September Developments


This summer’s heat and damaging thunderstorms should make us all appreciate the reliability of our homes’ air conditioning and roof systems.This is not the case for many families seeking Yachad’s services. The need is great and growing.We have good financial partners and skilled tradespeople working to see that our clients’ homes are healthy and functional.We are grateful for the support and our ability to continue to serve the housing needs of many in our greater community.

Yachad's work with volunteers has changed over the past

2 ½ years due to the pandemic and the health risks involved for everyone.

We most likely are not going back to working with volunteers in the same way. However, volunteer engagement remains important to Yachad’s mission. 

Volunteers and synagogue partners are still important to the efforts to see that homes and communities are healthy and vital. Yachad is teaming up with the DC NAACP Environmental Justice Committee to advocate for lead free drinking water and asthma safe homes. Read more to see how you can be an active participant in this effort.Your help is critical.

With gratitude,

Audrey Lyon

Executive Director

Join Yachad at a virtual summit via Zoom to learn about the NAACP Campaign to Reduce Lead Exposure & Childhood Asthma. 

Monday, September 19, 2022 from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom

What is the Campaign? 

The Campaign is supported by 41 organizations (including faith based institutions) in DC working to improve housing conditions that poison children due to lead in the drinking water and conditions in homes that cause asthma attacks. We want to share the goals of the campaign and discuss how you can become involved to better protect children living in these environmental hazards in homes and communities.

Presenters include:  

Pastor Cliff Beckford, Lydia’s House, Neil Boyer, NAACP-DC, Janet Phoenix, MD, DC Asthma Coalition, Daniel del Pielago, Empower DC, DC Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and families directly impacted by these issues

Why should you attend?

Lead exposure and air pollution are two of the most critical issues impacting the lives of DC residents, especially those who are low income and living in communities of color. The DC government lacks a firm estimate of the number of families at daily risk of lead ingestion. The DC Lead Service Line (LSL) replacement plan proposed by DC Water is moving slowly. Under this plan, families will continue to be exposed to the risk of drinking lead tainted water until 2030.

  • We are requesting early replacement of all Lead Service Lines, with a priority for communities of the lowest incomes.
  • We are requesting free water filters for DC residents, specifically low to median income customers, supporting access to lead free water until pipe replacement is complete.

Our campaign aims to inform and mobilize, hold our decision makers accountable, and

continually advocate that funding provided to the District and other federal government resources are used to improve the health and welfare of ALL DC residents.

We hope you can make it and learn more about our campaign. Please RSVP HERE

to receive the Zoom link.

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