
- Kiana Lede, Tonight You Broke My Heart, by Aviva Lefkovits
- On Pramila Patten's Visit to Israel, by Esti Rubins
- Farming on the Frontlines, by Danielle Abraham
- How Are You Still Sane?, by Hadassah Sabo Milner
- The Dog and the Hamas, by Gefen Bar-On Santor
- We Will Learn and We Will Teach, by Edan Cielo Green
The Miluim Wife, by Yaffa Abadi
- So-Called Canada, by Alexandria Fanjoy Silver
- In the Shadow of War, I Finally Feel at Home, by Maya Zelkha
- UNWRA: The Worst-Kept Secret, by Cheryl Levi
- When in Rome, by Judy Diamond
- A Changed Israel, by Dahlia Bendavid
- The Lord is My Shelter...He Will Instruct His Angels on Your Behalf, by Mindy Rubenstein
- A Day in the Life of a Zaka Volunteer, by Alana Goldman
- Is a Pause in the Fighting Bad?, by Shayna Abramson
- A War Not of 'Iron Swords' but 'Ironic Words', by Chaya Lester
We must stay as active and persistent as ever in our efforts and advocacy on behalf of Israel and our people. We created a Supporting Israel: Ways to Help Now page on our website, where we will continue compiling, updating, and expanding ways to keep current and engaged with what is happening in Israel and how we can help -- particularly with respect to raising the voices and stories of how women are impacted, what they are doing, and what we can do to support them.
The page includes resources for fighting antisemitism, advocacy, staying informed, keeping attention on the hostages, finding comfort in rituals, ways to contribute, talking to kids about Israel, reaching out, mental health, community gatherings, and more.
We will also continue spotlighting additional resources in this weekly email and our social feeds. We hope that each week you will find something that speaks to you, helps you stay connected, gives you specific things you can do for Am Yisrael -- in Israel, around the world, and in your own home and community.
| Spotlighted Israel Resources |
These are just two more examples of the many organizations doing vital work on the ground in Israel. Please see our Israel page for our continually growing list.
#Metoounlessurajew is a grassroots global campaign founded and lead by Danielle Ofek in the aftermath of the October 7 terror attack -- when hundreds of women were brutally murdered, many mutilated and raped, and 84 kidnapped and still held hostage, including girls.
Bat Melech empowers abused Orthodox women in Israel to end the cycle of domestic violence -- which has dramatically increased since October 7 -- by providing them with shelter, mental health support, and legal help.
| Divrei Torah by Women on Parshat Yitro |
Jews around the world are reading and studying Parshat Yitro this week. Here are a few divrei Torah by women on this week's parsha:
| Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach | |
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