A Weekly Update of Good News from John Knox

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This Sunday's Worship

Join us this Sunday, December 15 at 10:00 AM

"Rejoice! The Lord is Near!"

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Philippians 4:4-7

In person: Sanctuary

Digitally: YouTubeFacebook, or John Knox App

Click here to access the Worship Bulletin.

Advent Readers: The Smith Family

Audio Visual: Caroline Robertson/Bobby Mock

Ushers: Barbara Sparrow, Josh Ballard, Bob Phillis, and Jon Nelson(Head Usher)

2024 Advent Devotional

Look out for daily emails throughout December!

 Booklets are available in the Narthex or through the Church Office by request.

Four Actions for Our Grateful Stewardship


This season brings many blessings into focus for us. With the eyes of faith, we see the richness and fullness of our lives as the fruit of God’s providence and blessing. To respond, let us offer our thanks with grateful hearts and a joyful stewardship of all our blessings.


As the year winds down, would you consider the following four actions?


Fulfill: If at all possible, fulfill your 2024 commitment

Are you on track to fulfill your pledge for 2024? If you are not sure, feel free to call Caroline Bishop at the church for an update on your pledge status. 


Commit: Pledge for 2025

Our budget depends mainly upon pledged offerings. We cannot plan responsibly for ministry without these commitments. If you know that you want to support Christ’s ministry through our church, please communicate that desire by submitting a pledge toward our work together.


Extend: Consider extra giving 

Many people choose to remember or honor loved ones with special gifts to the church at Christmas. Others plan significant donations to worthy causes at year’s end. Some seek to maximize their tax savings by making sizeable gifts, including Qualified Charitable Distribution from a retirement plan. Whatever the source, this extra giving makes a big difference to our ministry. Please consider John Knox Presbyterian Church with this kind of year-end, “above-and-beyond” giving.


Pray: Ask God to bless and lead John Knox

The financial work of our church serves and equips the greater, spiritual work to which we are called. Please join in asking God to enrich our life and direct our work together so that every aspect of our ministry glorifies the Lord we serve. 

Make your pledge for 2024-2025
2024-2025 Generosity & Giving Booklet

If you would like to join supper club for the January-April rotation, please contact Sandy Garrett or the church office by December 17th. Supper club meets once a month for dinner or something else fun. 

John Knox Church Circle of Welcome is at it Again!

The John Knox Circle of Welcome is supporting another refugee family through the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services program. In 2023 our church supported the transition of a family of 7 from Syria. This month we have started a new partnership with a family of 4 from Guatemala. The 6 months of support includes driving the family to doctors appointments and the grocery store, English class support and culture training support. Currently, some of the team will be taking over a traditional thanksgiving dinner for the family.  

If you are interested in learning more about this Christian Mission outreach program, contact Scott Reichen through the church office. We will post monthly updates and let the church know if there are specific needs.  

Current List:

--School Clothing for Shirley: School uniform pants need to be black, blue, or beige/khaki. Shirts need to be plain and blue, orange, black, or white. She's an XS in adult clothing. 

--Home items: rug (max 5x7), floor lamps, decorative items, coffee table, TV, radio, maybe some art or pictures for the walls

--Fun items: Soccer ball, craft supplies (I think mom and daughter would enjoy this), maybe some books in Spanish

--Gladis (mom) also mentioned she really enjoys cooking, so some more cooking supplies could be nice, just keep in mind that the kitchen is a bit small so she doesn't have room for tons of stuff. 

Click here to RSVP

Basketball Games this Week

Saturday, December 14


9:15am @ Buncombe St. UMC (Drake Hall)

2nd-3rd Grade Boys

11:30am @ First Pres (court 2)

4th-5th Grade Boys - Hendrix

10:30am @ St. Mary's Clink Center

4th-5th Grade Boys - Ching

8:30am @ St. George

Middle School Boys

11:30am @ Christ Church - All Saints Center

Monday, December 16

High School Boys

6:00pm @ Buncombe St. UMC (Drake Hall)

In case of last minute changes, please confirm games through the CLBBY website

In order for financial contributions to be reported on the 2024 giving statements, they need to be delivered to the office by December 31, 2024 or mailed with a postmark date of no later than December 31, 2024. All contributions hand delivered or postmarked after December 31, 2024 will be included on the 2025 giving statements. If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Bishop in the church office.

Clerk’s Report


The Session of John Knox Presbyterian Church met on Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly Stated Meeting. The following are a few of the items discussed:



1.   The monthly financial reports were reviewed.

2.   Last month was a little behind budget since it was a three-payroll period.

3.   The 2023 financial review was successfully completed by our CPA’s.

4.   The CNC’s work is nearly finished, and we will call a Congregation Meeting soon (Dec. 1).

5.   The Committee is discussing year-end bonuses for the Staff.


Christian Education

1.   Our Adult Sunday School classes are organized and well attended.

2.   The Women’s Faith and Fellowship Dinner will be on January 9 with Donna Dowling as the presenter.

3.   The Youth Ministry had a strong month.

4.   The Middle School Retreat at Asbury Hills was well attended.

5.   The Session approved a plan to combine the current Grades 7 and 8 and run a Confirmation class for all twelve starting in the fall of 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.


Christian Mission & Outreach

1.   Isaiah 117 had a wonderful fund raiser at Top Golf. They raised $8K towards building the shelter.

2.   Habitat for Humanity planning session is scheduled for February 2025.

3.   Women in Christ and The Gathering are supporting an Angel Tree for Lake Forest Elementary.

4.   We provide lunch relief at LFE every last Thursday of the month.

5.   We have a new family from Guatemala to support thru the Circle of Welcome.

6.   Donations have been received and passed on to Presbyterian Disaster Relief.



1.   The Hospitality Outreach, including the Bread Delivery, Welcome Notes, and Directory Board are all going well.

2.   The ‘Finding Your Way @ JK’ class will kick off on February 2, 2025.

3.   The photo directory updates are a continuing effort.



1.   They are looking at revamping the Women’s Dinner at Capri’s for 2025.

2.   Everyone involved had a great time with the Supper Club and they plan to renew it for next year.



1.   College Care was a big emphasis this month. They are preparing gift cards and personal notes for nineteen of our college students.

2.   The Care Companions program is doing well with four new volunteers.

3.   They are looking for volunteers to help Jean and Tonya create graphics.

4.   The Quilters are busy working on quilts for Black Mountain Presbyterian Church to support their outreach after Helene.

5.   Gary reported thirty folks helped on Serving Saturday.

6.   Side By Side is going well. Handmade Christmas paper will be available after Thanksgiving.


Property & Operations

1.   Almost all the shingle roofing repair is done.

2.   The metal Gym roof will start Thanksgiving week.

3.   The copper on the Steeple looks gorgeous.

4.   The new flooring in the Fellowship Hall and Hallway from Kitchen to the Narthex looks wonderful.


Children’s Ministry – Susan Felton

1.   The Family Mission Night will be on November 22.

2.   The Children’s Choir will perform at Hanging of the Greens.

3.   Children’s Sunday School will include three weeks of “Songs, Prayers, and Wise Sayings.”

4.   The next Parents' Night Out will be December 13.

5.   The Fall Festival was a huge success thanks to all the volunteers.


Rev. Justin Cazel

1.   The Generosity Team will meet again after the Thanksgiving Holiday.

2.   The Men’s Fellowship Dinner will be on December 12.


Dr. Gordon Turnbull

1.   Thanked everyone for their efforts in hosting the Foothills Presbytery Meeting last week. He invited Lynn Williams and Diane Paul, our two Commissions to the meeting, to share their impressions of the business.

2.   Explained the new Elders for 2025 and their training and examination.


Dick Powers

Clerk of Session

Thank you for prioritizing the ministry of Jesus Christ in your financial life.




13 - Cooper Nyvall, Troy Tipton, Susan Hendrix

14 - Patty Stewart

15 - Beau Gailey, Sloane Jackson

17 - Mills Grant

18 - Lila Robinson, Lilly Stewart, Gram Grant

By the Numbers

Sunday, December 8

Live Stream: 22

In Person: 184

Weekly Offering Received: $10,332

Weekly Budgeted Offering: $16,544

YTD Offering Received: $800,303

YTD Budgeted Offering: $827,183

Please email all submissions for Steepletalk to mscott@johnknoxpres.org. For Thursday publication, information must be received by Tuesday at 12 PM.

Edited by Mandy Scott

John Knox Presbyterian Church

35 Shannon Dr.

Greenville, SC 29615



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