The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
March 29, 2022
This year we get to celebrate Holy Week in person. Please be prudent with your personal health decisions, but if you can, consider joining us to accompany Jesus through his passion and resurrection. From Palm Sunday through Holy Thursday and the last supper into Good Friday, when we walk with Jesus the way of the cross, we are offered a unique annual opportunity to re-examine the direction of our lives and values. The wisdom of the traditional rituals is that experiencing them together as a community of faith, hope, and love we can transform our hearts and minds, turning away from darkness and emptiness towards light and wholeness. Daring to die with Jesus and enter the tomb together may we also accompany him into resurrection and new life this Easter. Click here for our Holy Week schedule.
Let us pray also for our world and for all God’s children so in need of healing and peace.
Spring Cleaning @ ABVM: Saturday. April 9 (10am-1pm)
Join Fr Anthony and a group of other parishioners to help clean and spruce up the church in anticipation of Easter. Coffee and pastries will be ready to fuel us up. Great for the kids too, and if you can only come for a part of the time, that is great also. Please RSVP to Meghan Duffy, so we can plan accordingly. Thank you.
Joan Sexton Memorial Women in the Church Lecture
April 24 at 12:30pm at St. Boniface and Livestream
Easter Flower Offering in Memoriam and Best Wishes
If you would like to dedicate altar flowers in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone, please send in the name(s) to or include the names on your parish giving envelopes. We will print the names and remember them at mass on Easter Sunday. The suggested donation for altar flowers is $20.00.
Stations of the Cross
Assumption, Fridays of Lent, immediately following the 8:00am Mass.
St. Boniface, Monday of Lent, immediately following the 12:10pm Mass.
Opportunities for Reconciliation
Saturdays, 4:15pm-4:45pm
Reconciliation Monday, Apr 11, 4:30pm -6pm & 6:30pm-8pm
St. Boniface
Wednesdays, following the 12:10pm Mass and Sundays, 5:15pm
Reconciliation Monday, Apr 11, 1pm-3pm
Upcoming Dates/Events
First Friday, April 1
First Saturday, April 2, 9am Mass at ABVM
Spring Cleaning @ABVM April 9, 10am-1pm
Palm Sunday, April 10
Reconciliation Monday, April 11
Easter Sunday, April 17
Joan Sexton Memorial Women in the Church Lecture
- April 24, 12:30pm, StB
Baptism Sunday, April 24 ABVM & StB
Outdoor Coffee Hr, May 1 following 11:15am Mass, StB
First Friday, May 6
First Saturday, Mass 9am, ABVM
Concert, May 8, 3pm, StB
Baptism Sunday, May 15, StB
St. Philip’s Feast Day, May 26
First Friday, June 3
First Saturday Mass, 9am Mass, ABVM
Mass of Rededication, Feast of St. Boniface June 5, 11:15am Vespers & Lecture, June 5, 3pm, StB
First Communions, June 11/12
Baptism Sunday, June 26, 9:30am, ABVM
Mass Intentions
If you would like to request a mass for someone living or deceased, mass intentions are available for the weeks or months ahead. Email The offering is $20. Please pay by using Pushpay or by mailing a check to 64 Middagh St. Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please include the name of the deceased or a special intention request.
Candle Offering
If you would like to make an offering for the weekly (8 day) sanctuary candle at either parish please email Eight Day candle - $10 and Votive candles (1.00) can also be arranged.
The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:
64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201