Clerk’s Report
The Session of John Knox Presbyterian Church met on Sunday, October 15, 2023, at 6:00 PM, in the Fellowship Hall for the Session’s monthly Stated Meeting. The following are some of the items discussed:
1. They are working on a preliminary budget for 2024.
2. The Committee is keeping a close watch on account balances.
3. Dr. Turnbull shared that the budgeting is on schedule for the end of the month.
4. Niki Kim is the new Kindergarten bookkeeper.
Christian Education
1. They are working on a greater emphasis for Women’s Ministry Programs.
2. Adult Sunday School classes will be asked to submit information for Steeple Talk.
3. Fall Festival plans are complete and will include a Boy Scouts/Fellowship Supper, Games for Youth in the Gym, and Trunk or Treat.
4. Childrens’ Sunday School is going well. They are following Matthew 25:40.
5. Basketball signups are underway.
6. Family Advent workshop is scheduled for Dec. 1. Parents’ Night Out will be December 15.
Christian Mission & Outreach
1. Authorized donation of $500 for a washer/dryer for the Alhussein family
2. The refugee work is going extremely well.
3. They have discussed ways to ease the transition of foster care children.
4. They are working on a plan for a monthly giving emphasis in 2024 to be shared in Steeple Talk.
1. The 3rd Sunday of each month will be set aside for receiving new members.
2. They are working on new pew cards and friendship pads.
1. A report consisting of a schedule of planned events through January 2024, was shared.
2. The Committee is working on plans for the meal on the 12.
3. Their plans for Fall Festival include a Dunk Tank.
Music and Worship
1. The calendar for Advent and Christmas Services was shared.
2. All Services except for 11 PM Candlelight Service will be live-streamed.
3. The 2024 Proposed Budget is nearly complete.
4. The A/V Team training is to be scheduled.
5. Josh Harrington will provide the music for the 11 PM Service.
1. They are hoping for a small turnover in Care Companions.
2. Jessica Bixler and Carter Rief are contacting the twenty-two folks on the College Connection list.
3. The Quilting Group is finishing a queen-sized quilt for the refugee family.
4. They are reviewing resumes for the director’s position at Side by Side, the respite care ministry.
5. They presently have ten volunteers for the four jobsites for Serving Saturday next Saturday.
6. The Committee is looking for volunteer readers to read aloud for folks.
Property & Operations
1. We have received the check from the insurance company for $ 23,213 for the final invoice for the fire alarm damage due to the lightning strike.
2. The hail damage of May 9 is still under negotiation with the insurance company. The estimate is $ 250K while their offer is $ 106K.
3. They are looking to replace our Janitorial person, who resigned, with an outside service. They are getting quotes from three companies.
4. They are putting together a team of volunteers to repaint the Fellowship Hall and Narthex.
5. They are getting quotes to redo the flooring in the Fellowship Hall and Hallway.
Youth and Young Adults – Carter Rief
1. The College Ministry will include Amazon and Chick-Fil-A gift cards in their Holiday Boxes.
2. The ‘I’m In’ campaign thank you dinner is coming up soon.
3. The Middle School retreat is in November.
4. The High School retreat is in January.
5. Everyone was reminded to encourage our Youth to participate in Worship.
Rev. Justin Cazel
1. The Generosity Team will be tasked with discussing financial strategies for the Church.
2. The Men’s Ministry Team hopes to have events scheduled at least quarterly.
Dr. Gordon Turnbull
1. Gave a brief update on the CNC’s work. JT Greene said they are about halfway done and very hopeful.
2. He reminded folks that the next Presbytery Meeting is November 14. Lincoln Evans and Diane Paul are to be our commissioners.
3. This is a busy season for Stewardship. Commitment Sunday is the 29.
Dick Powers
Clerk of Session