President Frank Quinn and the officers of Old Belvedere are sorry to learn of the death of Lexie Tynan, a club legend in his day. Lexie has been living in Canada since the mid 1980s but his memory shines brightly.
The following colourful death notice / obituary which gives a flavour of the man has been published on the Canadian Obituaries website:
John Alex “Lexie” Tynan (June 12, 1933 – June 16, 2022):
Lexie has landed peacefully after a lifetime of soaring in spectacular fashion. Born to Alec and Nora in Dublin, Ireland, Lexie was an only child raised primarily by his quick wits and curiosity. He found his stride and purpose through sport. An Olympic qualifying sprinter, rugby was his first love after falling hard and fast during his formative years at Belvedere College. Sport helped him achieve so many of his dreams and provided solace and comfort during the inevitable uncertainties’ life dealt him. Straddling eras, Lexie could be found in his extended youth at every dog fight in town or traveling Europe in his TR3 before finally finding his match in his wife of 47 years Andrea (nee Walsh). A doting father to Sacha (Chris) Kennedy, Leigh, John-Alec and Trevor (Leah), and grandfather to Carys, Stella, Edwin, Margot and Clarke, he maintained a youthful energy well beyond reason. Lexie never missed any of his kids’ games, meets or matches and relished regaling in nostalgic accounts of his yesteryear. A dreamer to his very end, Lexie proudly never worked a day for anyone other than himself and provided his children with opportunities to dream big as well.
Managing a transition across the Atlantic to Burlington, ON in the mid-1980s, kids in tow, Lexie founded two successful local businesses buoyed by tremendous partners and partnerships. In a new world, rugby provided him with a familiar face as scouted for Rugby Canada and shared his wisdom at the local Burlington Centaurs rugby club. Proudly Irish, devoutly Catholic, he was never shy with a quick joke or impish raise of his eyebrows and was a dedicated member of the St. Paul’s Parish and the Rotary Club of Burlington North. A life well lived and well-loved, he was the recipient of tremendous kindness in his final days. Lexie was big fish who reminded those who knew him of the importance of resiliency and the power of aspiration. He is no doubt, enjoying a laugh with his friends at Old Landsdowne Road as his family and friends reflect fondly upon the totality of his magnificent life.
Cremation has taken place. Visitation at SMITH’S FUNERAL HOME, 485 Brant Street, (one block north of City Hall), BURLINGTON (905-632-3333), on Monday, June 27 from 12 p.m., where the Service of Remembrance will be held in the Chapel at 1 p.m. If desired, memorial contributions to The Monty Heald Fund would be sincerely appreciated by the family. The Monty Heald Fund provides financial support to the Canadian women’s rugby teams to travel and compete on the world stage.
The following is from the notice distributed by Belvedere College PPU:
Lexie Tynan was OB1952. He started his playing career at Belvedere College and went on to play club rugby with Old Belvedere and provincial rugby. He coached at senior club level, had a trial for the National team and was for a number of years the Irish sprint champion. In Canada he coached at club and school level and served as a National selector.
Lexie was the Irish Schools Senior Boys 220 yard champion in 1951 with a new record time of 23.3 sec. and Irish Schools Senior Boys 4x220 yard champion in 1951 with a Leinster team time of 1.33.6 sec. In 1951 he joined the Belvedere Javelin team training at Jones’ Road but was barred on his first day as his throws were so long they were viewed as endangering the cricket teams on the adjoining pitch!