Economics for Kids - Kindergarten

Instructors: Judy Austin / Scott Bacon
1.5 PD Hours Awarded
Join us to explore children’s books you can use to teach economic and personal finance concepts to young children. Concepts covered include goods and services, wants, scarcity, saving, savings goals and making choices.
Participants will receive copies of the books, lessons, and support materials. Books will include Building a House, Benny’s Pennies, Just Saving My Money and more.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Via Zoom

Register Here
Economics for Kids - First Grade

Instructors: Judy Austin / Scott Bacon
1.5 PD Hours Awarded
Join us to explore children’s books you can use to teach economic and personal finance concepts to first graders. Concepts covered include producers and consumers, scarcity, opportunity cost, saving, savings goals and making choices.
Participants will receive copies of the books, lessons, and support materials. Books will include The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, Bunny Money, Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday and more.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Via Zoom

Register Here
To prepare K-12 educators and students in economics, personal finance and entrepreneurship by providing dynamic, effective and standards-based professional learning, resources and programs.

Center for Economic Education & Entrepreneurship | Website
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