A Weekly Update of Good News from John Knox

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This Sunday's Worship

Join us this Sunday, January 19 at 10:00 AM

"The Ferment of God's Spirit"

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

John 2:1-11

In person: Sanctuary

Digitally: YouTubeFacebook, or John Knox App

Click here to access the Worship Bulletin.

Liturgist: Miller McClintock

Audio Visual: Rob Wright

Ushers: Barbara Sparrow, Mike Ward, Bob Phillis and Tommy Dowling (Head Usher)

Click here to RSVP
Bring some chili or be a judge!

"On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food...It will be said on that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, so that he might save us. This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation." (Isa 25:6, 9)


On Sunday nights, the youth and their leaders aren't just scarfing down calories (and carbs and sugar). Eating is more than that: a meal around a dinner table gives us the opportunity for rest, replenishment, and renewal. When we gather to eat in the house of the Lord, among the people of the Lord, and unto the glory of the Lord, I do believe that we are practicing and preparing and readying ourselves for the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:6-9)--that glorious and final feast which God will prepare for his people when all that is bad and wrong and sinful in this world will be undone. Thank you for nurturing body and soul by bringing a meal to John Knox Youth--it is a gift!

Click here to sign up!

Basketball Games this Week

Thursday, January 16

High School Boys

7:00pm at First Baptist Church (old gym)

Middle School Boys

7:00pm at Prince of Peace

In case of last minute changes, please confirm games through the CLBBY website




For ages 8 weeks through K5

Dear John Knox Families,

It is time to register for next school year. Do you know about the wonderful ministry of this church serving 8 weeks old through K5 children? We are so proud of our faith-based program that has served our community for over sixty years. Our loving and nurturing staff strives to make this a place where parents feel confident about leaving their children and where the children feel safe, happy, and loved!

This year our registration opens to John Knox church members (not already enrolled) on Sunday, Jan. 19th, 11:00 – 12:00 following worship. Registration forms are available online and there will be copies available outside of my office as well as the church office. You may contact me to check availability and then bring your completed forms and nonrefundable registration check to my office that Sunday. You will have another opportunity to register when we open it to the community on Tuesday, Jan. 21st , however your preferred options may no longer be available! Our updated Parent Handbook is available online at JKKindergarten.org, but please call me if you need more details about our program, how to register, or to schedule a tour.

Tami Wall




Get Your Side by Side Merchandise!

Many styles and colors available! Now through February 2, you can order through the link below and have your items sent directly to John Knox for a nominal shipping fee. After that, all orders will have to be shipped to you directly for a larger shipping fee.

Order here!

Thank you for prioritizing the ministry of Jesus Christ in your financial life.




16 - Beverly Ivester, Ian Hamer, Will Kenan, David Taylor, David Johnson

17 - Gordon Turnbull

19 - Lillian Pelletier, David Vinson

20 - Tanya Coggin, Eddie Corley, Carolyn Hall

21 - Jerry Peeler, Olin Bixler, Emily Wilson, Catharon Peck

22 - Yvonne Flanagan, Ron Shepherd, Jim (Susan) Williams, Anna Kenan, Matt Hendrix, Sara Jackson, Claire Tipton, Parker Johnson

By the Numbers

Sunday, January 12

In Person: 174

Livestream: 40

Weekly Offering Received: $9,612

YTD Offering Received: $70,956

Please email all submissions for Steepletalk to mscott@johnknoxpres.org. For Thursday publication, information must be received by Tuesday at 12 PM.

Edited by Mandy Scott

John Knox Presbyterian Church

35 Shannon Dr.

Greenville, SC 29615



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