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Housing Services Newsletter
March 3, 2022 |
Join our community partner meetings

The Housing Authority of Washington County (HAWC) is hosting an online meeting for community partners to learn about our MTW (Moving to Work) Activity proposals for 2022-2023, including important changes to some of our housing authority programs.

We are sharing the proposed 2022 PHA Plan (Public Housing Authority) and MTW documents for public review and comment. The 45-day public comment period runs February 14 through March 30, 2022. The Housing Authority Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on the proposed Plans on Tuesday, April 5th. More information about that meeting can be found here.

A couple highlights include:
  • Exploring ways to simplify rent calculations and recertification for our program participants 
  • Setting aside housing vouchers for families experiencing homelessness in partnership with a local school district
Please join us for one of two virtual meetings for community partners to learn more about our proposals. Both meetings will cover the same information. To help with planning, please RSVP here.
Friday, March 11
3 to 4 p.m.
Or call: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 863 6463 9304
Tuesday, March 15
9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Or call: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 893 0714 2196
We will have Spanish interpretation services available at the meeting. To request translation services in other languages, please email Melissa Sonsalla by Monday, March 7th. If you are unable to attend these meetings and would like additional information about proposals, please feel free to contact Melissa Sonsalla.

If you interact with residents who receive housing choice vouchers or live in public housing please encourage them to attend our resident meetings linked here.
The Washington County Department of Housing Services was formed in 1992 to administer housing activities and programs of the county and the Washington County Housing Authority. The mission of the Department of Housing Services is to provide a continuum of affordable housing options that promotes community strength. The department offers rental assistance to low-income households through various federally funded programs, creates affordable housing opportunities in the community for low- and moderate-income households through a combination of creative financing and partnerships with public and private entities and administers programs to address homelessness including A Road Home: Washington County’s 10-year Plan to End Homelessness and the new Supportive Housing Services program.