Feeding Hungry Bellies, Rather than Landfills
Spread the Word about Saving Grace's Impact
We know you care about the work Saving Grace is doing to reduce food waste and feed our hungry neighbors with healthy excess perishable food. You can make a bigger impact if you share this email and invite your friends to learn about our work.

Saving Grace is on the forefront of a community effort to make sure kids, families and seniors have access to nutritious food on a regular basis - and especially during these uncertain times. As coronavirus closings lead to mounting job losses and/or pay cuts and students are out of school, the need for food is greater than ever. At the same time, we are hearing more nationally about how perfectly good food is going to waste. For more than six years, Saving Grace has been working diligently to combat this issue in our community, and we continue to look for new ways to do this.

In addition to handling their regular routes, our drivers have picked up food from restaurants, event venues, casinos, bars and other food vendors as their kitchens closed during the past few weeks. Nearly 65 of these pickups have resulted in over 41,000 pounds of extra food provided to our nonprofit partners to feed their clients. View the list of donors.

At the same time, many of our nonprofit partner agencies are seeing an increased need for food. Our operations team is doing its best to provide as much food as it can at a time when our regularly scheduled pickups are fluctuating with the food supply chain.

Our team remains flexible to respond to changing needs of our community as we provide the professional distribution and logistics service that connects surplus food with agencies that feed the hungry. We anticipate this increased need for food will continue in the foreseeable future, and we know there is more food that can be rescued to feed the hungry.

Together, We Are Rallying to Feed the Hungry
We appreciate the many food vendors, businesses, financial donors and supporters who have stepped up to help Saving Grace respond to our community’s need for food during the pandemic.

  • Our drivers/food ambassadors have made nearly 65 unscheduled pickups as commercial kitchens closed due to COVID-19. One recent donation was fish fry surplus food from St. Patrick's Parish in Elkhorn. Special thanks to all of the businesses that made these donations.

  • A number of individual and business donors have made financial contributions to help cover increased operational costs of our COVID-19 response. If you'd like to join them, please donate now. 

  • Our nonprofit partner agencies are coming up with innovative ways to make sure their clients have food. NorthStar - in partnership with organizations including Saving Grace - is providing meals to Omaha students and their families. Through mid-April, they had served over 10,500. View the list of our nonprofit partner agencies.

  • Our drivers/food ambassadors are on the front lines every weekday morning picking up food and delivering it to our partner agencies to feed the hungry. Special thanks to drivers Randy, Michael, Jay and James and field and logistics director Judy.
Giving Opportunities
Two giving opportunities this month provide easy ways for you to support Saving Grace’s work. Make a donation to one of these campaigns and let your friends know you believe in our cause. Word of mouth is the best way to grow our base of support so we can rescue more food to feed the hungry.

Giving Tuesday Now

Today, May 5, is #GivingTuesdayNow, a new global day of giving and unity that is an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

Make a donation to Saving Grace online and support our work during this pandemic.

Omaha Gives!

Omaha Gives! is Wednesday, May 20. Make an early donation now through May 19, or wait until the actual day of giving. In addition, help Saving Grace reach our goal of 75 new donors by sharing this opportunity with your friends. Post on your social media using #WhyIGiveOG.

“You guys are our lifeblood! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to feeding the needy!”

- Richard Couch, The Stephen Center