Your City At Work

August 1, 2023

Join Us for River Talks 2023

Free Educational Series Begins August 9

You're invited to join us for River Talks 2023, a free series of presentations and tours for community members to learn more about our river, watershed, fireshed, and other related topics. The talks begin on August 9 and continue through the end of the month (see schedule below). Hope to see you there!

The River Talks series is sponsored by the City of Santa Fe and the Santa Fe River Commission.

Planning for Our Future, Water Planning in New Mexico

Wednesday, August 9, 6PM | Water History Museum (1209 Canyon Rd)

Statewide water planning for New Mexico is managed by the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission. This talk will describe the three efforts presently underway through that program: 50-Year Water Planning, a review of the 2018 State Water Plan, and implementation of the recently passed Water Security Planning Act.

Learn About Santa Fe County’s Green Initiatives

Saturday, August 12, 10AM | Santa Fe County Fairgrounds (229 Rodeo Rd)

The Santa Fe County Sustainability Division will share information regarding their Climate Action Plan and the incorporation of Nature Based Solutions including stormwater capture and infiltration, and surface water contamination reduction strategies throughout the County. This event will feature green stormwater infrastructure installations (GSI) which are successfully capturing thousands of gallons of water and passively irrigating a rose garden, several new plantings and a beautiful new tree demo garden.

Environmental Flows and the Santa Fe River

Wednesday, August 16, 6PM | Water History Museum (1209 Canyon Rd)

This talk will describe the natural flow regime in the context of environmental flow science: how much water does a river need to support an ecosystem? The Santa Fe River Living River flow will be used as an example of an environmental flow release.

Santa Fe River Repairs, One Year Later

Saturday, August 19, 10AM | Ricardo Pedestrian Bridge (off of Ricardo Rd)

Join John Critchfield of William J. Miller Engineers and Zoe Isaacson from the City of Santa Fe on a tour of the Santa Fe River Repair Project, one year later. We'll discuss how the project area has rebounded and lessons learned, starting at the Ricardo Pedestrian Bridge and work downstream looking at key project components along the way. Bring some good walking shoes and come prepared with questions and curiosity.

Fire Ecology of the Santa Fe Fireshed

Wednesday, August 23, 6PM | Water History Museum (1209 Canyon Rd)

Fire played an important ecological role across ecosystems in the Santa Fe Fireshed for centuries until fire was stopped in the late 1800s.This talk will discuss the historical role of fire across the elevation gradient and how the removal of this important ecological process has affected the different ecosystems.

The History of the Santa Fe River

Saturday, August 26, 10AM | Water History Museum (1209 Canyon Rd)

An overview of the legal history of the Santa Fe River in the 19th and 20th centuries, its uses, misuses, and continued importance to the City and its residents.

Fire Adapted Communities in the Santa Fe Fireshed

Wednesday, August 30, 6PM | Water History Museum (1209 Canyon Rd)

The Greater Santa Fe Fireshed is an area designated as critical to the health and safety of the citizens of Santa Fe and a priority in reducing the ecological and economic hazards posed by wildfires. Listen to Porfirio Chavarria, Wildland-Urban Interface Specialist for the City of Santa Fe Fire Department, explain the Cohesive Strategy and discuss the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition priorities, and learn about what it means to be a Fire Adapted Community and how you can live with fire.

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