Greetings, Prospective Ujima Royalty!
Myriam, thank you for considering Pasadena City College as one of your educational choices.
I am reaching out to you on behalf of PCC’s Ujima Program Pathway, which was created to enhance African American student achievement and academic success.
The benefits of joining Ujima include:
- Priority registration
- Access to the Black Student Success Center
- Dedicated classes and teachers (starting in Summer '22)
- Robust connections to the Ujima family and our friends
- Cultural events and activities
- Dedicated academic counselors
- Committed academic coaches
- Scholarships
- Community internships
- Spring college campus tour and much more
The Ujima staff are committed to providing a family atmosphere, culturally centered curriculum, and access to counselors, faculty, and peer accountability leaders.
Join the Ujima family by completing our application below!