Weekly Message
This past week, we welcomed Adar I, which usually begins a celebratory time for Jews, as Purim approaches.
This year, many are finding it challenging to balance the usual joy of Adar with the painful situation that continues in Israel.
But psychology teaches us that joy can mean something deeper: It is an emotion that comes from within — from a sense of purpose and meaning, including finding meaning in suffering — and from relationships with others.
With this in mind, below we share resources for keeping up hope for the hostages' release; supporting the families of our fallen heroes, and helping to address urgent needs on the ground in Israel.
As always, you'll also find women's voices to bring perspective to what is happening, and divrei Torah by women on the parshat hashavua, Terumah.
Please continue to use and share the resources and ways to help, in this email, on our Supporting Israel resource page, and in our social feeds, to keep up our efforts to help strengthen Am Yisrael amidst this difficult time.
Besorot Tovot.