In This Edition:
- Weekly Message
- Events Coming Up Soon:
- Pre-Purim Panel Discussion on Amalek in Our Time, This Sunday, 3/17
- International Women's Month Program, Next Thursday, 3/21
- Women's/Partnership Megillah Readings, Purim, Next Weekend, 3/23-24
- Women's Voices
- Spotlighted Israel Resources
- Divrei Torah by Women on Parshat Pekudei
Weekly Message:
For Such a Time as This
As Purim approaches, we contemplate the story of Esther's bravery and resilience -- how she found the courage to intervene with King Achashverosh on behalf of a Jewish community whose survival was at risk. Mordechai famously posits (Esther 4:14):
"וּמִ֣י יוֹדֵ֔עַ אִם־לְעֵ֣ת כָּזֹ֔את הִגַּ֖עַתְּ לַמַּלְכֽוּת "-- "And who knows if for a time like this you became queen."
Mordechai’s profound rhetorical response to Esther speaks to all of us now, as powerfully as ever -- not as a question, but as a mandate. Who knows, indeed? It seems clear that our times also find us positioned to help — that this is our moment to do what we can and must, for so many in need. That we are here, in this moment of crisis, to speak out, to give, to support, to help, to comfort, to act, to go, to do. That we are each in just the position where we must be, to do our piece of the sacred work that must be done.
With this in mind, we offer plenty of food for thought, to help us each contemplate our role within the crises facing the Jewish people in our time.
Following is information on upcoming events – including a panel discussion on Amalek in Our Time this Sunday, 3/17, and an International Women's Month program this Thursday, 3/21; in addition to women's voices and perspectives on the situation that continues to unfold, as well as on the weekly parsha, Pekudei. We also continue to offer new suggestions each week of organizations to support and ways to help Am Yisrael.
May we each find the roles that we are meant to play, in such a time as this.
Shabbat Shalom and Besorot Tovot.
Register to Join Us This Sunday, March 17,
for a Zoom Discussion:
Amalek in Our Time:
A Pre-Purim Panel and Exploration
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Be sure to read Rav Herzl Hefter's blog post, "Hamas is evil, but don’t be too quick to equate it with Amalek." He writes, "When rabbis call for indiscriminate killing and war crimes, I cannot remain silent, for the Torah demands mercy and kindness, even when we are at war."
Then join Jofa, Hadar, and Beit Midrash Har'el, which are partnering to present Amalek in Our Time: A Pre-Purim Panel and Exploration, this Sunday, March 17 (see local times in graphic).
The event will feature panelists including: Rabbi Professor Samuel Lebens, author and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Haifa; Rabbi Herzl Hefter, Founder and Rosh Beit Midrash of Beit Midrash Har'el, in Jerusalem, and Rabbi Dr. Avital Hochstein, President of Hadar in Israel. Rabbi Elhanan Miller, writer and educator, will serve as moderator.
Please register to listen in on what is sure to be an enlightening and engaging discussion.
International Women's Month Program
with Bonot Alternativa Founder, Moran Zer Katzenstein
This Thursday, March 21, 11AM EDT
Register and join us!
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Jofa is thrilled to partner with several organizations to present this program. In honor of International Women's Month 2024, Moran Zer Katzenstein, founder of Bonot Alternativa, one of Israel's leading gender equality organizations, will lead a conversation delving into the distinctive qualities and strengths that women bring to leadership roles.
Highlighting the imperative of women's representation at decision-making tables across military, government, local authorities, and civil society, Moran will share insightful anecdotes and case studies drawn from recent emergency relief efforts. She will also unveil Bonot Alternativa's ambitious plans to rebuild women's leadership in Israel this year.
Register and join us for this online session, as we recognize the strength of women leaders, and unite to build a more equitable and inclusive future for women in Israel.
Megillah Readings & Purim Prep Resources
Next Weekend, March 23-24
| Richmond, Virginia's first-ever women's megillah reading, in 2023. |
Purim is just around the corner -- next Saturday night and Sunday, March 23-24!
*Please list your women's or partnership megillah readings here, so we can share the listings with others who may want to join!*
We also have several resources for planning a women's or partnership megillah reading and learning the leyning, including:
We appreciate your patience as we update our Android leyning app; please use our web-based recordings in the meantime.
| Purim Mental Health Resources | The Blue Dove Foundation offers several Purim related resources, covering a range of topics such as mental health mishloach manot, creating inclusive Purim festivities, self-care routines for Purim, reflections, paths to joy, and more. They are all free for download in the website's holidays section. |
Shabbaton Shivyoni
March 29-31
Join Shalshelet Shivyoni, the student-led intercollegiate community dedicated to halacha and inclusion, for its second annual shabbaton!
Gather at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Connecticut for a Shabbat of egalitarian and partnership minyan tefillah, thoughtful shiurim, and a vibrant community of college students from across the United States.
Jofa's Executive Director, Daphne Lazar Price, is a featured speaker, along with Hadar faculty, Rabbi Miriam-Simma Walfish and Rabbi Micha'el Rosenberg.
See graphic above; scan the QR code, or visit to find out more and sign up.
| End the Silence Petition Campaign |
Jofa is proud to be a partner in Hadassah's End the Silence campaign, to end the silence on the weaponization of sexual violence in Israel and around the world.
Overwhelming evidence shows that Hamas terrorists planned and committed systematic sexual violence on October 7. Rape should never be sanctioned as an act of war. Not in Israel – not anywhere. In the face of irrefutable evidence, the international community’s silence is outrageous. Join advocates from around the world to raise awareness and demand justice.
Join Jofa, together with Hadassah and other partners, to learn more, sign the petition, and demand that the United Nations act now!
Here we share a range of women's voices, ideas, thoughts, and reflections, as examples of what women are processing and feeling right now, and how they are finding understanding, strength, hope, courage, and resilience, during this time. We hope that these writings provide you with new perspectives, and inspire you to write and share your own insights:
- Skin in the Game, by Rivka Herzfeld
- Channeling Queen Esther, by Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll
- A Letter to My Jewish Peers on University Campuses Abroad, by Talia Agam
A Shiva Visit With No End in Sight: A Psychologist Visits Israel, by Betsy Stone
(Not So) Proudly South African, by Tanya Hoshovsky
What Will Convince Haredim to Join the IDF?, by Karen Miller Jackson
If This is What Feminism Has Become, Then I'm Out, by Giada Condello
- If October 7 Rape Victims Want justice, the UN is the Wrong Place to Look, by Hila Knister Bar David
No Women's Day Without Our Female Hostages, by Zina Rakhamilova
- How the UN Sexual Violence Report Can Help 'Bring Them Home,' by Michal Hatuel-Radoshitzky
- Cooler Heads Needed, by Onnie Shiffmiller
As we approach Purim next week, we keep seeking ways to help our brothers and sisters in Israel -- and ourselves -- find some kind of joy amidst such strife. Perhaps we can look to Esther's example, to renew our sense of purpose to help each other endure, and our faith that the Jewish people will survive and prevail.
Please check our Supporting Israel: Ways to Help Now page, where we continue adding ways to keep connected and engaged with what is happening in Israel and what we can do -- including raising the voices and stories of how women are impacted, how they are responding, and ways we can support them.
The page includes resources for fighting antisemitism; advocating; staying informed; keeping attention on the hostages; finding comfort in rituals; ways to contribute; talking to kids about Israel; reaching out; mental health; community gatherings, and more.
We will also keep spotlighting additional resources in this weekly email and our social feeds, and adding them to the page. We hope that each week you'll find things that speak to you, help you stay connected, take action -- in Israel, around the world, and in your own home and community.
| Spotlighted Israel Resources | We continue highlighting resources and organizations each week that you can turn to for information, support, or to contribute toward direct needs on the ground in Israel. Please see our Supporting Israel page for our continually growing list. | |
Garin Tzabar is a program of the Tzofim, Israeli Scouts, which provides comprehensive services to young Jews who make aliyah to serve in the IDF as lone soldiers. Upon their arrival in Israel, Garin Tzabar participants are adopted by an Israeli kibbutz that becomes their home-away-from-home, before and throughout their military service. Four Garin Tzabar groups were evacuated from their kibbutzim because of the war, and temporarily housed in the Jewish Agency absorption center in Ra'anana, and the Beit Brodetsky facility in Tel Aviv. Garin Tzabar must pay rent to the kibbutzim they have evacuated, as well as pay for rent and furnishings at the new accommodations. They are also supporting their 1,000 active-duty lone soldiers nationally at war by expanding their emotional support systems, including for parents abroad.
Gumat Chen Therapeutic Boarding School for At Risk Girls, based on Kibbutz Sa'ad (three kilometers from Gaza) serves as a safe haven for girls from religious families who have experienced severe trauma. Support is needed for ongoing therapy for those whose trauma has increased because of their proximity to the October 7 events and subsequent evacuation from their facility.
HaOgen LeMishpachot HaMiluim (The Anchor for the Families of Reservists), founded by three leading female social activists, has established a comprehensive volunteer-based support system for families of reserve soldiers. With more than 300,000 reserve troops deployed, many families rely on a single caregiver, usually a mother. HaOgen is operating with thousands of women volunteers, including national, regional, and local coordinators, and has already helped nearly 15,000 family members of reserve soldiers in 240 localities. Support helps expand their reach to many more families.
| Divrei Torah by Women on Parshat Pekudei |
Jews around the world are reading and studying Parshat Pekudei this week. Here are a few divrei Torah by women on this week's parsha:
| Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach | |