A Weekly Update of Good News from John Knox

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This Sunday's Worship

Join us this Sunday, November 19 at 10:00 AM

"Christ Our Host"

Psalm 146

John 21:1-14

In person: Sanctuary

Digitally: YouTube, Facebook, or John Knox App

Click here to access the Worship Bulletin.

Liturgist: Erin Rigot

Audio Visual: Kyle Parker

Ushers: Stevie Greene, Eric Wall, John Kendall, Jon Nelson and Jim Grigsby (Head Usher)

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Four Actions for Our Grateful Stewardship


The season of Thanksgiving brings many blessings into focus for us. With the eyes of faith, we see the richness and fullness of our lives as the fruit of God’s providence and blessing. To respond, let us offer our thanks with grateful hearts and a joyful stewardship of all our blessings.


As the year winds down, would you consider the following four actions?


Fulfill: If at all possible, fulfill your 2023 commitment

Are you on track to fulfill your pledge for 2023? If you are not sure, feel free to call Caroline Bishop at the church for an update on your pledge status. 


Commit: Pledge for 2024

Our budget depends mainly upon pledged offerings. We cannot plan responsibly for ministry without these commitments. If you know that you want to support Christ’s ministry through our church, please communicate that desire by submitting a pledge toward our work together.


Extend: Consider extra giving 

Many people choose to remember or honor loved ones with special gifts to the church at Christmas. Others plan significant donations to worthy causes at year’s end. Some seek to maximize their tax savings by making sizeable gifts, including Qualified Charitable Distribution from a retirement plan. Whatever the source, this extra giving makes a big difference to our ministry. Please consider John Knox Presbyterian Church with this kind of year-end, “above-and-beyond” giving.


Pray: Ask God to bless and lead John Knox

The financial work of our church serves and equips the greater, spiritual work to which we are called. Please join in asking God to enrich our life and direct our work together so that every aspect of our ministry glorifies the Lord we serve.

Pledge Here

Merry early Christmas from the Angel Tree Ministry! This year our Angel Tree Ministry will once again focus on providing gifts for Greer Relief's Christmas Morning Shoppe. This program is a big hit with the parents and guardians who participate. They earn RENEW Rewards throughout the year through their participation in Greer Relief’s many engaging opportunities to learn on a variety of topics (wellness, budgeting, job skills, crafts, and others). Empowerment and dignity come with the ability to earn rewards and then use those rewards to shop for your own family. Join us as we partner with Greer Relief this season to help our neighbors in need make strides toward self-sufficiency.


There are two wonderful ways to participate in the Angel Tree this year. You can simply use Greer Relief’s Amazon wish list for the Christmas Morning Shoppe to purchase gifts (which can be sent directly to Greer Relief’s Christmas Morning Shoppe or dropped off at the church office). Or, you can make a donation to John Knox Presbyterian Church, earmarked for the Angel Tree (cash, check, or through the John Knox app). We will purchase gifts and gift cards with the donations we receive.


The deadline for monetary donations is November 27; any gifts must be turned in by December 7the earlier, the better! So, get clicking:  Amazon!  If you have any questions, please contact either Betsy Turnbull or Stevie Greene.


Thank you for your continued generosity!

Christmas Flower Form
Sign up to bring refreshments!

John Knox Care Companion Ministry

Looking For Volunteers


Our Care Companion Ministry is looking for Volunteers to help all of us stay more connected with our fellow church members. Our Care Companions contact members in a variety of ways and allow us to stay informed about health concerns, contact information changes, as well as sending birthday wishes, informing of church lunches and dinners and special services. You will be supplied with a list of church members, family members, and contact information. Our aim is to build a caring relationship through regular contact. You can do whatever you are comfortable with in contacting members on your list of 8 – 12 church families. We’d love to have you be part of our caring team in this important ministry. If interested or for more information, please call Peggy Thompson.

From the John Knox Quilters

On Sunday, November 12, LaRue Wait and Carol Phillips, on behalf of the John Knox Quilters, presented this quilt to the Alhussein family.

We had a wonderful lunch together on Sunday, November 12, as we visited with one another and celebrated our children and their completion of their Seeds of Service Mission projects. We are so proud of these children!

This past weekend, 11 middle schoolers went up to Asbury Hills for the annual fall retreat. The weekend was filled with worship, dancing, games (all hours of the day and night), and time together! One of the coolest parts of this retreat is that Presbytery Youth Council--a group of high school students from churches in our area--plan and lead just about everything we do. The Lord was surely at work in our youth as we heard the good news that Christ came into this world, lived and died and rose again, so that we might be called to his table.

Spotlight on Adult Sunday School

In 2023-2024, the Women In Christ Class is reading one of our favorite authors, Michael Card. Mark, The Gospel of Passion, is part of his Biblical imagination series. He says that in this series, we speak of "engaging with scripture at a level of informed imagination by doing homework and referring to the commentaries." Thus far we have been dealing with Jesus' human emotions as he deals with the Pharisees as well as the people who mainly come to see him mainly removing demons from individual Jews instead of hearing Him spread the good news. Today's world makes us consider why the world hates Jews. Thinking even deeper, why are some people predisposed to hate? Come join us on the Sunday School Hall at 9:00 Sunday morning. Just because we are a seasoned group of mature ladies, does not mean you have to be!

Clerk’s Report


The Session of John Knox Presbyterian Church met on Sunday, October 15, 2023, at 6:00 PM, in the Fellowship Hall for the Session’s monthly Stated Meeting. The following are some of the items discussed:



1.    They are working on a preliminary budget for 2024.

2.    The Committee is keeping a close watch on account balances.

3.    Dr. Turnbull shared that the budgeting is on schedule for the end of the month.

4.    Niki Kim is the new Kindergarten bookkeeper.


Christian Education

1.    They are working on a greater emphasis for Women’s Ministry Programs.

2.    Adult Sunday School classes will be asked to submit information for Steeple Talk.

3.    Fall Festival plans are complete and will include a Boy Scouts/Fellowship Supper, Games for Youth in the Gym, and Trunk or Treat.

4.    Childrens’ Sunday School is going well. They are following Matthew 25:40.

5.    Basketball signups are underway.

6.    Family Advent workshop is scheduled for Dec. 1. Parents’ Night Out will be December 15.


Christian Mission & Outreach

1.    Authorized donation of $500 for a washer/dryer for the Alhussein family

2.    The refugee work is going extremely well.

3.    They have discussed ways to ease the transition of foster care children.

4.    They are working on a plan for a monthly giving emphasis in 2024 to be shared in Steeple Talk.



1.    The 3rd Sunday of each month will be set aside for receiving new members.

2.    They are working on new pew cards and friendship pads.



1.    A report consisting of a schedule of planned events through January 2024, was shared.

2.    The Committee is working on plans for the meal on the 12.

3.    Their plans for Fall Festival include a Dunk Tank.


Music and Worship

1.    The calendar for Advent and Christmas Services was shared.

2.    All Services except for 11 PM Candlelight Service will be live-streamed.

3.    The 2024 Proposed Budget is nearly complete.

4.    The A/V Team training is to be scheduled.

5.    Josh Harrington will provide the music for the 11 PM Service.



1.    They are hoping for a small turnover in Care Companions.

2.    Jessica Bixler and Carter Rief are contacting the twenty-two folks on the College Connection list.

3.    The Quilting Group is finishing a queen-sized quilt for the refugee family.

4.    They are reviewing resumes for the director’s position at Side by Side, the respite care ministry.

5.    They presently have ten volunteers for the four jobsites for Serving Saturday next Saturday.

6.    The Committee is looking for volunteer readers to read aloud for folks.


Property & Operations

1.    We have received the check from the insurance company for $ 23,213 for the final invoice for the fire alarm damage due to the lightning strike.

2.    The hail damage of May 9 is still under negotiation with the insurance company. The estimate is $ 250K while their offer is $ 106K.

3.    They are looking to replace our Janitorial person, who resigned, with an outside service. They are getting quotes from three companies.

4.    They are putting together a team of volunteers to repaint the Fellowship Hall and Narthex.

5.    They are getting quotes to redo the flooring in the Fellowship Hall and Hallway.


Youth and Young Adults – Carter Rief

1.    The College Ministry will include Amazon and Chick-Fil-A gift cards in their Holiday Boxes.

2.    The ‘I’m In’ campaign thank you dinner is coming up soon.

3.    The Middle School retreat is in November.

4.    The High School retreat is in January.

5.    Everyone was reminded to encourage our Youth to participate in Worship.


Rev. Justin Cazel

1.    The Generosity Team will be tasked with discussing financial strategies for the Church.

2.    The Men’s Ministry Team hopes to have events scheduled at least quarterly.


Dr. Gordon Turnbull

1.    Gave a brief update on the CNC’s work. JT Greene said they are about halfway done and very hopeful.

2.    He reminded folks that the next Presbytery Meeting is November 14. Lincoln Evans and Diane Paul are to be our commissioners.

3.    This is a busy season for Stewardship. Commitment Sunday is the 29.



Dick Powers

Clerk of Session

In this season of concern, the Church’s witness of service and caring is more important than ever. John Knox is doing all we can to continue our ministry in ways that keep us connected to God and to each other. Please continue your offerings so that we can serve fully throughout this time of need.

Ways to give:
  • Mail your contributions to the church at 35 Shannon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
  • Set up electronic payments through your financial institution
  • Use the John Knox app: click on “Give”

Thank you for prioritizing the ministry of Jesus Christ in your financial life.



16 - Bob Sadler, Pat Thatcher, Jeanie Lee

17 - Erin Johnson, Toni Wulff

18 - Lucero Sewell, Ethan Whatley

19 - Patricia Gibson, Susan Felton

20 - Heidi Grant, Pamela Oates

22 - Tracy Gardner, Pam McDow

By the Numbers


Sunday, November 12

In Person: 190

Live Stream: 30

Weekly Offering Received: $23,475

Weekly Budgeted Offering: $16,601

YTD Offering Received: $725,916

YTD Budgeted Offering: $763,662

2024 Pledge Cards Received: 113

2024 Pledge Card Value: $634,700

Please email all submissions for Steepletalk to mscott@johnknoxpres.org. For Thursday publication, information must be received by Tuesday at 12 PM.

Edited by Mandy Scott

John Knox Presbyterian Church

35 Shannon Dr.

Greenville, SC 29615



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