Sunday Worship at 10am

Location: Monkey Wrench Brewing

3425 Martin Farm Rd., Suwanee, GA 30024

Good News Family & Friends, 

Please take a moment to read (or watch) these important announcements for Sunday and the next couple of weeks. NOTE: We are meeting for worship this Sunday at Monkey Wrench Brewing! 


10AM - Breakfast, Connection & Worship

We are back meeting at Monkey Wrench Brewing this Sunday, August 14 (10am).for breakfast, connection, and worship! Feel free to bring breakfast food to share (if you'd like). We'll have the coffee. Dogs are welcome, too! 

12PM - Lunch after Church

Enjoying a meal together is the easiest way to connect and get to know other people. We've picked 3 locations (see below), but each location needs a "host" (i.e., someone who'll commit to having lunch and connecting with others at that location). If you're willing to host, reply to this email to let Drue know.

5PM -  The "Good News Story"

Come join us for a fun evening of dinner, connection, and story! We'll tell you how Good News Church started, what we’re about, where we’re going, what we believe, and, how you can connect as a covenant partner. Dinner is included, so it would be helpful if you could RSVP to 


Quote of the Week

"It’s impossible to love someone you disagree with when you secretly believe they need Jesus more than you do." - Scott Sauls

Verse of the Week

All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead because of our sins, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved). - Ephesians 2:3-5



To view this week's announcements and details, click here.

NEW! Drue's Sermon Notes

We're hoping to start posting sermon notes (and possibly audio). Stay tuned. To access Drue's sermon notes from this past Sunday, Aug. 7, click here

INVITE A FRIEND: Dads On Tap - Tuesday, August 22 (7pm)

We’ve invited a panel of 3 local school guidance counselors who will give insight and answer questions about the challenges our kids (elementary, middle, high school, and college) are facing at school and how we, as dads, can best help our kids navigate these challenging waters.

INVITE A FRIEND: Women's "Paint & Sip" - Tuesday, August 23 (6:30pm - 9pm)

This event will be at Art for Life (3616 S. Bogan Rd., #102, Buford, GA 30519). Cost is $35. Feel free to bring your beverage of choice (alcohol or non-alcohol) and a creative mind. To RSVP, contact Cindi Davis at 

NEW! Hymns & Hops - Sunday, August 28 (7pm) 

Join us on Sunday, August 28 (7pm - 8:30pm) for the 3rd Hymns & Hops ATL at Blackbird Farms Brewery (Lilburn). For details and to reserve your spot, click here.

Sugar Hill Elementary "Good News Club" (2022-2023)

Good News Club is an after-school Bible club that our church sponsors at Sugar Hill Elementary. It's a lot of fun and will meet on Tuesdays (2:30pm - 4:30pm) starting September 20th. Volunteering is easy, fun, and great for adults, high school, and college aged students. We're building our volunteer team for the 2022-2023 school year, so if you're curious and/or interested, contact Jennifer Campbell at 770-364-3795 or 

NEW! Half Hour Hero Mentoring @ Sugar Hill Elementary

There are lots of elementary students who could really benefit from having a positive adult influence in their lives. Being a Half Hour Hero is easy, impactful, and rewarding. For 30 minutes a week, you can come in and connect with an elementary school student in the morning or during lunch. Drue has been a Half Hour Hero for 12 years and is volunteering again this year. Feel free to contact him at or 404-906-9117 for questions, info, or interest in volunteering.



The vision of Good News Church GA is "to experience and express LOVE from God to others." The verse that undergirds our vision is Galatians 5:5b, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” We value people, community, relationships, prayer, and Bible reading. We also value being able to be yourself. We’re all struggling with something, so there’s no need to pretend that we have it all together.


The mission of Good News Church GA is "to connect with people and build relationships through community workshops, neighborhood-focused ministry, serving local needs, mentoring, and worship."

Need a daily Bible reading plan? Drue's favorite is the Bible in One Year APP



Good News Church GA is dreaming big and taking action! This is just the beginning, but we can't do it without financial support. Good News Church GA is a 501(c)3 non-profit, so all contributions are tax deductible. If you'd like to support what God is doing through this brand new church, you can give online here. You can also give on Sundays or mail a check payable to "Good News Church GA" to 5879 Hillside Farm Rd., Sugar Hill, GA 30518.

Grateful for you!


404-906-9117 (cell)

Good News Church

229-262-3370 (office)

Good News Church | Website                    To financially support Good News Church GA, click here