Fort Ord Community Involvement Workshop

Saturday, February 11th, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

4522 Joe Lloyd Way, Seaside

Join us at the Fort Ord Community Involvement Workshop Open House!

MCWD Conservation Staff will be present to provide information about our water conservation incentive programs, answer questions about water conservation, and to provide free water conserving devices and materials.

This event is free and no reservations are required!

Learn More

Free Landscape Design Workshops

A series of free webinars, co-sponsored by the Water Awareness Committee of Monterey County, Inc. (WAC) will help you design, install, and manage your landscape using the Watershed Approach.

This month, there are two online workshops focused on landscape and garden design. To see details and register for each webinar, just click on the events listed below.

Beautiful Gardens, Even in Drought/Downpour

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

Garden Design

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

These events are provided by the Green Gardens Group (G3), a company dedicated to educating the community about regenerative landscape management. Visit the G3 website to view more workshops and resources.

Visit the G3 Website

Rainwater Catchment Incentives

Rainwater catchment systems are a great way to offset your water consumption and have the potential to decrease your water bill. These systems harvest rainwater runoff from the roof using the gutter system to collect water in a barrel and use for irrigation purposes.

Marina gets an average of 17 inches of rain per year. Utilizing a 1,500 square foot roof in Marina would yield approximately 15,938 gallons of water!

All landscape incentive projects must be preapproved by the District before work may proceed. If not preapproved, the project will not be eligible for the incentive. 

Learn More

Protect Your Pipes From Freezing

Water inside your exterior pipes and backflow devices will expand when it freezes, which can lead to burst pipes and water loss.


It doesn't freeze often in Marina and Seaside, but when it does, it is best to be prepared. Protect your exposed pipes by covering them with foam insulation, then wrapping them with pipe tape. Cover your backflow protection devices with locking, insulated backflow blankets to help keep them from freezing.

Find supplies here:

Backflow Parts USA

Dale’s Canvas

Hydroturf (Salinas)

Martin’s Irrigation Supply, Inc. (Monterey)

Ewing Irrigation (Monterey)

Marina Coast Water District

11 Reservation Road, Marina CA 93933

(831) 384-6131 |  

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