A Weekly Update of Good News from John Knox

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This Sunday's Worship

Join us this Sunday, November 24 at 10:00 AM

"The King From Above"

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

John 18:33-37

In person: Sanctuary

Digitally: YouTubeFacebook, or John Knox App

Click here to access the Worship Bulletin.

Liturgist: Barry White

Audio Visual: Caroline Robertson

Ushers: Lori Beaumont, Gary Campbell, Miller McClintock, Kitty Olson

and Tommy Dowling (Head Usher)

An Encouraging Start


Ten days after our Stewardship Commitment Sunday (November 10), our progress looks encouraging. We have received 90 pledges totaling $654,262 toward next year’s ministry. It is a good start (our best since 2019), but still a long way from the finish. We hope that this good momentum is contagious, and that all our members and friends will act soon to commit to our 2025 ministry.


Why pledge? Your commitment allows our leaders to plan responsibly. We cannot confidently commit to plans that are not supported by the congregation.


Why pledge NOW? We have a shorter runway to receive pledges before we finalize the 2025 budget. Hurricane Helene disrupted our operations this fall. We lost a Sunday of worship, and our commitment season started two Sundays later than planned. We want to accomplish as much as possible in 2025, and to do so we need everyone on board, and soon!


Please pray. This season is pivotal for our church’s ministry. Would you continue to pray for John Knox? Ask God to give us a keen vision of God’s will and all the energy to fulfill that vision. Ask for God to draw each believer closer in love and deeper in faithful commitment. Thank you!

Make your pledge for 2024-2025
2024-2025 Generosity & Giving Booklet

Merry early Christmas from the Angel Tree Ministry! This year our Angel Tree Ministry will once again focus on providing gifts for Greer Relief's Christmas Morning Shoppe. This program is a big hit with the parents and guardians who participate. They earn RENEW Rewards throughout the year through their participation in Greer Relief’s many engaging opportunities to learn on a variety of topics (wellness, budgeting, job skills, crafts, and others). Empowerment and dignity come with the ability to earn rewards and then use those rewards to shop for your own family. Join us as we partner with Greer Relief this season to help our neighbors in need make strides toward self-sufficiency.


There are two wonderful ways to participate in the Angel Tree this year. You can simply use Greer Relief’s Amazon wish list for the Christmas Morning Shoppe to purchase gifts (which can be sent directly to Greer Relief’s Christmas Morning Shoppe or dropped off at the church office). Or, you can make a donation to John Knox Presbyterian Church, earmarked for the Angel Tree (cash, check, or through the John Knox app). We will purchase gifts and gift cards with the donations we receive.


The deadline for monetary donations is November 27; any gifts must be turned in by December 7the earlier, the better! So, get clicking:  Amazon!  If you have any questions, please contact Betsy Turnbull.

Sign up to bring refreshments!
Christmas Flowers

Basketball Games this week!

Thursday, November 21

Middle School Boys

7:00 at Prince of Peace

High School Boys

8:00 at First Baptist Greenville (Old gym)

Saturday, November 23

K4 - 1st Grade

11:30 at Christ Church - Finlay Hall

2nd-3rd Grade Boys

12:30 at First Pres - Court 1

4th-5th Grade Boys

11:30 at St. George

4th-5th Grade Boys

9:30 at St. Mary's Clink Center

In case of last minute changes, please confirm games through the CLBBY website 


Thank you for prioritizing the ministry of Jesus Christ in your financial life.




22 - Tracy Gardner, Pam McDow

23 - Lee Ledford, Jake Osborne

24 - Mat Moore

25 - Piper Schloss, Peggy Pulver

26 - Delores Brandon, Mary Ellen Cain, Kim Pitman

27 - Joel Smith

By the Numbers

Sunday, November 17

Live Stream: 29

In Person: 182

Weekly Offering Received: $17,462

Weekly Budgeted Offering: $16,544

YTD Offering Received: $753,678

YTD Budgeted Offering: $777,552

Please email all submissions for Steepletalk to mscott@johnknoxpres.org. For Thursday publication, information must be received by Tuesday at 12 PM.

Edited by Mandy Scott

John Knox Presbyterian Church

35 Shannon Dr.

Greenville, SC 29615



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