"The blessing of unity still dwells amongst us and oh what a blessing, it should make all else pass into nothing…this is the spirit…indeed the true spirit of Mercy flowing in us," The Venerable Catherine McAuley.

September 24, 2024

Happy Mercy Day! On this day, we honor both the beginning of Mercy and the ways in which the charism of Mercy continues to inspire people to live faithful lives of contemplation and action. In 1827, Catherine McAuley opened the first House of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland. Today, we celebrate our rich legacy as we strive to be shining lamps of God's light through our Mercy Education Core Values: Compelled By Mercy, Educational Courage, Inspired By Faith, Principled Leadership, and A Voice For Dignity and Respect.

Prayer for Mercy Day

by Sister Carolyn McWatters, RSM

Creator of all, today we gather to celebrate Mercy Day. We recognize with gratitude the seeds of mercy that Catherine planted which continue to yield healthy harvests. We know you care for the lilies of the field, the birds of the air, and all you have created with tender love. Help us to bring your tender mercy to all we meet, nurturing people and relationships as a gardener cares for the fledgling shoots. May we embrace Pope Francis’ call for a “revolution of tenderness,” learning to use our eyes to see the other, our ears to hear the other. Bestow on us the grace to be bearers of your mercy, tenderness and love.

We thank you God for the gift of this day. Amen.