

Hello Angela,

I'm so glad you are interested in learning more about an upcoming study my friend Jenni Elwood & I are leading.

Jenni & I met through a writer's circle, and we have supported each other the past couple of years as we've navigated this tricky world of Christian communicating. We have learned how to self-publish Bible studies, develop virtual events, and navigate things like Facebook Lives, podcast edits, and website changes.

We've grown a lot, and we have a lot of growing to do. One of the places that continues to be a struggle is the tension between working to build a platform and trusting God to get our message into the right hands and earbuds.

Because we know we're not alone in this difficulty, we are joining together to offer a free small-group Bible study on the book "Influence" by Kate Motaung & Shannon Popkin, We'd love to have you join us.

More about Influence

“Your platform isn’t big enough.”

If you’re a writer, speaker, or ministry leader, perhaps these five words have squelched your desire to share the message burning within. In today’s digital world, speakers and writers are expected to grow their own following–or platform of influence–before gaining access to a microphone or book contract.

But as a Christian, is there a way to gather followers and still follow Jesus? Is it possible to both build up your stats and take up your cross? How can you reconcile promoting yourself when you’re called to humble yourself, or elevating your name when you’re commissioned to elevate Christ’s?

In Influence, you’re invited to a platform-building coaching session with the carpenter from Nazareth. As you set aside fears, examine hidden motives, and gain decision-making clarity, you’ll emerge with new confidence and awareness–ready to step out and shine the light of Jesus from the platform God has strategically placed beneath your feet.

Class Details

What will the class cost?

The only cost is the purchase of the book. It's currently available on Amazon for $14.99. In addition to purchasing the book, please know both Jenni & I will be adding class participants to our email list. You will receive both class updates and general ministry updates from us. If you would like to unsubscribe after the class ends, there will be no hard feelings.

When will the class meet?

Tuesdays, January 11 - March 29, 2022

8:40 am PT - Zoom room opens for chatting

9:00 am PT - Class begins

9:45 am PT - Class ends

10:00 am PT - Zoom room closes after chatting

How will the classes be structured?

Jenni & I will lead discussion on one chapter per week using the study questions in the book and sharing our own reflections.

How do I register?

Email me by clicking the button below and I will add you to the class list.

What if I have more questions?

Send me an email by clicking the button below.

One last thing to know:

Kate & Shannon will each be joining us for one of the sessions!

Jenni & I hope it works out for you to join us! We would love to study with you.


Angie Baughman

Email Angie with Questions or to Register for the Class
Order "Influence" via Amazon
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