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This Sunday's Worship

Join us this Sunday, May 15 at 10:00 AM

"Great Grace Upon Them All"

Exodus 36:2-7

Acts 4:32-5:6

10:00 AM

In person: Sanctuary

Digitally: YouTube, Facebook, or John Knox App

Click here to access the Worship Bulletin.

Celebrating Jessica Meggs          

May is a month of milestones for many young people in our congregation. Last Sunday seven of our youth concluded a season of preparation by confirming their baptisms and professing their faith in Jesus Christ. Next week we will recognize the accomplishments of our graduates from high school and college. These rituals not only acknowledge individual attainments; they also celebrate the gracious providence of a loving God who invites each of us to grow in grace through every season of our lives.

This Sunday, May 15, our worship will mark another milestone—the conclusion of Jessica Meggs’ service as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Since March 2017 Jessica has devoted herself to our church’s youth and their families. God has used her gifts, passion, and focus to enrich the lives of those in her care and to elevate our church’s ministry of Christian growth. We thank God for richness and beauty of this season of Jessica’s service. 

Our worship this Sunday will include a time of special recognition for Jessica, to express our gratitude and to send her with our prayers into her next season of serving Christ. 

Additionally, our Session has authorized a congregational love offering for Jessica. You may contribute by check or electronically through the John Knox app (indicate “love offering Jessica Meggs”).

As we mark this transition, let us trust our loving God to guide

and bless us to grow into the full stature of the body of Christ.


Click here to give or receive help on Serving Saturday

Summer is right around the corner, and there’s no better way to kick it off than a hotdog cookout! Come join your church family for a hotdog lunch immediately after worship on May 22. We will have hotdogs with chili, baked beans, chips, and dessert. Donations appreciated of $5/plate or $20 max per family. Hope to see you there!

Last Call!!!

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School 2022

After two long years without a “regular” Vacation Bible School, we are so excited to offer a week of Bible stories, fun activities, and fellowship for our children! Our theme this year is “Rocky Railway”, during which the children will experience stories about how Jesus’ power can pull us through hard times and give us strength to show God’s love to others. VBS will begin on Sunday, June 26 (4:00 – 6:30) and go through Wednesday, June 29 (5:00 – 7:30 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday).


How can you help with VBS right now? First, put the dates on your calendar so you don’t miss this fun week! Second, be thinking and praying about how you might help out during the week. Vacation Bible School takes many, many volunteers, and I’m sure we can find the right place for you to serve. Please contact Susan Felton ([email protected]) to learn about the different opportunities we have for everyone, and let me know if you’re interested in being part of this awesome week. Thank you in advance for supporting our Children’s Ministry! 

Clerk’s Report

The Session of John Knox Presbyterian Church met on Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM, in the Fellowship Hall for the Session’s monthly Stated Meeting. The following are some of the items discussed:


1.  Revenues were significantly more than anticipated last month.

2.  The Financial Sub-Committee is meeting to explore cost savings and new revenue opportunities.

Christian Education

1.  Middle School retreat had 14 participants and was a big success.

2.  The ‘I'm In’ campaign to fund the youth programs kicked off with a Minute for Mission on April 3.

3.  Summer camp enrollment is in progress.

4.  The new Sunday School class is going well and will continue thru the summer.

5.  Adult Sunday School classes will have the option of joining with the Fellowship class for the summer.

Christian Mission and Outreach

The Habitat Build is underway. John Knox has 7 volunteers signed up so far. We need 8-6 workers.


1.  Adopt-A-Highway is scheduled for May 4.

2.  The Committee will serve as Care Companions for new members during their first year at John Knox.


1.  The lunch after the Service on May 22 will have hotdogs, chili, chips, and drinks.

2.  The Wednesday Night event on May 11 will be a covered dish with the Quilters presenting their work and talking about the program.

Music & Worship

1.  Confirmation Sunday is May 8.

2.  Graduation Sunday is May 22. There will also be a Choral Festival that afternoon in the Sanctuary.

3.  The Committee is investigating upgrades for the projector and screen in the Sanctuary.


1.  The Care Groups are up and running.

2.  The next Serving Sunday will be May 21.

3.  They have sent out gasoline gift cards to our college students.

4.  In-Home Communion is going well.

Property & Operations

Caleb Stephens presented an A/V program detailing the Fellowship Hall roof and HVAC repairs and the options for the Parking Lot repairs. The Session then approved:

a. reroof the Fellowship Hall, not removing the old tar and gravel roof, but covering it with a new membrane. As part of this project, the three existing rooftop units will be replaced with new Trane units.

b. repair and reseal 11 sections of the parking lots.

Susan Felton – Children’s Ministry

1.  The VBS plans are nearly complete.

2.  The summer S/S programs are being planned.

3.  Family Park Day will be after lunch at John Knox on May 22.

4.  Parents Night Out will be next Friday, April 29.

Jessica Meggs – Youth and Young Adult Ministry

1.  The Youth had their last meeting tonight for the school year.

2.   Jessica shared her letter of resignation with the Session.


Dick Powers

Clerk of Session

In this season of concern, the Church’s witness of service and caring is more important than ever. John Knox is doing all we can to continue our ministry in ways that keep us connected to God and to each other. Please continue your offerings so that we can serve fully throughout this time of need.

Ways to give:
  • Mail your contributions to the church at 35 Shannon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
  • Set up electronic payments through your financial institution
  • Use the John Knox app: click on “Give”

Thank you for prioritizing the ministry of Jesus Christ in your financial life.



12 - Sandy Forrest

13 - Colin Anderson, Henri Pelletier

14 - Annell Patterson, Jordan Meggs

15 - Piper Mehagan

16 - Laurie Davis, Gail Ross, Kathie White, Abigail Miller, Montgomery Allender

17 - Kemper Kenan

18 - Freddie Witherspoon, Pam Walters, Dallas Schaaf, Matthew Krumins

By the Numbers

Sunday, May 8

In Person: 174

Livestream: 34

Weekly Offering Received:  $13,435

Weekly Budgeted Offering:  $16,570

YTD Offering Received:  $420,223

YTD Budgeted Offering:  $314,834

Please email all submissions for Steepletalk to [email protected]. For Thursday publication, information must be received by Tuesday at 12 PM.

Edited by Mandy Scott

John Knox Presbyterian Church

35 Shannon Dr.

Greenville, SC 29615



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