Clerk’s Report
The Session of John Knox Presbyterian Church met on Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly Stated Meeting. The following are a few of the items discussed:
1. The monthly financial reports were reviewed.
2. Last month was a little behind budget since it was a three-payroll period.
3. The 2023 financial review was successfully completed by our CPA’s.
4. The CNC’s work is nearly finished, and we will call a Congregation Meeting soon (Dec. 1).
5. The Committee is discussing year-end bonuses for the Staff.
Christian Education
1. Our Adult Sunday School classes are organized and well attended.
2. The Women’s Faith and Fellowship Dinner will be on January 9 with Donna Dowling as the presenter.
3. The Youth Ministry had a strong month.
4. The Middle School Retreat at Asbury Hills was well attended.
5. The Session approved a plan to combine the current Grades 7 and 8 and run a Confirmation class for all twelve starting in the fall of 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.
Christian Mission & Outreach
1. Isaiah 117 had a wonderful fund raiser at Top Golf. They raised $8K towards building the shelter.
2. Habitat for Humanity planning session is scheduled for February 2025.
3. Women in Christ and The Gathering are supporting an Angel Tree for Lake Forest Elementary.
4. We provide lunch relief at LFE every last Thursday of the month.
5. We have a new family from Guatemala to support thru the Circle of Welcome.
6. Donations have been received and passed on to Presbyterian Disaster Relief.
1. The Hospitality Outreach, including the Bread Delivery, Welcome Notes, and Directory Board are all going well.
2. The ‘Finding Your Way @ JK’ class will kick off on February 2, 2025.
3. The photo directory updates are a continuing effort.
1. They are looking at revamping the Women’s Dinner at Capri’s for 2025.
2. Everyone involved had a great time with the Supper Club and they plan to renew it for next year.
1. College Care was a big emphasis this month. They are preparing gift cards and personal notes for nineteen of our college students.
2. The Care Companions program is doing well with four new volunteers.
3. They are looking for volunteers to help Jean and Tonya create graphics.
4. The Quilters are busy working on quilts for Black Mountain Presbyterian Church to support their outreach after Helene.
5. Gary reported thirty folks helped on Serving Saturday.
6. Side By Side is going well. Handmade Christmas paper will be available after Thanksgiving.
Property & Operations
1. Almost all the shingle roofing repair is done.
2. The metal Gym roof will start Thanksgiving week.
3. The copper on the Steeple looks gorgeous.
4. The new flooring in the Fellowship Hall and Hallway from Kitchen to the Narthex looks wonderful.
Children’s Ministry – Susan Felton
1. The Family Mission Night will be on November 22.
2. The Children’s Choir will perform at Hanging of the Greens.
3. Children’s Sunday School will include three weeks of “Songs, Prayers, and Wise Sayings.”
4. The next Parents' Night Out will be December 13.
5. The Fall Festival was a huge success thanks to all the volunteers.
Rev. Justin Cazel
1. The Generosity Team will meet again after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
2. The Men’s Fellowship Dinner will be on December 12.
Dr. Gordon Turnbull
1. Thanked everyone for their efforts in hosting the Foothills Presbytery Meeting last week. He invited Lynn Williams and Diane Paul, our two Commissions to the meeting, to share their impressions of the business.
2. Explained the new Elders for 2025 and their training and examination.
Dick Powers
Clerk of Session