Georgia Department of Public Health 

Matters of Interest for Assisted Living Facilities and Personal Care Homes

Friday, September 23, 2022

11 a.m. - 12 p.m. EST     


Join us for the Georgia Department of Public Health Strike & Support Team Office Hours.

This session is for non-skilled nursing facilities (non-SNFs). Office hours are your opportunity to come and learn, share, vent and more! 

Find out updates on infection prevention, clinical protocols and ideas for new tools and resources. This is your chance is to access subject matter experts on infection control and clinical practice in long term care. 

Come prepared to pose your questions to subject matter experts and learn from your peers about their best practices and their barriers.


Register and join us to learn more on Friday, September 23 at 11 a.m.


Teresa Fox, M.ED. MT(ASCP), CIC

Infection Preventionist

Georgia Department of Public Health

Regina Howard, BSN, RN, CIC

Infection Preventionist

Georgia Department of Public Health


These virtual meetings are the beginning of a new partnership between
Georgia Department of Public Health, the University of Georgia and
Alliant Health Solutions. 
This material was prepared by Alliant Health Solutions, under contract with the Georgia Department of Public Health as made possible through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

Our mailing address is:

Alliant Health Solutions
1455 Lincoln Pkwy
Suite 800
Atlanta, GA 30346