July 4th 2013 at Hollyhock Lane!
On Thursday morning, July 4th, we will gather at 8:00 am in Ottawa Hills. Look for "suffragists," the gaudy yellow and purple GGRWHC banner, or Willy, our suffragist dog! Parading has always mixed just plain fun with serious business. At the same time we honor the political efforts of Grand Rapids women a century ago, we use their parade model to advertise the mission of the GGRWHC today. Visible ourselves, we make our forebears visible. So join in the fun with GGRWHC--and the politicians and the fire trucks and the kids on bikes!
You can use our "Votes for Women" signs, pennants, and sashes. If you can, dress in something that looks vintage--"looks" being the operative term. For women, maybe a high-collar white blouse, a white or black skirt, and a hat (nice, but not necessary); for men, as much white as you have. You can borrow a boater from us. Ideally, marchers wear white to contrast with the purple sashes. But wear what you like and join the parade. Push a stroller or be pushed in a wheelchair. If you can, bring some wrapped hard candy to throw--and plan for fun!
The Hollyhock Lane neighborhood parade began in 1934 and has featured major politicians and National Guard trucks as well as neighborhood kids and the Hollymock Band. (See links at the bottom.) Paraders throw candy and hand out brochures for a festive time-then gather in Hollyhock Lane for a brief program. Join us--and Chris Byron and Tom Wilson's terrier Willy--as a great way to begin the holiday!
OVERVIEW: Hollyhock Lane Parade: Thursday, July 4, 2013
With questions, please e-mail to info@ggrwhc.org or call (616) 574-7307. Rain? Right now weather reports look good. Our paper posters will not stand up to rain, however, so watch the sky-or call 443-4946 that morning.
8:00: Participants meet on the east side of Calvin on the parkway between Alexander and the alley, Hollyhock Lane, in Ottawa Hills. If you get lost that morning, call 443-4946.
8:30: Parade begins: north on Calvin to Franklin, to Pontiac, south on Iroquois to Alexander, north on Giddings to the alley behind 847 Giddings
9:00: Ceremonies follow immediately in "Hollyhock Lane," the alleyway between Giddings and Calvin. Attorney and local actor Jon March will be the 2013 speaker. Meet the neighborhood's Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam!
For past media information about the Hollyhock Lane July 4th Parade, scroll down our homepage: www.ggrwhc.org. |
and helps offset the expenses associated with research and programming presented each year. Your membership helps to set the record straight on the women who've made history here in our community. |
Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Vanderveen Center for the Book at the Grand Rapids Public Library. If you have suggestions for programs, oral histories or other items, please email us at info@ggrwhc.org or plan to attend a meeting.
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