Dear Friends--
Chanukah, like most things, will feel different this year. Our staff and clergy have been busy putting together many offerings for you to engage with and we hope you'll join us! As always, links to join upcoming minyanim, Shabbat services and more can be found on OZ's website here.
Reminder: Our upcoming congregational meeting is Sunday, December 6th at 7:30pm, please consider joining for minyan at 7:00pm, using the same link, prior to the meeting. Click here to join.
Updated Congregational Meeting Agenda
A sweet way to begin Chanukah!
We're partnering with Tasty Cookie Bakery, a local, Jewish & woman owned business to bring you a bakery pop-up event on the first night of Chanukah! Online ordering is sold out! There will be grab and go items for purchase on the pick up date, December 10 between 4-5:30pm.
10% of the sales will be donated to OZ.
Stop by for the grab and go items and a small gift from OZ of Chanukah candles and a dreidel!
Preschool and Hebrew School Families -- we know you're busy driving kids to school, activities and managing it all, let us take some stress off your shoulders and cook for you!
Sign up to reserve your Family Chanukah to go meal direct from our OZ kitchen and pick up Friday, December 11 between 4-5pm or Sunday, December 13 at 5:30 (following the drive-in candle lighting event).
Kabbalat Shabbat with Yoel Sykes and Temple Sinai
Temple Sinai is hosting a special musical Chanukah Kabbalat Shabbat with Yoel Sykes on Friday, December 11 and have invited our community to join as their gift! Ohavi Zedek will have ma'ariv at 6:00pm, link available here and join Temple Sinai at 6:30pm. Link to join is available on Temple Sinai's website, here.
OZ Young Family Chanukah Celebration
Join OZ for a Chanukah Havdalah event! Saturday, December 12, 5:00-6:30pm. Click to join in!
We'll have a trivia contest, candle lighting, story, music and more. Great for children and families and all are welcome to join us!
VT Community Chanukah Celebration
Join us for the 4th annual VT Jewish Community Chanukah Celebration! This event benefits the Capstone Community Action's Fuel Your Neighbors Program and will be on Saturday, December 12 at 7pm. Come for a musical havdalah, menorah lighting by Rabbi Amy and Cantor Steve, a special “Virtual Choir” performance featuring OZ singers, a live talent show featuring OZ musicians and raffle prizes!
This event is sponsored by Beth Jacob Synagogue, Congregation Beth El, Hadassah - Sarah Frank Chapter, Jewish Communities of Greater Stowe, Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Ruach HaMaqom, Temple Sinai and UVM Hillel!
Nefesh Mountain Chanukah Concert
Join us for a special live-streamed Chanukah Concert for OZ members with Nefesh Mountain on Saturday, December 12 at 8:00pm. To participate you must register here before December 10 at 5pm to be sent a link to join in. Once you've registered a link will be sent to you from Nefesh Mountain directly via
Please do not share this link as it is for our OZ community. Be sure to register as OZ cannot grant access for those who have not signed up.
Drive-in Menorah Lighting
Enjoy the lights of the chanukiah from your car at this drive-in event on December 13 at 4:45pm. This event is limited to 20 cars so please sign up here.
Due to pandemic restrictions, all attendees must remain in their car for the duration of the event. We will have amplified sound at the event.
Shir LaLa Chanukah Concert and Family Candle Lighting!
Join PJ Library, OZ and, congregations throughout Vermont on Tuesday, December 15, 5:30pm, for a Zoom family event including a concert by Shir LaLa, stories, art and candle lighting! Perfect for families with children 0-6.
Virtual Menorah Lighting with OZ Hebrew School
Join OZ Hebrew School students, Rabbi Amy and Cantor Steve in a virtual community menorah lighting event on December 16, 5:45pm. Use this link to join. Come with your menorah, candles and matches ready to light along with us!
A National USCJ Virtual Chanukah Celebration!
Join OZ and congregations across the country as we bring light into the darkness. Organized by Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto, CA, this event features singer and songwriter, Neshama Carlebach and journalist AJ Jacobs. December 17, 8:30pm. To join by Zoom click here, f or the YouTube livestream, click here.
OZ End of Year Operations
Please note that our staff and clergy will not be working Thursday, December 24-Friday, January 1. During this time we will continue to conduct Shabbat services and minyan though minyan on Thursday, December 24 and Thursday, December 31 will be cancelled. Hebrew School will resume on Sunday, January 3 and our staff will resume work on Monday, January 4.