Every day, our neighbors are fighting with all they've got to make ends meet. In United Way's interactive 30|30 Experience, you'll navigate 30 days of difficult, often life-altering decisions.

We invite you to this eye-opening 90-minute virtual session on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 at 10 a.m. CST

(You will be engaged in activity for the entirety of the session.)

Registration closes 24 hours before the event. 

Are You Up For The Challenge?

Location: Online

Cost: Free - Sponsored by the United Way of Southeast Iowa

Date & Time: Wednesday, April 17th @ 10:00am CST

In real-life scenarios, you’ll experience in 90 riveting minutes what day-to-day life is really like for the working poor as you navigate 30 days of difficult, often life-altering decisions by assuming the identity of a parent in a low-income household.


Workplaces, groups, and individuals can participate in the 30|30 Experience.


“You will interactively walk in the shoes of a head of family who is asset-limited, income-constrained, employed (ALICE) and the daily real-world decisions they make in a month. It was stressful and made me feel anxious at the end of the simulated month, but I have a greater appreciation of how resilient an ALICE family must be. It was very impactful, and I think you will get a lot out of the experience.”

– United Way board member

"It was great because, for those who have never had to live this scenario – it can be an eye-opener and impactful to look at people living this real-life scenario – not to be so judgmental and give a better understanding that sometimes, no matter how hard you work and try, it still may never be enough.”

– CareFirst employee

Download the ALICE in Iowa Report
ALICE in Iowa Research Center

ALICE in Southeast Iowa




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